Hair... Advice?

17th Angel

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I have black/red hair... Medium length-ish, I am wishing to dye my fringe bright red, so I should get a blonde highlighter kit, dye down the fringe blonde, well leave it for like an hour so white.... Then buy my black/red hair dye and do my whole head.. Which will give me a red fringe.....

Can someone confirm that? heh.


Also under the length of my hair, I shave my head down to a grade one.... (I tend to wear hair in a top knot....) Can you dye hair that is that short? If I did that red would it be effective or not noticable?
Hey Angel--

I was a hair stylist for many years, but I have been out of the business for a while. There are so many new products out there--I don't know their properties. If you are going to double-process, then why not go to a salon and let a pro do it? I don't know how dark your darkest hair is, but often it is difficult to pull it up past a red even with many bleaching kits (which I guess wouldn't be a problem if you are going all red anyway.) There's always the possiblity of overprocessing, though, depending on the products you use.

Probably not much help, right?

I have this thing... Never, never pay someone to do something I can do. :)

It's fairly dark.... If I just dyed it red then it would be like it already is... The only thing I am thinking with going blonde and then red, is that it will come out pink... *shruggs* I like pink, I guess I could live with that..

I thought we spoke English on this site...someone will need to translate all this for me.

We do, I guess some of us just cannot -read- English... :)
The only thing I am thinking with going blonde and then red, is that it will come out pink...

I think you will get red--I just don't know if it will be really bright. Red is really a lot easier to achieve than pink.

(Heh-heh: Please refer to above disclaimer. ;) )

"If you don't look good, we don't look good." --Vidal Sasoon

"If you don't look good, it's not our fault" --Saturday Night Live


P.S. (I like the pink, anyway, Angel!)
I have black/red hair... Medium length-ish, I am wishing to dye my fringe bright red, so I should get a blonde highlighter kit, dye down the fringe blonde, well leave it for like an hour so white.... Then buy my black/red hair dye and do my whole head.. Which will give me a red fringe.....
Can someone confirm that? heh.


Also under the length of my hair, I shave my head down to a grade one.... (I tend to wear hair in a top knot....) Can you dye hair that is that short? If I did that red would it be effective or not noticable?

I have no idea what you are talking about, as far as I can see you have pink hair.
Regarding the hair, perhaps you should choose a color that is contrasting with your purple eyes. Don't forget the mohican detail.

I dyed my hair green a couple times when I was younger. I have very dark brown hair, and underneath it is red. That's why my beard is so red; doesn't have the same brown in it the hair on the top of my hair does. If you want it bright red you'll have to bleach it, and bleaching it to white is the best way to go. You have to make sure you don't bleach too long, but also not too short. If you take off the bleach you can't reapply it without burning your scalp. From there I'd suggest something like manic panic, which does come in some verrry red colors. Only thing with manic panic is it's semi-permanent so if you want to maintain vibrant colors, eventually you'll have to reapply. My hair started out looking bright green, like fresh, healthy grass on a well-groomed lawn. But after some time passed it looked like I'd spent too much time in the pool.

Dauer exciting !

Did you know that an excellent film was made in, I believe, 1947 titled, The Boy With Green Hair ? It is truly enlightening, and it was the first lead role for a young 7 or 8 year old actor named Dean Stockwell. He went on to become a film icon and most recently played Dr. Sam Beckett's US Navy Admiral sidekick on the fabulous series , Quantum Leap, which ran from 1989 to 1993 on NBC.

Sad to say he passed away a few years ago. But rent the movie if you can find it. Really worthwhile !

Hope that all helps, 17th Angel. :)

Okay, as we have a hair thread, if I may dare intrude...

I have fine dark blonde hair, and for years I've always wanted it white - preferably as a white mohican.

However, I know nothing about hair stuff, except that I've been warned that really fine hair is liable to snap and fall out if bleached white.

Someone once suggested successful bleaching using non-peroxides may be helpful, rather than a single bleaching - but I haven't a clue.

Anyone here have any helpful suggestions on how to make fine hair white - without losing it? :)
Anyone here have any helpful suggestions on how to make fine hair white - without losing it? :)
I'd say time. Of course the danger of losing it may increase. I was just noticing the other day how mine is getting whiter...and my beard is comn in with a lot of white spots this winter....

So I say time.

Here I go again--been out of that business for about a decade, but there is a process that was beginning to be used here in the States at that time, and I think it is still around. Anything we have here in the way of hair lightening techniques, usually Europe has first. I am trying to recall what the name of that process was (age affecting the inside of my head at least as much as the outside.) Anyway, it was not so harsh on fine hair as standard bleaching techniques. However, it was usually used as a highlighting technique rather that an all-over deal--and as far as I know, the product was not available to the general public.

I will try and remember what it was called. The last salon I worked at recently disbanded, so I can't call 'em up anymore to ask things like this. I thought I'd go ahead and post a response in the meantime, in the event that there is someone else out there reading who might remember what I don't at the moment.

(And there is a certain amount of substance to wil's conclusion, too!) :)


I dyed my hair green a couple times when I was younger. I have very dark brown hair, and underneath it is red. That's why my beard is so red; doesn't have the same brown in it the hair on the top of my hair does. If you want it bright red you'll have to bleach it, and bleaching it to white is the best way to go. You have to make sure you don't bleach too long, but also not too short. If you take off the bleach you can't reapply it without burning your scalp. From there I'd suggest something like manic panic, which does come in some verrry red colors. Only thing with manic panic is it's semi-permanent so if you want to maintain vibrant colors, eventually you'll have to reapply. My hair started out looking bright green, like fresh, healthy grass on a well-groomed lawn. But after some time passed it looked like I'd spent too much time in the pool.


My thanks. :)

That is basically what I have done... Now it's "body" is dark black/red and bright red strips. :D