Jesus, Mahdi both coming,


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In New Year's greeting to Christians worldwide asks what Christ would do if he were here today

In a greeting to the world's Christians for the coming new year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he expects both Jesus and the Shiite messianic figure, Imam Mahdi, to return and "wipe away oppression."

"I wish all the Christians a very happy new year and I wish to ask them a question as well," said Ahmadinejad, according to an Iranian Student News Agency report cited by

"My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today?..."

In New Year's greeting to Christians worldwide asks what Christ would do if he were here today

In a greeting to the world's Christians for the coming new year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he expects both Jesus and the Shiite messianic figure, Imam Mahdi, to return and "wipe away oppression."

"I wish all the Christians a very happy new year and I wish to ask them a question as well," said Ahmadinejad, according to an Iranian Student News Agency report cited by

"My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today?..."

there is only one answer to that one,
And in the days of those kings (human rulership)the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms,(manmade goverments) and it itself will stand to times indefinite Daniel 2;44 and what most people dont realize is that this kingdom has already been established in the heavens in 1914 ,and Jesus has already been made the king of this heavenly kingdom ,his presence in kingdom power has been here since 1914 and his followers are making the GOODNEWS known on A WORLDWIDE BASIS............. and when THE ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH gives Jesus the command , he will go into action to crush all manmade goverments . but first the great tribulation will start, and the start of the great tribulation means THE END OF FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR .So Jesus followers are doing the will of God and that includes GOODNEWS about the established heavenly kingdom , matthw 24;14 but also a warning work to point people to a warning in the bible which tells about the end of False religion revelation 18; just because we cannot see Jesus with our litral eyes does not mean that Jesus presence is not here because it most certainly is here ...
Actually assembled Christendom in 1843 (at least the Protestant International Missionary Society) announced that the Gospel had been preached unto all nations.

"My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today?..."

No one uses crusfixation anymore; but if the Lord were to come back for the first time today, they'd use it for Him. They didnt like Him then and they wouldnt now. If you're talking about Him coming the Second Time, oh wow...He'd be unstoppable. All those who spurned His grace would be running in horror for fear of the Lamb's great wrath.

Originally Posted by BlaznFattyz
"My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today?..."

No one uses crusfixation anymore; but if the Lord were to come back for the first time today, they'd use it for Him. They didnt like Him then and they wouldnt now. If you're talking about Him coming the Second Time, oh wow...He'd be unstoppable. All those who spurned His grace would be running in horror for fear of the Lamb's great wrath.
The thinking that he isn't present in the world today confuses me. As well as the statement that we would choose to crucify him...but that does make a little more sense as we prefer currently to 'crucify' anyone that preaches peace and goes against the machine of war and intolerance.
The thinking that he isn't present in the world today confuses me. As well as the statement that we would choose to crucify him...but that does make a little more sense as we prefer currently to 'crucify' anyone that preaches peace and goes against the machine of war and intolerance.
it makes sense from Ahmadinejad's pov and why he said what he said, since i'm assuming he doesn't believe that god is three persons, so if the holy spirit is not present to him, then christ is not present either, but christians know that is not the case.
it makes sense from Ahmadinejad's pov and why he said what he said, since i'm assuming he doesn't believe that god is three persons, so if the holy spirit is not present to him, then christ is not present either, but christians know that is not the case.

Indeed, while the grace of the Holy Spirit's presense is here with man, the last days are held back in check.

One of the interesting things about other faiths is they seem to have to include the presense of Jesus along with their own prophet, while Christianity needs no other but Jesus' presense...
Hmmm from that article.

"When the Mahdi returns, they contend, he will reign on Earth for 7 years before bringing about a final judgement and the end of the world."

That sounds like someone from Christianity also.
Actually assembled Christendom in 1843 (at least the Protestant International Missionary Society) announced that the Gospel had been preached unto all nations.

so what is the Gospel?
"Gospel" means "good news," and in these last days the GOODNEWS about the kingdom is being made known , matthew 24;14 the Goodnews is that the newly inthroned king Jesus christ has been given the kingship of the newly established heavenly kingdom goverment Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14yes its all happening in this time of the end , the end of manmade goverments is just around the corner and if we want to put our trust in the best goverment we have to recognize the newly inthroned king of Gods heavenly kingdom goverment and that is Jesus. he is the one with the legal right to the kingdom , so we do not have to put our trust in manmade goverments because they miss the mark of perfection in a very big way. and they are on the way out for good.
Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,

Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs psalm 146;3

i"My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today?..."

he would be directing his followers , to give out Goodnews about his kingship matthew 24;14and giving them lots of good healthy spiritual food , matthew 24;45-47 and he would be opening up the scriptures to them so that they could have a better understanding about all of the prophecies in the bible . Daniel 12;4 and Jesus would be doing all of these things to his followers because in the past they had proved themselves to be very faithful to him . and Jesus blesses those who remain faithful to him . but Jesus has also got some other ones who he is happy with, these ones are other ones spoken about in John 10;16 and they are just as willing to be listening to Jesus as the little flock of followers are . luke 12;32 and these ones are quite happy to be fed the food that Jesus is giving to the faithful ones. and these other ones are brimming over with lots of good healthy food stuffs, and they inturn are quite willing to share all this good spiritual food with anyone who is willing to eat it . but it seems that not every one wants good food , they would rather take in rubbish stuff which in the end will effect their health and could even lead to their death . i like to take in good healthy spiritual food because the food that Jesus gives out will eventually cure me of all sin .
And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations.
revelation 22;1-2 yes this good food from Jesus will eventually cure the nations from all of their ills . provisions from Jesus will eventually give us everlasting life . bring it on . and yes Jesus presence has been with us since 1914 when he was given the kingship , so all of these things are already happening for those who are willing to take it in . thrilling times indeed dont you think?