Hemp Clothing

You got to be from England? Such a stupid and terrible story made by kids... Can't be a world wide thing... at 14 kids smoking banaskins, nut meg and tea bags... I was choking on my bong ;) ... by the smoke.... Not that I tried to eat the freaking thing.



Too close... ;)
You got to be from England? Such a stupid and terrible story made by kids... Can't be a world wide thing... at 14 kids smoking banaskins, nut meg and tea bags... I was choking on my bong ;) ... by the smoke.... Not that I tried to eat the freaking thing.
..we heard it in the states...never believed it or tried it...but we did do morning glory seeds...

Yeah the coke thing was always silly especially today, when folks consume coke like water and aspirins like candy...
..we heard it in the states...never believed it or tried it...but we did do morning glory seeds...
Never heard the coke and aspirin thing...

Banana peels? I heard the inside "threads" or whatever, still wasn't much to go on... :rolleyes: ... no harm, no foul. :D

Morning glory seeds...treated with, let me see, what was it again...alcohol, or turpentine? I forget now, it's been a long time. Never bold (or stupid) enough to try my own...erm, science experiment. BUT, dried passionflower leaves smoked do grant a bit of a body buzz, an all over analgesic quality, if no mental "high."
Does anyone own anything made from hemp?

How does it feel to wear it?

How do you compare the 'ethics' of it, to other materials, such as cotton?

Does anyone have a good link to a store in the UK were it can be bought?

We use hemp everyday, from sail palms to lashings, to fancy work on the rails, to woven roving and mats. It is like burlap on the skin, and is slightly greasy or resinous. It is extremely strong material when woven or spliced. It takes a long time in a salt water environment to rot. It makes a great "slicker" (rain coat), because the water beads up and runs off instead of soaking through. But as clothing goes it is rather stiff to move in.

Wouldn't try smoking it though...there is no THC in it and one would get very sick.

oh, and some people are allergic to it. They get a rash when it rubs against the skin.
Never heard the coke and aspirin thing...

Banana peels? I heard the inside "threads" or whatever, still wasn't much to go on... :rolleyes: ... no harm, no foul. :D

Morning glory seeds...treated with, let me see, what was it again...alcohol, or turpentine? I forget now, it's been a long time. Never bold (or stupid) enough to try my own...erm, science experiment. BUT, dried passionflower leaves smoked do grant a bit of a body buzz, an all over analgesic quality, if no mental "high."

They're talking about "bananadine". About as powerful as Faluba (fermented coconut juice). Yeah, it'll get you high, if the headache don't kill you first.

If you want a legal buzz, just order some beetlenut from the south pacific. Be forewarned though, your teeth will turn red, very red...
Nothing to do with trying to drink the bong water?

I freaking did that when I was 16... I have hardly any memory of anything but I remeber that day clear.... We made a bong out of a coke can.... And took hits started rambling about random crap... I stopped in mid talk, picked up the can and drank the water..... My face must have been priceless....
They're talking about "bananadine". About as powerful as Faluba (fermented coconut juice). Yeah, it'll get you high, if the headache don't kill you first.

If you want a legal buzz, just order some beetlenut from the south pacific. Be forewarned though, your teeth will turn red, very red...
Did you ever chew? I tried it once, never again. It's a huge business here in Taiwan. For anyone curious go to
Spicy Girls and a Rotting Mouth, The Ballad of the Betel Nut [lettersfromtaiwan.blog-city.com]

There are a few pics aswell, enjoy.
Naawww...it was a film starring...I forget . Oh...I remember...Michael Keaton. Whatever happened to him anyway ?


Didn't he act in Mr. Mom? Seems to me he also portrayed Batman in the first movie made (and then decided sequels weren't such a great idea, the costume was too much to deal with...or something along those lines). Anyway, I don't recall him performing in any movie after that one... Hmmmm. :confused:
And I thought Betel juice was named for a star...what was I thinking? :D

Betelgeuse (Alpha (α) Orionis) is a semiregular variable star located 427 light-years away [1]. It is the second brightest star in the constellation Orion, and the ninth brightest star in the night sky. Although it has the Bayer designation "alpha", it is not as bright as Rigel (Beta Orionis). It is a vertex of the Winter Triangle asterism.

Betelgeuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So yeah, I was thinking about the quirky movie about a ghoul, and how I believed the writers named "it" for this star in Orion, when maybe they were really naming "it" for the nasty habits derived from chewing betel nuts...makes one wonder, just what was stimulating these writer's creative juices. It was a rather bizaar, if creative and humorous, movie. Just thinking in text...
Didn't he act in Mr. Mom? Seems to me he also portrayed Batman in the first movie made (and then decided sequels weren't such a great idea, the costume was too much to deal with...or something along those lines). Anyway, I don't recall him performing in any movie after that one... Hmmmm. :confused:

Yeah...Mr. Mom...no wonder he bit it and left the biz...or it left him. My fave film of his was one he made with Henry Winkler (the Fonz) called Night Moves about two guys who run a call girl service out of a city morgue. Very funny and ridiculous, but it has a nice ending. Rent and enjoy!

Oh, and the film Beetlejuice was about the living dead I believe, and how they interact with normals. Don't know if the writers were implying Orion's belt mystical effects or not. It'd be interesting to know if they had been researching Egyptian mythologies and dynastic histories before doing the story.

I love Mr. Mom. And I thought he was the best Batman. Didn't he do some Shakespeare? Or was it Python? I get those mixed up sometimes, lol....

"the tuna with a heart" :)
