What would you do if pt 2



What if there is no God and humanity was just the effect of an accidential cause, namely, the big bang? What if we came from a huge cosmic accident? If we come from no where and are going no where ultimately, does this change the way you look at things? Will life then becoming meaningless and glib? Will you still strive for things even though you know it will have no real purpose or meaning to it in the end? What will you do?
What if there is no God and humanity was just the effect of an accidential cause, namely, the big bang? What if we came from a huge cosmic accident? If we come from no where and are going no where ultimately, does this change the way you look at things? Will life then becoming meaningless and glib? Will you still strive for things even though you know it will have no real purpose or meaning to it in the end? What will you do?

There are two kinds of men. Basically designed as good, and those that chose to be good.

I suspect you would have no fear from the designed to be good men...but (G-oh, there is no God, ergo no guide for those to chose to be good to follow)...hence you have got a problem. Those with no guide tend to do as they please...and I can give you a plethora of examples in history past...

Guess all is in trouble...wouldn't you say?
On the other hand, poor guidance from "leaders" ultimately results in the same catastrophy. Death, in the name of God...(we've seen that too).

One wants freedom of expression, and the other wants order and God based behavior...as the pendulum swings, so does society...


What if there is no God and humanity was just the effect of an accidential cause, namely, the big bang? What if we came from a huge cosmic accident? If we come from no where and are going no where ultimately, does this change the way you look at things? Will life then becoming meaningless and glib? Will you still strive for things even though you know it will have no real purpose or meaning to it in the end? What will you do?

If this were true, I'd do all the things that my heart desired. I'd aim to be as rich as I can get, date and sleep with the best looking girls of the world, get everything I wanted to get, do everything I wanted to do, and then die. My motto would be "eat, drink, and be merry; for on the morrow you die."

I aimed for that life in the past. I thought that was what life was about until Christ sought me and showed me my need for Him. I'm STILL amazed by this whole salvation thing!
If this were true, I'd do all the things that my heart desired. I'd aim to be as rich as I can get, date and sleep with the best looking girls of the world, get everything I wanted to get, do everything I wanted to do, and then die. My motto would be "eat, drink, and be merry; for on the morrow you die."

I aimed for that life in the past. I thought that was what life was about until Christ sought me and showed me my need for Him. I'm STILL amazed by this whole salvation thing!
But you haven't been given license to do such, now have you? Nor were you told to grind others into the earth. You were told to better your self, and thereby learn to assist in bettering others...;)

p.s. ironically, you haven't quite listened...such a shame.
If this were true, I'd do all the things that my heart desired. I'd aim to be as rich as I can get, date and sleep with the best looking girls of the world, get everything I wanted to get, do everything I wanted to do, and then die. My motto would be "eat, drink, and be merry; for on the morrow you die."

I aimed for that life in the past. I thought that was what life was about until Christ sought me and showed me my need for Him. I'm STILL amazed by this whole salvation thing!
If this is true, I am beginning to understand why you think so little of mankind. While I was like that in the past, I grew out of it, and many of the people I knew were not of that ilk. It doesn't take G-d to make folks do the right thing...but it helps. In many cases it just takes age and maturity, raising kids, being a responsible parent and spouse to wake up. There are plenty of people who walk the straight and narrow without the fear of G-d or hell being beat into them.
Though I would not dare to compare us with Paul, Wil, I think together, we would make Paul smile...
If this is true, I am beginning to understand why you think so little of mankind. While I was like that in the past, I grew out of it, and many of the people I knew were not of that ilk. It doesn't take G-d to make folks do the right thing...but it helps.

Yeah, that was true. I was so vain, selfish and self-centered. It flaws me to think that God took a person like me, who was SO very passionate for his own glory and made me Christ-centered and gave me a Passion for His own glory. Again, the change is amazing!! Im laughing as I type this message! All that said, I agree people can do the right thing without knowing God. Mothers naturally care for their children, people change and become better morally, drugies repent of taking drugs and become religous, etc. In truth, people commonly do good to and for others. Yet, the sad fact is, many of them are still dead in sins. Being dead in sins doesnt mean that we cannot do good, it just means that before God, the good we do are worthless. Though the bible teaches that the unrenerated man is dead and sin and is evil, God does not allow Him to be as evil as he could be. The reason for this is because gives us grace and keeps us from becoming like our elder brothers, Hitler, Judas, and other wicked men throughout history. If he were to allow us to do all that we in our nature or hearts desired, we'd easier see how evil we are. Jesus said do not committe adultry and that looking with lust is adultery in the eyes of God. You know why? Because in the moment of lusting and in the presence of an opertunity, we'd comitte adultery. Jesus also said "do not murder" and said that if we get angry with our brother, we are in danger of breaking that law. You know why? Because apart from fear of consequence and presented with the chance to do it, in the moment of blind anger, we would do it. Behold man apart from God's grace, homey. We're all reallly that bad. Think of your thoughts alone. God sees them. He saw them from your youth and still sees them. They're playing before His holy eyes and his anger burns against you. What will you do in the day of judgement? What...say you're sorry or say you didnt know? Let the holiness of God keep you up tonight and think about your thought life alone. Not your actions, but only your thoughts. Think of you teenage thoughts and your thoughts now. I pray that God is pleased to show you yourself in His holy light.
But you haven't been given license to do such, now have you? Nor were you told to grind others into the earth. You were told to better your self, and thereby learn to assist in bettering others...;)

p.s. ironically, you haven't quite listened...such a shame.

I think I missed the momo Q? Who said those things? Who told me that?
But you haven't been given license to do such, now have you? Nor were you told to grind others into the earth. You were told to better your self, and thereby learn to assist in bettering others...;)

p.s. ironically, you haven't quite listened...such a shame.

Im glad I cant better myself.. I'll leave that all up to the Lord. Too much pressure and way too much room for err.. :)
If this were true, I'd do all the things that my heart desired. I'd aim to be as rich as I can get, date and sleep with the best looking girls of the world, get everything I wanted to get, do everything I wanted to do, and then die. My motto would be "eat, drink, and be merry; for on the morrow you die."

I aimed for that life in the past. I thought that was what life was about until Christ sought me and showed me my need for Him. I'm STILL amazed by this whole salvation thing!
Originally Posted by wil
If this is true, I am beginning to understand why you think so little of mankind. While I was like that in the past, I grew out of it, and many of the people I knew were not of that ilk. It doesn't take G-d to make folks do the right thing...but it helps.
Yeah, that was true. I was so vain, selfish and self-centered.
You are not following Silas,

My point is not who you were, but who you have stated you would be. I am amazed that you would go right back to your old lifestyle. If that is the case it seems that lifestyle still has a hold on you and the current one is temporary....
I think I missed the momo Q? Who said those things? Who told me that?

It's 'memo' Silas, not momo. Look up scripture on your own, if you really want to know. In the mean time I'll let this thread go as long as the CR COC is not violated.


You are not following Silas,

My point is not who you were, but who you have stated you would be. I am amazed that you would go right back to your old lifestyle. If that is the case it seems that lifestyle still has a hold on you and the current one is temporary....

I have no desire to go back, I only said what I said because that is what I would do by default. If there was no God and my life was a cosmic accident, why in the world would I want to do anything of worth? Why would you want to?
I have no desire to go back, I only said what I said because that is what I would do by default. If there was no God and my life was a cosmic accident, why in the world would I want to do anything of worth? Why would you want to?
For the same reasons I did before I became a Christian. Because I am a human, and have a concern for humanity, because I matured from my youthful anarchist state of mind. Many folks save themselves from the material world before they find Christ.

Just like some alcoholics find a solution before they hit rock bottom. There are always other ways.
For the same reasons I did before I became a Christian. Because I am a human, and have a concern for humanity, because I matured from my youthful anarchist state of mind. Many folks save themselves from the material world before they find Christ.

Just like some alcoholics find a solution before they hit rock bottom. There are always other ways.

But why? If you were the result from a cosmic accident and came from no where and are headed no where, why act as if anything you do will matter?