Help Required!!!


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Glasgow, Scotland
I'm very interested in Philosophy as I believe everyone is at one point in their life. I've tried reading some works by kant and other philosophers but for someone just starting out its something that completely goes over my head. Could anyone give me some online texts that give some key aspects of Philosophy. As I have not studied enough to be familiar with specific branches of Philosophy just anything would do. Thank you.
I've always benefited greatly from the thoughts of Eric Hoffer, a mid 20th century philosopher who worked as a longshoreman in San Francisco much of his life. He wrote in common language, but his ideas are timeless.

You might like to peruse a copy of Will Durant's The Story of Philososphy, it's a classic and an easy read.


Here's a link for you. It will give you a good survey of his work in some detail.

One of my favorite quotes which appears on the Hoffer website is "Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves."

The Eric Hoffer Resource

I've always benefited greatly from the thoughts of Eric Hoffer, a mid 20th century philosopher who worked as a longshoreman in San Francisco much of his life. He wrote in common language, but his ideas are timeless.


I have a well worn copy of The True Believer.

Wiki is an excellent resource on philosophy.

neitzche is the only philosopher who's actually a joy to read, and he'll make u laugh...hopefully... well, he makes me laugh...
hello there, if you put krishnamurti into a google search in the video category you'll get a sit back and put your feet up intro into the teachings, alternatively there are many sites with text excerpts, j....bookwise i would highly recommend freedom from the known or krishnamurtis notebook.