Signs spark biblical debate about homosexuality


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...Featuring portraits of Jesus and other biblical figures, the billboards and 1,000 yard signs in Indianapolis proclaim things like "Jesus said some are born gay" while citing Bible passages. Some billboards suggest that key Bible figures, such as David and Ruth, were involved in gay relationships.The groups hope to change the public debate by citing the same book often used against them, with a contention that the Bible does not call on Christians to reject homosexuality.
"Most people right now think the debate over homosexuality is between those who love the Bible -- conservative Christians -- and those who want to throw the Bible out -- godless homosexuals," said Jesus Metropolitan pastor Jeff Miner, who is gay. "That is not reality. This is a debate between people who love the Bible."...

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And so do you think it will now be ok for Christians to erect billboards quoting what the the Bible actuallys says about homosexuality, like so:

You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female;
it is an abomination.


Men committed indecent acts with other men,
and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Sigh ... I wish both sides would think, or inquire if they lack that capacity, about the meaning and implication of Scriptural texts.

One would also have to consider the argument in light of the whole – what does Scripture say about heterosexuality? What does Scripture say about paedophilia, for example, remembering that the 'age of consent' in the biblical era is certainly younger than the 'age of consent' today? Were the ancients then paedophiles?

Following the Moslem Tradition, it would appear that Mary was married to a man old enough to be her grandfather ... how does modern society sit with that one ... (bearing in mind that, to within a generation, one solution to the teenage pregnancy problem was the lunatic asylum)?

I address the question this way:
Is man or woman defined by their sexual orientation?

Put another way, are men and women subject – that is hostage – to their sexual orientation? I that all they are ... rutting creatures?

I put it that way because, for me, as a heterosexual onlooker with homosexual friends, the current 'gay' debate is not so much about the acceptance of sexual difference, but rather that whatever one's sexual orientation, this should be the primary activity that marks one as an individual, and one should be free, if not lauded for it.

So a 'gay pride' march becomes something of a showcase for the diversity of human fantasy, infatuation and fetishism ... am I supposed to applaud this triumph of the basest expression of humanity?

The statement becomes not "I am a man and I am homosexual" but rather "I am a homosexual man," or equally, "I am a man who is heterosexual" but "I am a heterosexual man".

Recalling that the Christian Way is, above all, one of continence, then the scriptural proscriptians against sexual activity – and Jesus demanded a degree of continence in his heterosexual audience that even the saints have trouble with – was not so much the act but against the idea that the act comprises all that the person is.

It matters not whether one is homosexual or heterosexual, if one proclaims a sexual orientation as a virtue, as something to be proud of, if your sexual orientation defines all that you are ... then one might ask what differentiates man from the animals.

The question is important, and the 'gay issue' is important, because in this western culture of ours, since the 'swinging 60s', such a view of sexual orientation and activity is increasingly regarded as a good and as a primary aspect of the human condition.

Think of the billions, the trillions, of dollars spent on cosmetics, on fashion, on looking and feeling good, on cultivating a self image that is absolutely, entirely and utterly superficial, whilst thousands die daily for want of fresh water – many reduced to such straits to maintain that flow of 'goods' to the west, and one can begin to put the question into perspective, it's the tip of an iceberg that might just 'Titanic' this culture – gut it just like that other one gutted that 'unsinkable' ship.

In closing:
I have friends who are homosexual, but you'd never know it; I have friends who are somewhat 'effeminate' but who are heterosexual ... they are in the Church, and it is my hope, and theirs, that they will see paradise ... I see no reason why I should condemn them.

But I have no respect for anyone, regardless of their inclination or orientation, who wears it as some kind of badge of merit.

I am not saying one should not be who one is, I am saying that the active promotion of one aspect of one's being throws the whole thing out of kilter ... and culture goes with it.

Historically and anthropologically such signs as this debate throws up, if the debate stays at the superficial level, is an indication of the immanent demise of culture and its collapse into self-loathing.

...Featuring portraits of Jesus and other biblical figures, the billboards and 1,000 yard signs in Indianapolis proclaim things like "Jesus said some are born gay" while citing Bible passages. Some billboards suggest that key Bible figures, such as David and Ruth, were involved in gay relationships.The groups hope to change the public debate by citing the same book often used against them, with a contention that the Bible does not call on Christians to reject homosexuality.
"Most people right now think the debate over homosexuality is between those who love the Bible -- conservative Christians -- and those who want to throw the Bible out -- godless homosexuals," said Jesus Metropolitan pastor Jeff Miner, who is gay. "That is not reality. This is a debate between people who love the Bible."...

Full Story Here

...anyone can quote scripture to show their particular point of view...even the devil (no, I'm not saying homosexuals are devils). But if quoting scripture to suit one's own desires causes a rift in a populace, that otherwise might not be there, then there is a problem...that goes for anyone, not just specific groups.

Like my brother in law once told me..."It's my issue, not something to stick in your face until you accept it." To which my response was, "then I have no problem with it either."

He was a very decent man.


Thomas said:
The statement becomes not "I am a man and I am homosexual" but rather "I am a homosexual man," or equally, "I am a man who is heterosexual" but "I am a heterosexual man".

That's an excellent point! In so many ways culture is all about a cult of identity, whether it's sexual identity, national identity, ethnic identity...You could draw the same distinction between being a man who is American, and an American man. The essential fact of humanity should come first, but then it would be harder to sell aftershave and bumper stickers.
And so do you think it will now be ok for Christians to erect billboards quoting what the the Bible actuallys says about homosexuality, like so:
You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female;
it is an abomination.​


Men committed indecent acts with other men,​

and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.​

For those who missed my point, it is not about erecting competing signs (only US nutters would seriously consider it) but about the equality of expression for those of traditional faith. Parents who object to "Jamie Has Two Mommies" or "Chris Has Two Daddies" type books in the school library get short shrift. Religious adoption agencies in the UK cannot "discriminate" against homosexual couples. And on it goes. Not only have homosexual "rights" been legitimized by law, the right for Christians to dissent in public forums is being eroded.
the right for Christians to dissent in public forums is being eroded.

Indeed. But this is not the way to go.

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." (John 15:19)

It's a commonplace now that in this PC world of ours, prejudice against Christianity is OK, it's the exception to the rule.

And if I had a chance, as a Christian, to post something on a billboard, it would not be a message of condemnation – for we are called to love, and forgive.

Indeed. But this is not the way to go.

I don't think anyone is suggesting it is!

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." (John 15:19)

It's a commonplace now that in this PC world of ours, prejudice against Christianity is OK, it's the exception to the rule.

And if I had a chance, as a Christian, to post something on a billboard, it would not be a message of condemnation – for we are called to love, and forgive.


I agree entirely ... but I was attempting to extend the discussion a little to consider what is appropriate action for a Christian, especially a Christian parent, in the face of gay propaganda ... I don't think inaction is the best response.
"And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gay, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:4-5 (King Agenda Version)
"And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gay, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:4-5 (King Agenda Version)

Not sure if I have picked up your point precisely, but it is the mixing of "good" (Scripture) and "evil" (homosexual practice), that is the threat we face as Christian parents.

It is important to understand the homosexual interpretation of Scripture (eg the David and Jonathan story) so we can present the truth.
For those who missed my point, it is not about erecting competing signs (only US nutters would seriously consider it) but about the equality of expression for those of traditional faith. Parents who object to "Jamie Has Two Mommies" or "Chris Has Two Daddies" type books in the school library get short shrift. Religious adoption agencies in the UK cannot "discriminate" against homosexual couples. And on it goes. Not only have homosexual "rights" been legitimized by law, the right for Christians to dissent in public forums is being eroded.
I don't believe that to be true...the fact as I see it is that the anti-gay view has been touted for as long as I've lived. I've seen plenty of biblical quotes on billboards and almost every book I've ever read has related to heterosexual couples...and definitely every book I've ever read in elementary school was regarding heterosexual couples. Anything relating to homosexuality has always been a cut or put down. Calling someone a queer, homo, or *** in the school yard is meant to demean and belittle them. So we've got one or two books out of the hundreds that are in the school bookstores that relate to those kids who have a mother or father that are homosexual...and we are up in arms...

It appears from all studies out there that somewhere between 10-15% of our population has homosexual tendencies...and we are bemoaning the fact that 1-2% of our books may mention that fact. We have clearly shown with alcohol and drugs that prohibition of substances and tendencies not only does not decrease the issue but actually increases the problems associated whatever is prohibited or shunned. So with keeping homosexuality in the closet we've increased the sexual promiscuity behaviour and health issues....are we truly willing to continue to do this to our children and future generations when thousands of years of history indicates that despite the efforts of religions, governments, laws, societal pressure that the percentages of those who are homosexual has not changed?
I don't believe that to be true...the fact as I see it is that the anti-gay view has been touted for as long as I've lived. I've seen plenty of biblical quotes on billboards and almost every book I've ever read has related to heterosexual couples...and definitely every book I've ever read in elementary school was regarding heterosexual couples. Anything relating to homosexuality has always been a cut or put down. Calling someone a queer, homo, or *** in the school yard is meant to demean and belittle them. So we've got one or two books out of the hundreds that are in the school bookstores that relate to those kids who have a mother or father that are homosexual...and we are up in arms...

It appears from all studies out there that somewhere between 10-15% of our population has homosexual tendencies...and we are bemoaning the fact that 1-2% of our books may mention that fact. We have clearly shown with alcohol and drugs that prohibition of substances and tendencies not only does not decrease the issue but actually increases the problems associated whatever is prohibited or shunned. So with keeping homosexuality in the closet we've increased the sexual promiscuity behaviour and health issues....are we truly willing to continue to do this to our children and future generations when thousands of years of history indicates that despite the efforts of religions, governments, laws, societal pressure that the percentages of those who are homosexual has not changed?

I don't have problem with homosexuals any more than I do with those who are in any other vice. "All have sinned..." What I do have a problem with is living in a society that promotes the sin. Having books in the library that tell kids that homosexuality is ok is rather like having books telling them that drugs and alcohol is ok. It's bad enough that tolerance is sinking our ship, but when you distort the scriptures to bend what you want it to say what it doesn't, and attempt to lure people to believing it, you've crossed a line. There are people promoting garbage like Jesus had twelve boyfriends and that He was particularly "fond" of John, and crap like that. If someone wants to practice their filth in private quarters, that's between them and their conscience and God, but when they try to destroy what something that is near and dear to my heart, the kid gloves are off!
Indeed the bible may say gays are wrong... But it also says you are wrong... :) (hetro's) None of you are perfect they may comitt acts of a homosexual nature, and on the other hand there is you..... comitting some sin/crime... You are both equal in that, you both also owe a life..... Which you both will have to pay. :)

So the thing like with; "Priest's can't be gay!!! It's wrong! The bible says they are wrong!!! It's a bad act." Well, then no human living should be a priest, cause you all got faults and.... issues... lol
I've seen plenty of biblical quotes on billboards and almost every book I've ever read has related to heterosexual couples...and definitely every book I've ever read in elementary school was regarding heterosexual couples.

Well, movies and tv have more than made up for that in recent years.

So with keeping homosexuality in the closet we've increased the sexual promiscuity behaviour and health issues

If homosexuals are promiscuous because they have been kept "in the closet", I wonder why heterosexuals are promiscuous.
Well, movies and tv have more than made up for that in recent years.

If homosexuals are promiscuous because they have been kept "in the closet", I wonder why heterosexuals are promiscuous.
Have they? Are you indicating that in movies and tv shows that we've seen 10% of the actors are taking on roles of homosexuals? I don't think and I see it as everywhere becuase it is new and different to that media. Our leading men of days gone by never played homosexual roles despite the fact that they were homosexual...they played the role of the hetero hunk that every woman swooned over. Name the shows that have one or two homosexual characters...I'll bet it is a fraction of 1%...same as I mentioned in regards to difference. You and I couldn't fathom watching television where 10% of the roles in every show were gay characters...

Hate to mention it, but seems the most infamous group of promiscuous heterosexuals are preachers kids....there is a reason for that stereotype. (I am clearly not saying all or most....just a higher percentage of than the general populations of rebels come from those that perceive to be oppressed...they lash out when the chance occurs...pendulum swings)