Win your argument!!!

Hmmm... celtic brainwashing? Is that where they make you listen to Enya for 24hrs straight ?
Is it Schopenhauer who teaches that his brain is in his loins and it's purpose is combat... or is it just the belief of his disciples? Examining the evidence: << (Schop 21)... "For it is with victory that you are concerned, not with truth." >> I leave the answer to you Snoopy, but Schopenhauer teaches that his Intelligence has no concern for Truth.

Maybe: 21, 26, 16, 35, 3, 5, 6, and a few gems that are far beyond Schopenhauer. :D

Actually, I think that is the underlying theme with this thread anyway...poking fun at those with brains in their loins concerned with victory instead of truth. :D
Actually, I think that is the underlying theme with this thread anyway...poking fun at those with brains in their loins concerned with victory instead of truth. :D
Now I've done it... I've got the label branded on my loin for being at the same trough. Oink! Oink! Squeeeeeeel.
"For it is with victory that you are concerned, not with truth." :D

Ah yes, the mission statement of the legal industry.


Hey now, no fair speaking the truth.

Sorry m'lud, I retract that inadmissable statement in its entirety and ask that it be struck from the record.

Actually, it is now admissable under juantoo3's new guideline:
BTW, I would add, "if all else fails, cheat."
If stating the truth is not fair, then it's cheating. "If all else fails, cheat."

{Who would have ever expected that one?}:D
Do you mean to tell me that ignorance isn't bliss ? CRAP !!!

BTW I have observed that intention resides in the loin area in most men until about the age of forty, whereupon it begins to magically ascend to a place above the shoulders where it should have resided all along. But then there would be fewer people in the world if this were not true. Women, OTOH, seem to have their intentions in the appropriate places from the start and men just don't seem to get it.

Let's hear it for the year of the pig !

In defense of the pigs, now that I am branded one, it is not that our loins makes us intellectually challenged... it is that our loins have no sweat glands. Squeeeeel!

Hey, who dealt the gender card?
Do you mean to tell me that ignorance isn't bliss ? CRAP !!!

BTW I have observed that intention resides in the loin area in most men until about the age of forty, whereupon it begins to magically ascend to a place above the shoulders where it should have resided all along. But then there would be fewer people in the world if this were not true. Women, OTOH, seem to have their intentions in the appropriate places from the start and men just don't seem to get it.

Let's hear it for the year of the pig !

A woman with PMS can make Schopenhauer look like a wimp. ;)
...I have observed that intention resides in the loin area in most men until about the age of forty, whereupon it begins to magically ascend to a place above the shoulders where it should have resided all along. ...

Drat, almost 50 and still a slower learner by industry standards.

Drat, almost 50 and still a slower learner by industry standards.
Hmmm...can't speak for others, my first marriage, I'm still in honeymoon mode, and I'm in the middle of the 40's...

I guess that means I'm going along with wil's sentiments on this one. I'm milking the honeymoon for all it's worth!
Women, OTOH, seem to have their intentions in the appropriate places from the start and men just don't seem to get it.
At least, that's what I hear women tell me...absolutely no bias in that statement :rolleyes: ...Of course, women don't like sex either, um hmmm, I should know, they've told me for years ... good thing my wife doesn't speak much English yet!

What is it called when the evidence contradicts the established doctrine?

Oh yeah, that's right..."EPIPHANY!!!"
40: Add rules as necessary to the opponent's list.

AKA: The "Honey do" list. :cool:
Ummm, not sure I'd call it the "honey do"'s more like the standard rules of engagement...

"What's wrong honey?"


As Jeff Foxworthy pointed out some time ago: "We know you're lying." We also know we can't fix it no matter how hard we try, and we can't read minds, so why bother?

Another way of putting it would be that if the "male" opponent begins to get close to the point of winning...move the goalposts!