Colour Man!

I am imagining a couple of political leaders making a pact or treaty of some kind that supposedly is a good thing for everyone. The crowd watching is clapping, yet they are turning strange grayish colors, one by one...and then the speakers, as they shake hands begin to turn, too...

Yikes--where are the scientific responses???:eek:

(and this is supposed to be your last outpost of pleasure, e. Here I go painting it gray...)

...Imo, they are all charlatans...

If they charge, they are charlatans.
Over the years, run into people who discuss in conversation and those that charge...professionals..

While I agree there is an issue with folks taking advantage of others...I don't immediately throw them all in the same box. After various life experiences I find myself saying, "Yeah, right" a whole lot less than I used to...and in your first statement you added the IMO...which is powerful, as I tend to know I don't know more often...I just have my perceptions and opinions...the facts fluctuate with the observer and time...

So as for those that the professional ballplayer less because he gets paid for his skill? or the typist...or the inventor...or the priest...or the enviormentalist?

Why is it that we deem some skills should be done completely altruisticly?
Examples being...?
I'm hoping someone will verify this, or say that it's definitely incorrect.

I'm sure I heard that scientists had isolated the genes or the DNA that caused, (1) certain hereditary illnesses, (2) possibly undesirable physical traits like baldness and obesity.
I'm hoping someone will verify this, or say that it's definitely incorrect.

I'm sure I heard that scientists had isolated the genes or the DNA that caused, (1) certain hereditary illnesses, (2) possibly undesirable physical traits like baldness and obesity.
I've heard of sex selection..and talk of being able to isolate out tabs in the DNA chain...other than women/couples who go to buy sperm, and women selecting mates, I don't know of any specific manmade alterations to our species.

But I don't know of clinics that are examing the DNA in order to say...yes this sperm doesn't have these genes in them...however it is probably happening...
I'm sure I heard that scientists had isolated the genes or the DNA that caused, (1) certain hereditary illnesses, (2) possibly undesirable physical traits like baldness and obesity.

LOL!! Bless those saviours! Scientists make my jaw drop and bounce off the floor in pure awe... I was curious I thought, Hmmm they can isolate genes in DNA? For illnesses? Could it be Cancer? Could it be AIDS? NO! Wait! Oh angels.... They spent all that time and research to save a man from getting a tupee... Heroes.
I've heard of sex selection..and talk of being able to isolate out tabs in the DNA chain...other than women/couples who go to buy sperm, and women selecting mates, I don't know of any specific manmade alterations to our species.

But I don't know of clinics that are examing the DNA in order to say...yes this sperm doesn't have these genes in them...however it is probably happening...
Maybe, but unless it's a well known thing then I think it would be fair to say I was mistaken.

Thanks for clearing it up wil.
I'm hoping someone will verify this, or say that it's definitely incorrect.

I'm sure I heard that scientists had isolated the genes or the DNA that caused, (1) certain hereditary illnesses, (2) possibly undesirable physical traits like baldness and obesity.

Eventually, mankind will come to accept how vital our genetic code is.

Isolating such genes and others, such as the gene that determines one's sexual orientation, will be a real breakthrough, for we will have scientific proof that homosexuality is not some abomination of gods will, but part of some peoples genetic code, and therefore, entirely natural.

On the other hand, when this science is mastered, it could be worrying who is in charge of it.

For example, if the Gov were v homophobic in nature, they might try to eliminate the gay gene, even though it is not a disability.

I would however support the elimination of genes that caused blindness and so on.
you cannot be serious. to genentically modify some one is wrong. just plain and simple wrong. but on a lighter note, if we could colour change with our moods, I think that would be too embarassing for me. I'd be all shades, all th e time. I frequently change my moods and of course alot of the time I hide it. Could you imagine someone getting angry at the supermarket, but ust trying to be patient, kkeeping it all in but even worse, knowing everyone around knew just how you were feeling. Yuk. I prefer hiding a bit until its really important. I may have an ;outburst but when someone puts their opposing point of view across I generally can see their point of view as well. Maybe that means I'm just easily manipulated, I dunno