Yoga in school poses a problem for Christian mom


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VANCOUVER -- Chelsea Brears's son came home from school the other day and showed his mom what he learned in class.

The Grade 6 pupil clasped his hands together in front of his chest, stretched into a yoga pose and chanted. The 10-year-old had learned about yoga in his Kersley Elementary School just outside of Quesnel that day. He thought it was simply stretches. His mother thought differently.

Mrs. Brears said yesterday that, as a Christian, she believes that yoga is a religion and, if Christianity is not allowed to be taught in school, neither should any other kind. She has requested that the local school board and Education Minister Shirley Bond look into removing the yoga stretches from classrooms...

"Someone who practices yoga may not necessarily believe in reincarnation, Prof. Stebner said, and many people practise it as a physical activity to de-stress their lives."​
This point, from the article, needs emphasis. Doing yoga does not necessarily mean one believes anything except that it can be a healthy practice. We can slice this issue two hundred ways from Sunday, but I think we're beating a dead horse.

Blazn, it would help if you could frame the question worth discussing. The only one I see is, If there's so much fuss made about secularizing our educational system (and the workplace, shopping centers, etc.) relative to Western religion, why should Eastern traditions be any different?

And you're still going to have to face and accept that YOGA is NOT religion, and it is not A religion. It is, at best, a set of disciplines, or an approach, which can complement Eastern philosophies ... just as the hesychastic approach can be a *part of* the Christian Faith in the West. Do you think that if you become still and quiet, God is offended? If not, then why would doing a few stretches aimed at accomplishing the same thing be any more likely to offend?

Yes, we can say all day long that "Yoga is an Eastern religion," or "It teaches children about a different way of approaching Spirit(uality)." Well dear me, Heaven forbid that we should broaden our children's minds and understandings of other cultures, other faith traditions - even IF this were what is really going on, or if this were a valid argument.

This poor horse has long been dead ...

...This poor horse has long been dead...
i dont really have a question for you at this time other than to post the article for you to read, and reply if you wish. although some have commented on previous related articles, it is another recent news article regarding what many are becoming aware of in this day an age of other philosophies and practices trying to attach itself to christianity, whether it's ok or not maybe depends on many things. we can comment on a certain hypothetical scenario, but when it happens in real life with its own unique points, i think it is worth talking about again, especially since it is a current and live issue and not a dead horse.
Understood, Blazn. I think that if a public policy, or law of the land, were ever supported - much less passed - which sought to prohibit the practice of religious rituals IN CHURCHES ... *then* there would be cause for concern.

But on the flip side, if there are parents who feel that this kind of yoga asanas, or a watered-down set of yoga practices (as are usually taught in circumstances like this one), are not compatible with Christian teachings and ethics ... then let these parents write a note excusing their children from the exercises. This is, after all, nothing new, and I hardly see how a teacher could justifiably *force* a student to do yoga once excused.

I don't necessarily have an issue with yoga.
But in this age of PC madness, I would think it is fair for this mother to ask for equal treatment, if her own religion is restricted in school why not?
If the school is really concerned about not offending anyone and treat everybody equally, why not teach feldenkrais or pilates?

Otherwise what is the problem with Christ on a harmless christmas concert?
By the way, I'm just talking about fairness.
My kids are in 8th grade public school. They've always been in public school and we haven't missed a year when they haven't had a Christmas Concert with both Choir and Band. Yes today it is a holiday concert, and it includes Hebrew and Kwanzaa songs, heaven forbid.

They aren't teaching religion when they are teaching yoga stretching, they are getting the kids to move and exploring other ways.

Mountains out of mole hills...I agree.
There is nothing unhealthy with stretching one's body and meditating. It's what one is meditating on that might be unhealthy. "Mom" should teach the child to meditate on christian values while stretching body and mind. Seems to me the kid would get the best of all worlds...:rolleyes:
Mom is right and anyone that wants to delude themselves and say Yoga is not a religion or part of one need to do some serious investigations....start with what the word means itself. Its hidden agenda. Or try the thoughts of some of the Yogis around about sin and redemption.
Mom is right and anyone that wants to delude themselves and say Yoga is not a religion or part of one need to do some serious investigations....start with what the word means itself. Its hidden agenda. Or try the thoughts of some of the Yogis around about sin and redemption.

Dor, got a dictionary handy?

Try looking up the word, XENOPHOBE. Or XENO-PHOBIA.

Dear GOD!!!!

(Save us, from your followers.) :eek:


Just warn me ... if the mob ever plans to descend upon my domocile and ENLIGHTEN me in the "ways of the lord." I will be sure I'm several miles away.

Oh I can tell Im gonna have fun with this guy. *points above him*

i agree with only have to sit in the lotus to have a little devil sat on your shoulder whispering evil encouragements in your ear.....:mad:
First off I am well aware of what Xenophobe and Xenophobic means thank you. You using big words is not going to impress anyone here by the way.

I am not the least bit fearful of anything foreign or any body foreign.
Actually I know who walks with me on a daily basis so I am fearful of 1 thing only....that some poor baby christian is going to find this board and be led astray by the ,hmmm well sorry Luna I have to use the h word, heretical crap some spew on the Christianity board.

Oh and by the way welcome.
Let's try another word: paranoid

Small enough for you? You know, simple words for ... ah well

"Some poor baby christian," my friend, has perhaps not considered Christ's words:
Be ye wise, as serpents ... and harmless, as doves.
Until you can learn to do as the latter, and realize that this is EXACTLY how most people practice Yoga (otherwise with a little of the wisdom of serpents thrown in) ... then PA-LEEEEEASE, get off the "we'll protect you young fledglings" trip.

Wanna talk serpent-wisdom? Confused yet? Ask that guy "who walks with you." Either he's already raised it, or I'd be careful about just who it is that has the hidden agenda.

Having fun? ;)

Good enough, happy to amuse, happy to amuse. :p

self-righ·teous: convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic


EDIT: But please, in the interest of discussion, at least answer wil's question. (Thanks)

Meanwhile, for your edification (sorry 'bout the "big words" again), try reading Was Christ a Yogi, by Swami Abhedananda. Reading this doesn't mean you agree with a single word of it (I promise, Satan won't carry you away as expose yourself to this heresy :rolleyes:), especially with your buddy there walking with you. ;) :D :)

However, it will likely add to your perspective, and understanding - of Yoga, of Hindu approaches to & understandings of Jesus & Christianity, as well as of Christ's own teachings & practices. Unless of course, you've already mastered all this stuff. ;)
TIME magazine featured a quote from Subhas Tiwari, a professor of yoga philosophy and meditation at the Hindu University of America in Orlando, Fla.: "Yoga is Hinduism." You may read the full article from the Sept. 5, 2005 issue at:

In an article dated May 14, 2006, Darryl E. Owens of the Orlando Sentinel quoted Sannyasin Arumugaswami, managing editor of Hinduism Today. Arumugaswami said Hinduism is the soul of yoga “based as it is on Hindu Scripture and developed by Hindu sages. Yoga opens up new and more refined states of mind, and to understand them one needs to believe in and understand the Hindu way of looking at God. ... A Christian trying to adapt these practices will likely disrupt their own Christian beliefs.”

In an article entitled “An Open Letter to Evangelicals” from the January 1991 issue of Hinduism Today, Swami Sivasiva Palani writes, A small army of yoga missionaries – hatha, raja, siddha and kundalini – beautifully trained in the last 10 years, is about to set upon the western world. They may not call themselves Hindu, but Hindus know where yoga came from and where it goes.”

Well there is a start. Like I said just check everything for yourself.

Let's try another word: paranoid

Small enough for you? You know, simple words for ... ah well

"Some poor baby christian," my friend, has perhaps not considered Christ's words:
Be ye wise, as serpents ... and harmless, as doves.
Until you can learn to do as the latter, and realize that this is EXACTLY how most people practice Yoga (otherwise with a little of the wisdom of serpents thrown in) ... then PA-LEEEEEASE, get off the "we'll protect you young fledglings" trip.

Wanna talk serpent-wisdom? Confused yet? Ask that guy "who walks with you." Either he's already raised it, or I'd be careful about just who it is that has the hidden agenda.

Having fun? ;)

Good enough, happy to amuse, happy to amuse. :p

self-righ·teous: convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic


EDIT: But please, in the interest of discussion, at least answer wil's question. (Thanks)

Meanwhile, for your edification (sorry 'bout the "big words" again), try reading Was Christ a Yogi, by Swami Abhedananda. Reading this doesn't mean you agree with a single word of it (I promise, Satan won't carry you away as expose yourself to this heresy :rolleyes:), especially with your buddy there walking with you. ;) :D :)

However, it will likely add to your perspective, and understanding - of Yoga, of Hindu approaches to & understandings of Jesus & Christianity, as well as of Christ's own teachings & practices. Unless of course, you've already mastered all this stuff. ;)

My this must be Andrew under a different comes the same old we are enlightened you all are stupid attitudes. Thank you for proving points.

Also I will get back to you after I read it...because I will read it then test it against my handy dandy pocket bible.
hello dor, this is only a couple of peoples view in a world of 6 billion. they may have hijacked it from its original meaning. why must you demonise anything not christian. are you saying that all hindus are evil? it comes from a country with a deep and rich religious culture. the 2 are bound to intertwine conceptually speaking, but in reality they're only stretching exercises. do you realise just how many billion of your fellow man you're jeering at with such statements, respectfully jase
The idea that one should abandon one's own Faith (be that Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, New Age, Wiccan, or what-have-you), and somehow fork over all that one regards as Sacred and Holy ... adopting instead, the teachiings of Hinduism ... is not what is up for discussion. That Hinduism may be the "Soul of Yoga," being as how the various Yoga Schools are all certainly of Eastern origin, and based on the Vedanta Philosophy ... is also not the issue.

The question is, if one practices a given form of Yoga, or adapts certain practices - such as the stretches or asanas of hatha yoga - does this mean he or she is neglecting the Christian Faith, tradition, practices, etc? Is there, in fact, a "hidden agenda?"

The article by Swami Abhedananda makes a very good cases, or I should even say demonstrates, that by the same standards HINDUs use to judge or determine whether a person is an accomplished Yogin, Christ Jesus fit the bill on ALL COUNTS. He was accomplished as a Hatha Yogin, a Bhakti Yogin, a Karma Yogin, and a Raja Yogin. I should also point out, that he was an early exponent of what is only gradually being given to Humanity at this point: Agni Yoga (the Teaching of Living Ethics). He was, and remains in fact, it's foremost exponent!

Nor was Christ Jesus the first, or most recent, to accomplish what he accomplished ... in terms of the Yoga disciplines, specifically, but also in terms of Spiritual accomplishment, more generally.

It is of greatest interest to me, personally, to discuss & celebrate Christ's unique accomplishments, and try to discern in what ways we may emulate these ... at least, or if only, on a smaller scale - although the man did say, "Greater things than this, YE shall do ... (for I go unto the Father)." And of course, we proceeded to cut his earthly life, and Mission, short. Just imagine what might have occurred, had Humanity accepted, rather than murdered the Savior.

In my last sentence, you may - if you like - see the kindred spirit of an aspiring follower of Christ, in your midst. Christ has always taught me (and us, if I recall correctly), to welcome those of other mindsets, of other spiritual disciplines, and even of other religious backgrounds altogether, to break bread with Him ... and although I dare say it is difficult sometimes to put our feet where He put His, this is still, imho, what I think we are all Called for.

It's just that Christ calls us each, in our own (or HIS own) Way ... and John 10:16 speaks to this.

In Christ,

~Zagreus, Andrew, Taijasi ... whatever you like

(And if I come off sounding like "I am enlightened, you are in error," then you already know - by my attitude - that I am not. Actions often speak louder than words, so in the least, I should speak less, and do more. Does this mean that those who seek to Witness in Christ's Name - whatever their chosen denomination or path - should abandon their calling, until they are perfect? Certainly not. Do not ask this, then, of your Brother, who is equally imperfect, whatever path I choose to walk. I believe that there is but One Christ, Who walks with us all. And He has His Masters, who likewise bring Love and Light to the world ... and They their disciples, who also do so as best they are able. All serve the One Purpose, whether or not this is immediately clear. In John 10:16, it shines for me, like the Sun. :))
63:6 When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.

(King James Bible, Psalms)

77:12 I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.

(King James Bible, Psalms)

119:15 I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

(King James Bible, Psalms)

Blessed is the man that doth meditate good things in wisdom,
and that reasoneth of holy things by his understanding.

(Deuterocanonical Apocrypha, Sirach)
hello dor, this is only a couple of peoples view in a world of 6 billion. they may have hijacked it from its original meaning. why must you demonise anything not christian. are you saying that all hindus are evil? it comes from a country with a deep and rich religious culture. the 2 are bound to intertwine conceptually speaking, but in reality they're only stretching exercises. do you realise just how many billion of your fellow man you're jeering at with such statements, respectfully jase

Doubt it is only a couple of peoples view.
I did not demonize it. I did not say Hindus were evil(did not imply they were evil).

In reality it is not just streatching excersises...look at just the name.
Look at all the yoga classes, centers, books, websites it is not just a stretching exercise.

I did not imply anyone was evil just that it was not christian.

But the whole meaning of the post. It should not be taught in school.