Thought worthy of pondering...

"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" implies that the Sabbath was made for the benefit of man, for his use, and not vice versa. Man is not the slave of the Sabbath.

So Prober...Does it matter which day is observed as Sabbath, or is any seventh day good? Like, if I start on Tuesday, then Monday would be my Sabbath. Or if I were to start my work week on Monday, then Sunday would be my Sabbath. Is that right?


I believe...

God "rested" on the seventh day of creation and asked that we do likewise to honor him as the creator. Resting on Sabbath is (or should have been) a weekly "ceremony" since the beginning of time.

This day is Saturday.

As God's example suggests, it does matter which day we keep.

I wouldn't beat anybody over the head with this. For me, it's a cool thing (once you get used to it). I look forward to turning off the TV on Friday night, having the house all clean and settled, sitting quietly reading, being with the church on Sabbath, having pot luck lunch, taking a nature walk and in general making a quiet space in my noisy week.

Sunday, of course, is for GOLF!:)

We should worship God every day - it's just that Sabbath is special. Yeah, it's a ceremonial thing.
I got the sabbath thang....just wondering how we bounce back and forth between 'days' of creation not being days and then the sabbath being a is metaphor the other is not....
I got the sabbath thang....just wondering how we bounce back and forth between 'days' of creation not being days and then the sabbath being a is metaphor the other is not....

Well...I believe that creation was accomplished in six literal days (and that the world is only about 6000 years old, etc.) so no problem there.

I know it may sound silly or ignorant, but I just choose to follow what God shows me and trust that he has an explanation which I'll know in his good time.

I keep an open mind, of course, and welcome other ideas...

But the Law is a reflection of His Holiness. Sure, the Law was made for Man, but to teach Him about God's righteousness...and our obvious inability to keep it. It is our schoolmaster to bring us to that realization and therefore to Christ. The two Laws of Summation is the highest ideal. It sums up the character of God...that God is Love. The fulfillment of the Law is enacted through the Spirit of God in our lives when we are born again of the Spirit. the Law becomes written in our hearts, in our conscience.

That was nicely said! I agree with all you said!

Seems you are giving a contradiction here. On one hand you are saying that God's love is not a self-seeking love, but then you say that God chooses to love for His Own Glory. Am I missing something here?

Yes. You're missing the point - namely if you were all glorious, all inspiring, all loving, all beauty, all wonderful, all sublime, all everything infinite and great, the most loving thing for you to do would be to get people's attention. Here, I'll let John Piper tell it in this very short audio clip. After the clip, you should have a better understanding of what I'm trying to say and should at least see to some degree, God's glory, as it is bound up in the enjoyment of His creation inasmuch that when we are fully satisfied in God, God is therefore fully Glorified in us, were He gets the glory and we the joy - best of both worlds. Please listen.

So it is nonsense to believe that God doesn't hold a special place in His heart for Man. He created something special. The only thing that keeps us from being who He wants us to be is our sin. That is why He loves the sinner (Man), but hates the sin. He looks at sin like it is a disease, which it is. He has pity for His creation, He loves His creation and will die for it's cure. I think it is folly to think that there is only sin in the sinner, for God sees the potential in us, if we would only be willing to be restored. His judgement isn't on the sin, but rather our refusal to be made right.

I think you missed my point. Yes, God does Love us with an awesome and mighty love. But again, its not due to anything in us. In the Sinner, there is nothing but sin. How can I say that? Well, note Romans 14:23...Whatever is not done in faith is sin.
Couple that with Isa. 64:6..."There is none righteous and all our works are as filty menstration rags." The issue here isnt that we are sinners because we sin, but that we sin because we are sinners." Moreover, the issue is that before Christ, we have no good and all we did was sin because it was never in faith or to God's glory. Remember..."whatever you do, wether you eat or drink, do it to the glory of God." Anything less is sin and evil. This is God's holiness and perfection revealed. I know...I know, it clashes with our mind that says, "this is too high and too much" but that is what God says to us. God's choice in loving us is NOT from anything in us, but on His own choice to love us. Do not image that God looks down on sinners crying over them saying "Please choose me, I'm better than sex and parties and drugs and whatever else you like." Thats not far from, if not itself, blasphemy! God is self-satified and complete within Himself. He does all things to the praise and glory of His own name. He knows His sheep, and is satified. Lastly, according to scripture, God's judgement IS on sin! He hates it more than you hate the worse thing that is ugly and detestable to you.

...I came for the scribes and the pharisees, but they wouldn't dance and they wouldn't follow me, I danced for the fishermen, for james and john, they came with me and the dance went on dance then, whoever u will be, for I am the Lord of the dance said he, and I lead u all, wherever u may be, and I lead u all in the dance said he...
...I came for the scribes and the pharisees, but they wouldn't dance and they wouldn't follow me, I danced for the fishermen, for james and john, they came with me and the dance went on dance then, whoever u will be, for I am the Lord of the dance said he, and I lead u all, wherever u may be, and I lead u all in the dance said he...

That song makes me LARF :D I was trying to aquire it to do this 'thing' on a web cam show I host... It is called "lord of the dance" right? But who sings it?
wil said:
I got the sabbath thang....just wondering how we bounce back and forth between 'days' of creation not being days and then the sabbath being a is metaphor the other is not....

Perhaps the metaphor is reciprocal?

Francis king said: dance then, whoever u will be, for I am the Lord of the dance said he, and I lead u all, wherever u may be, and I lead u all in the dance said he...

Love that tune....


Edited to add: We gotta stop meeting like this, Angel. ;) :)
17th Angel said:
I was trying to aquire it to do this 'thing' on a web cam show I host... It is called "lord of the dance" right? But who sings it?

I have it somewhere on one of those old casette tape thingies--taped it off the radio back in the (you guessed it) the 80's. Can't remember the name of the singer at the moment. Hmmmm.....might have to see the script before I divulge any information! ;) :D

I have it somewhere on one of those old casette tape thingies--taped it off the radio back in the (you guessed it) the 80's. Can't remember the name of the singer at the moment. Hmmmm.....might have to see the script before I divulge any information! ;) :D


It's all in... *cough* good taste... As sadam would say: "heeey come on fellah reeeelax! Trust me buddeh!" (southpark)