many liberals are all going against god



how can you possibly think that its ok whatever you are doing.

you tthink god is gonna let you do whatever you want?

hes trying to save you but you have to accept him.

the bible is the word of god you cant make up your own god by interpreting it wrong.

dont limit god. god is what is described in the bible and everythign else is a corruption.
how can you possibly think that its ok whatever you are doing.
Whatever am I doing?
you tthink god is gonna let you do whatever you want?
Yes, it is called free will.
hes trying to save you but you have to accept him.
I do accept him.
the bible is the word of god you cant make up your own god by interpreting it wrong.
Which version of the bible do you sanctify? King James's Version, New International Version? NKJV? NRSV? NCV? Fenton Ferrar's? The Message? LIving Bible? Which one is G-d's word...and the rest are malarky? How about the Midrash, the Tanach, the Talmud...these all predate Christianity...they are all part of the Judaic religion....the religion Jesus studied...and what about the apocripha, the septugent, the book of Enoch. How are you sure you are not interpretting it wrong.
dont limit god. god is what is described in the bible and everythign else is a corruption.
Please describe G-d for me.

I know from your posts you are concerned about your parent's. You may also look into increasing your study. And finding the shift key for capitols, and spell check, it'll all help you to better communicate.

What grade are you in? How are your other studies going?
how can you possibly think that its ok whatever you are doing.

you tthink god is gonna let you do whatever you want?

hes trying to save you but you have to accept him.

the bible is the word of god you cant make up your own god by interpreting it wrong.

dont limit god. god is what is described in the bible and everythign else is a corruption.

Don't limit God? O.K. But that negates your last sentence. (the "everything thing else is corruption" is kinda limiting)

how can you possibly think that its ok whatever you are doing.

you tthink god is gonna let you do whatever you want?

hes trying to save you but you have to accept him.

the bible is the word of god you cant make up your own god by interpreting it wrong.

dont limit god. god is what is described in the bible and everythign else is a corruption.
Matt 7:1-5
1 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.