Win your argument!!!

"citing"... Scripture is an attempt to make one look like they have more knowledge then they perhaps have... Oh look at me.. I can copy and paste from this book... Also There are those that drown their posts with that crap..... And That is a scheme to just loose the other person.... A simple yes or no... Can suffice most times... But nah... they give you an essay of copy and pastes from a book... It's a freaking ploy obviously... "oh no I am just looking at it in detail.." yer right f off lol.
"citing"... Scripture is an attempt to make one look like they have more knowledge then they perhaps have... Oh look at me.. I can copy and paste from this book... Also There are those that drown their posts with that crap..... And That is a scheme to just loose the other person.... A simple yes or no... Can suffice most times... But nah... they give you an essay of copy and pastes from a book... It's a freaking ploy obviously... "oh no I am just looking at it in detail.." yer right f off lol.
Hey, scripture can often express a concept much more succinctly then I can. As for making it look like I have more knowledge than I actually do, how can that be, especially if I'm attributing the cited information to something other than myself? :confused:

Are you saying that citing scripture is some sort of strawman argument? :confused:
I always win arguments.
I am never wrong, in my head anyway. LOL.

Seriously tho, I dont usually find myself winning arguments very often. if I truely know i am right and i cannot convince the other person I usually just leave it. I dont need to win an argument, I am open to others opinions (generally), I try to appreciate their side of the argument, and perhaps i will be more enlightened. But if i am right, i dont need to waste my time convincing anyone else. I just try to let it be.
But i refuse to stand by and watch someone else get picked on.
I have no idea what strawman means, but I feel some use scripture to make themselves look more than they are yes... And others use it to flood drown away points.... Sure I guess in moderation and with certain intentions it can used well, but I think many use it as a tool to back up their self righteous opinions. I wasn't meaning you specifically SG.... We are talking about "winning" arguments... I am saying scripture is a method/tool used Sometimes. *shrugs*
I have no idea what strawman means, but I feel some use scripture to make themselves look more than they are yes... And others use it to flood drown away points.... Sure I guess in moderation and with certain intentions it can used well, but I think many use it as a tool to back up their self righteous opinions. I wasn't meaning you specifically SG.... We are talking about "winning" arguments... I am saying scripture is a method/tool used Sometimes. *shrugs*

What I find nauseating about it is that users of said often think that attaching a scripture gives it, and by extension themselves, some kind of authority. Reverence for a few words from an old book with little or no relevance in the modern world to me just seems like an unwillingness to think for yourself.
Hey Comrade,

Yeah what I said but not in so much detail. I agree with that. But, I can also understand a relevance of scripture in a religious talk. But, it can be over done... And some (not picking on her she is friend!) But Mee was a classic example of this.
Hey Comrade,

Yeah what I said but not in so much detail. I agree with that. But, I can also understand a relevance of scripture in a religious talk. But, it can be over done... And some (not picking on her she is friend!) But Mee was a classic example of this.

Mee's use of scripture, and the kind of mentality that would support the diligence that requires, reminds me of certain behaviours found amongst people with autism. I wonder if certain brain wirings are at least partly responsible for such extremes?
I am sure they have to be at least partly responsible, as not just scripture citing but to be drawn to religion.. Then again I think everything has some factor regards the mentality of individuals and what they are drawn in to..

I think mee, is a perfect target for religions. :/
Lame said:
reminds me of certain behaviours found amongst people with autism. I wonder if certain brain wirings are at least partly responsible for such extremes?
(non seriously) Maybe it is related to our mixed gene pool. We have both natural liars and people that cannot fathom lying. Have you seen the movie Galaxy Quest?

(The above statements do not necessarily reflect what you should believe)
Hey, I'm guilty of that. Just because I bring scripture into the argument doesn't mean that the scripture isn't open for discussion.
Would you classify citing scripture as an "appeal to authority" tactic?
mee carpet bombed. SG, you have an amazing ability to find just the right scripture for the topic, often using the exact words in the discussion. But that doesn't apply just to scripture, you've pulled other quotes out of your hat seemingly with ease, and references to other posts/threads...a wonderful memory you have.

Speaking of which I was trying to find my selfishness is a virtue thread to apply to another post and couldn't...I even googled it and found Ayn Rand wrote about I have to read hers....
(non seriously) Maybe it is related to our mixed gene pool. We have both natural liars and people that cannot fathom lying. Have you seen the movie Galaxy Quest?

(The above statements do not necessarily reflect what you should believe)

Lame ?

My statement is based on the ability of many Autistic Savants to store incredible amounts of information and recall it on demand. It was no slur on Mee. There is a well established link between mental illness and religious fervour, however, especially amongst schizophrenics. If someone was a bit autistic and they started reading the numbered texts of the bible then just that format itself could lead to it being extremely compelling for them.

Have you ever lied?
Lame ?

My statement is based on the ability of many Autistic Savants to store incredible amounts of information and recall it on demand. It was no slur on Mee. There is a well established link between mental illness and religious fervour, however, especially amongst schizophrenics. If someone was a bit autistic and they started reading the numbered texts of the bible then just that format itself could lead to it being extremely compelling for them.

Have you ever lied?
I hear what you are saying, and there are many things that fall into the autism classification. I was not slurring Mee, either. Everybody lies. It might be possible, however, to give yourself autism-like symptoms through isolation, deprivations or drugs. In a way that is what studying is. What ever happened to Emily Dickinson?
.... And That is a scheme to just loose the other person....
Whether it's intended or not, when someone cites more than a few sentences of scripture without any attempt at interpreting or developing the ideas, they lose me pretty much instantly.

I do copy and pastes, too, but try not to with Scripture.
Speaking of which I was trying to find my selfishness is a virtue thread to apply to another post and couldn't...I even googled it and found Ayn Rand wrote about I have to read hers....

Oh, yes! Ayn Rand is probably the most (in)famous person to advocate the philosophy that selfishness has its place. To a large extent I agree with her. I think a lot of confusion enters when people misinterpret the concept of selfishness.

I mean, it is not very sensical or wise to expect others to take care of your interests. You have to look out for yourself *first.* After that, then you can take care of others.

Rand was predominantly an expose on the shortcomings of socialized politics, at least what I read in Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead.
Well heck, I'll just have to continue to paste relevant laws in threads dealing with legal issues, scriptures in threads dealing with scriptural issues, and various other quotations in other threads just to provoke others into argument! :D
Well heck, I'll just have to continue to paste relevant laws in threads dealing with legal issues, scriptures in threads dealing with scriptural issues, and various other quotations in other threads just to provoke others into argument! :D

Good. As someone else already said you have an amazing ability to pull the right paste at the right time. Long may it continue.
Good. As someone else already said you have an amazing ability to pull the right paste at the right time.
I'm in awe of that skill, too. But it may not be enough for a paste to be "the right paste" just because it's relevant.

It is highly unlikely that the Scripture being quoted was written just to settle some issue that comes up on this forum. And that's really the problem with a wholesale copy/paste. The quote becomes a substitute for any analysis.