

Reaction score
SW United States
Soon after I joined there was a great party when CR hit 3,000. Only 150 to go till the next party...huh Brian ?

The term "growing like Topsy" comes to mind , although I have no idea who "Topsy" was . But I'm sure somebody here will.

1,000 wasn't all that long ago...

but when I look at the member list it lists 608...

appears maybe it takes 5 posts to make the list?

And half the total posts on the board are from the 30 most verbose folks...

Like errr...you and me...and probably the next few responders...Q

And I'm guessin maybe almost half of the posts have been since you joined...

Confidentially the curve is gettin potentially exponentially....well, yeah.
A little party sounds a good idea. :)

Just a shame some of the figures are bulked up by Russian spammers. I guess we shan't invite those. :)
Glad to see the party has started...or at least in the planning stages. Flow, I think you'll make a great MC and InLove, you and your punch will lead us valiantly in the food department. I'll bring cupcakes per usual. :)

Now, wil--you know very well it was brownies...and no one knows who brought them.

Wait--there's a cupcake story?

(Sorry, too many brownies)

(Kidding on the brownies)

Snoop's talking about the SPECIAL brownies.

If I'm going to MC I'll need a couple before going on stage. But then I'll want to eat lots of cupcakes after a while, especially if they have those crunchy sprinkles on 'em.. Y'all know how them brownies work on ya'.


Should I bring something (besides the :kitty:, ferret and Luna moth delegations?) :eek:

A little side-note: how many members would we have if we didn't count all of the spammers (not just the Russian spam "machine")? I'm just curious :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Soon after I joined there was a great party when CR hit 3,000. Only 150 to go till the next party...huh Brian ?

The term "growing like Topsy" comes to mind , although I have no idea who "Topsy" was . But I'm sure somebody here will.


Growing? Half of them are no doubt Spam robots :D and so on... There is no way 4,000 REAL people on here... Active I would say you have around 30 MAX memebers not 4,000..... lol.
Growing? Half of them are no doubt Spam robots :D and so on... There is no way 4,000 REAL people on here... Active I would say you have around 30 MAX memebers not 4,000..... lol.
Over 100 have made over 100 posts, over 200 have made more than 50. Not all are as prolific as you or I, many read and post now and then. There are obviously many times I shouldn't post...but do.