If we were to do this on a larger scale?

sure...big enough magnet...

what would you use it for...

it's not perpetual motion...

it still slows down...air friction...

Have you played with one? Your first 10 tries go flyin off the magnet because you don't have it sitting dead center...

There is another toy which is three round bar magnets...two fixed on the platform and one hover between them...end view triangular.

. O
. O O
As wil said with big enough magnets... But, I wouldn't say that is an anti gravity item.... or toy or whatever... ;/ The magnet is pushing it away... It's like putting it on a string and dangling it and saying "look!! Anti gravity" Well... No not really, it's being held by you isn't it....
Just thinking that maybe magnetics could be used as a form of travel, that was all, really!

I'll get my coat!

There have been some magnetic monorails....and some nasty issues when the power goes out:eek:

the ones I really liked were the rocketry...boring a tunnel in a mountain at an angle and then launching rockets with accelerating electromagnets...
A few months back, I took a dip in the cool, waking waters of electromagnetics. I mean, I read a book and checked out some websites. I was intrigued and astounded, especially by a report that

The Plasma Wind said:
An average of four times a day, the entire magnetic envelope surrounding Earth contorts and releases billions of kilowatt-hours of stored energy. Such disturbances, called substorms, return the earth's magnetosphere to a more stable, low-energy state.

This is a bit off-topic and may warrant another thread, but what if we could harness the energy of these substorms? We could power the whole frickin' planet! Is this remotely possible, to capture this energy? Scientific minds, please respond. Enquiring intuitive/imaginative math-incompetent minds want to know!

There's more info on the magnetic fields, including the above quote, here.
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Just thinking that maybe magnetics could be used as a form of travel, that was all, really!

I'll get my coat!


Theorically (and I presume you mean space travel), it could work if:

1. the planet/oid or star has a strong magnetisphere
2. we could create a strong enough "supercooled" magnet to counter the poles of the magnetisphere
3. we had computers quick enough to adjust the supercooled magnet to compensate for the strength of the magnetisphere we are using as leverage
4. we had the ability to use the supercooled magnet to reverse polarity and artificially increase the strength enough to latch on to magnetispheres of other bodies within the solar system, thus pulling us towards them (for intersolar travel).
5. we could shield ourselves from the magnetic fields our "engine" would create
6. we could create dampening fields to prevent us from becoming squashed bug matter on the interior bulkheads of hour ship if there was a sudden shift in magnetic field strengths.

I think in time, we will overcome these obstacles and use electromagnetic lift
for atmospheric and intersolar flight.
Theorically (and I presume you mean space travel), it could work if:

1. the planet/oid or star has a strong magnetisphere
2. we could create a strong enough "supercooled" magnet to counter the poles of the magnetisphere
3. we had computers quick enough to adjust the supercooled magnet to compensate for the strength of the magnetisphere we are using as leverage
4. we had the ability to use the supercooled magnet to reverse polarity and artificially increase the strength enough to latch on to magnetispheres of other bodies within the solar system, thus pulling us towards them (for intersolar travel).
5. we could shield ourselves from the magnetic fields our "engine" would create
6. we could create dampening fields to prevent us from becoming squashed bug matter on the interior bulkheads of hour ship if there was a sudden shift in magnetic field strengths.

I think in time, we will overcome these obstacles and use electromagnetic lift
for atmospheric and intersolar flight.

So do I..

Nescesity is the mother of all invention.

One day, we will have poisioned this planet, and or had a nuclear war, and this willl be used as a means of transporting universal refugess, to other planets.

Of course, the down side is that the most likely to be on the crafts, are perhaps those who were responsible for their heinous crimes on earth..?

Have you heard of Tachyons..?

In theory, these are entitties that don't travel at the speed of light, they go beyond it...

How many times is open to debate.

It could be ten or ten thousand.

Tachyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Have you heard of Tachyons..?

In theory, these are entitties that don't travel at the speed of light, they go beyond it...

How many times is open to debate.

It could be ten or ten thousand.

Tachyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think Tachyons is the way to go (save for communications faster than light). But then that is my opinion only.


Why not though?

In simple terms, please..?

Ok, can't slow them down, below light speed. In short, light speed is their dead slow, and we can't even come close to light speed as material, at top end...

Best speed physical man will ever be able to come to and still remain a corporial being is half c/
Ok, can't slow them down, below light speed. In short, light speed is their dead slow, and we can't even come close to light speed as material, at top end...

Best speed physical man will ever be able to come to and still remain a corporial being is half c/
We sent up the first pair in space because of all we didn't know...we had huge concerns their eyeballs would blow up. Kennedy had said we'd send a man to the moon and we only had a few minutes of time in space...

No telling what can happen....that is once we divise the system to overcome what we 'know' now.

forget it orville it'll never work...
We sent up the first pair in space because of all we didn't know...we had huge concerns their eyeballs would blow up. Kennedy had said we'd send a man to the moon and we only had a few minutes of time in space...

No telling what can happen....that is once we divise the system to overcome what we 'know' now.

forget it orville it'll never work...

...preaching to the choir again Wil?...:rolleyes: :D
I don't think Tachyons is the way to go (save for communications faster than light). But then that is my opinion only.



Hi guys and Q:

Sometimes travel per se isn't necessary if the communications features work well enough. The Bible talks a lot about "foreknowledge". Whaddaya think that meant ? And how do/did prophets receive their information ? Just thinking out loud again.

Hi guys and Q:

Sometimes travel per se isn't necessary if the communications features work well enough. The Bible talks a lot about "foreknowledge". Whaddaya think that meant ? And how do/did prophets receive their information ? Just thinking out loud again.



Not sure. ;)

Where do you think..?
Hi guys and Q:

Sometimes travel per se isn't necessary if the communications features work well enough. The Bible talks a lot about "foreknowledge". Whaddaya think that meant ? And how do/did prophets receive their information ? Just thinking out loud again.

Now where is the fun in that? It's like National Geographics. Loved to read the articles, but I HAD TO GO there, to see for myself...

First mission to Mars...sign me up. :D
Now where is the fun in that? It's like National Geographics. Loved to read the articles, but I HAD TO GO there, to see for myself...

First mission to Mars...sign me up. :D

I am sure that I am not the first person to wonder if looking at Mars is to look at the future of Earth?

That is, perhaps once Mars had many beings, just like we do on earth, but they either self destroyed, or died through climate changes..?
I am sure that I am not the first person to wonder if looking at Mars is to look at the future of Earth?

That is, perhaps once Mars had many beings, just like we do on earth, but they either self destroyed, or died through climate changes..?

Say, you know:

When we look towards the center of the universe, the big bang, are we effectively looking into the past? There's still a huge ball of unknown light there, right? Or dark matter, or something that we can't see past. When we do look at it, aren't we looking at the first moment of creation that we can know? If we travel towards it, then, would we effectively be travelling back in time? Scientists say that time changes (slows down) as the travelling speed approaches the speed of light. Don't they?

Anyhoo, maybe--metaphysically speaking, at least--when we are looking at red, barren Mars, we are looking at a future Earth. If there were life on Mars in the past (some scientists believe there is still a lot of water on Mars, buried underground).

Um... I don't think that last sentence was a complete thought. Dang.
Okay I am going to post some poems now.
Science confuses me.
Hi guys and Q:

Sometimes travel per se isn't necessary if the communications features work well enough. The Bible talks a lot about "foreknowledge". Whaddaya think that meant ? And how do/did prophets receive their information ? Just thinking out loud again.


I like this thought train. There is accumulating evidence that 'knowledge' is subject to a weird kind of synchronicity not just for us humans but for other species too. Such as laboratory rats in maze experiments in the United States that were somehow able to convey the maze route to another group in the UK. How?

I think the key to getting your head round it is to remember that on a fundamental level time and space are illusions, however vivid, and that all knowledge has, is and will always exist in a single point. We have ways to sometimes access in a non-linear mode all that was , is or has been. There appear to be a few tools that aid us in this, such as prayer, divination and perhaps some forms of dream.

Do I believe what I just wrote? Well all I will say is that I dont discount it as fantasy but I cant prove it either. But it would explain a lot.

My 2 1/2 cents