Colour Man!


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Imagine if man were to exhibit his true emotions through changes in colouration to his skin.

I appreciate that to a degree this happens already.

People can go 'red' when they are embarressed, or even angry.

It is also true that the skin tone of a person who is unwell is different to that of a healthy person. Some can appear to go 'gray'.

But such examples do not tend to be consistant.

Some people react that way, not others.

Also, this colour change is pretty basic as well as inconsistant.

Esp when compared to other creatures, and how they use colour to demonstrate emotion.

Examples would be the chameleon, and various types of squid and octopus, all of whom can change colour, some in quite a spectacular way, not to blend in with their background per se, but to exhibit fear, anger, or even if they are in the mood for some loving!

Imagine humans exhibited their emotions in this way.

A different colour for any given emotion...

Would this be a positive, given that there would be less room for miscommunication, or even lying?

Or would it be a negative, and if so why..?

Perhaps one day, humans might try to upgrade themselves, with this method of communicating their feelings..?

We have experimented with glofish, I beleive the world's first GM creature, quite safely, and we have been able to make a pig glow in the dark.

Therefore, if a benefit is identified, or a need created, then science might fill it..

What do you think?

LOL, enlightenment--or the fashion industry--I'm remembering "mood rings". :D

Interesting subject---

Would be quite the thing if our skin went technicolor when we got excited like a cuttlefish. I can see it now..."No honest, I wasn't looking at her"

What about sense of smell? Smelling fear, smelling when someone is in heat?

I was swimming at the local hot springs and in conversation with this woman...she complained about having to lock up her dog as she was in heat, and all the other dogs were howling around the neighborhood.

I said, 'Sure would be nice if we humans had that capacity, would save a lot of trouble.' She responded, "Can't you tell?"

I responded in technicolor like a cuttlefish....

...and then later like a cuddlefish.
Would be quite the thing if our skin went technicolor when we got excited like a cuttlefish. I can see it now..."No honest, I wasn't looking at her".

Thus, I wonder if it would lead to us trying even harder to mask our true feelings, than we already do..?
If we're talking colour changes and moods we have to mention cephalopods - octopi, squid, cuttlefish.

Absolutely remarkable creatures and very intelligent - communicate with each other via colour changes, some octopi use tools or mimick the behaviour of other animals they observe.

Absolutely extraordinary creatures, and always very sad to see them on slabs of ice in the supermarket fish counter.
(One of the reasons I'm a vegetarian...)

I always thought mandatory public nudity would force us to be more honest with each other. But the color thing would be a dead giveaway.

Imagine if man were to exhibit his true emotions through changes in colouration to his skin.

He does............ through the auric field.

And some are able to see and translate through inner vision.

And this planet lives in the same manifestation.

Beyond all preconcieved ideas from the level of science fiction.

And aren't some people more than transparent........ :)

- c -
Hi Ciel and all--

I thought about auras when I read the OP. Why am I afraid to discuss them sometimes? Maybe because I think I see them?? I know a little girl who apparently sees them very clearly. Seeing auras can be a bit frightening sometimes, I think. What do you guys think? I don't mean to take the thread off-track, but it seems very relevant to me....

He does............ through the auric field.

And some are able to see and translate through inner vision.


Interesting topic, yet incomparible with the physiology of the mimic octopus, for example.

Feel free to go on though...
Thanks, enlightenment--I think there are some threads already here concerning auras. Or we could start a new one. For now, I am interested in the direction you want to take. :)

Auras sometimes don't seem all so different.

I've met a number of people who see auras to varying degrees, some quite clearly providing the information you discuss in the OP and beyond.

One lady has seen folks illnesses since she was a child...she says her blessing was when she learned to be able to turn it off.

I recall a story I believe in Kosovo or during that time and location anyway where some missionairies or social workers were in a home and the rebels or army ( I really have the story down don't I?) were entering the home, the group had no time to get out or they huddled and prayed...the soldiers were in the house, in the room, yet never saw them and left...or so I remember the story I can't remember.

Irregardless, I don't believe that we are in contact at all to the full potential of our auras nor of what we can see of others...
enlightenment said:
If we could alter the genetics of man for our betterment, would you support this?

Isn't this already happening? Not with colors but with the filtering out of certain unfavorable genetic characteristics.
My concern is that we often fool ourselves as to what is "better". I am a stage four cancer survivor (so far). I guess I can say that I would be interested if genetic alterations were employed to alleviate this kind of suffering or something similar. But the idea also has so much potential for abuse, if you get my drift....

(And why do you think people who see auras are charlatans, by the way?)

My concern is that we often fool ourselves as to what is "better". I am a stage four cancer survivor (so far). I guess I can say that I would be interested if genetic alterations were employed to alleviate this kind of suffering or something similar. But the idea also has so much potential for abuse, if you get my drift....

(And why do you think people who see auras are charlatans, by the way?)


IL, that is what I meant, to place science in the hands of the altrusitic and benign, so that the science was not misused, and that people like you could be CURED. We could do all of those things, right now, if we wanted to, if the will was there.

People that see aura's..?

Well, if they are charging money, just as mediums, etc, then imo, they are praying on the minds of those that are seeking some consolation, and that to me is pretty low.

If a medium or someone that see's aura's does it for free, then fair enough.

If they charge, they are charlatans.

Oh, okay. :) You understand why I had to ask, right? I tend to agree with you regarding the aura thing, although in rare cases maybe it isn't all that cut and dried.

Regarding genetic alterations for the good of mankind--I think it really is scary to think about sometimes. Can we trust ourselves as a global society to use this ability with love? I am thinking how nuclear power can be used either way....

Looking forward to more responses from folks who know way more about science and technology and medicine than I....

I enjoy your posts, enlightenment. You bring up some interesting subjects.
