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a figment of your imagination
I grew up with parents and folks got irritated, mad, made comments everytime they saw Xmas signs instead of Christmas signs...this was the 60's.

I got to say, I don't get it.

I don't use it, but it doesn't bother me. Seems we got bigger fish to fry...speaking of fish...we don't have any problem with that symbol do we?

We are told that early Christians in order to ascertain whether they were among friends would draw an arc in the sand with thier foot...and if someone added another arc it would mean that the group is Christian and we can talk without fear of persecution or reprisal....so the fish symbol is OK.

The cross is OK with most of us....but an X is infuriating? demeaning? rude?

Is that not our perception...why should we let this get under our skin?

ln these days of text and lingo words are converted and shortened, and it appears maybe those people changing Christmas and Christian were ahead of the curve.(the following is using a web-based lingo translator..)
So what exactly is our real gripe....why does the x bother us...it was said my saviour is not X. But can we make it for good as Christians should? Can we determine that Christ Xed out our sins. That Jesus Xed out our negative attitude. Xed out hate and showed us love?

How can we learn to love or forgive if we let X, y, or z get in the way?

How about Santa Claus?? He is a promotional figure for Coca Cola that stuck. Sure he was based on some other figures...but our jolly, fat, rosy cheeked, Santa of today is not St. Nick...but a Coke add...and there are very few of us that object to Santa or the commercialization of Christmas (and when I mean object I mean don't have the tree, wreath and presents)
zomgz!!! lolz!$£"!£" You can't say that!!! that upsets me! teh insult! kthx...

I think it is because you are erasing the name christ..... And because to some christ means so much and they looooove zeee christ... It is like you are slighting him.
the controversy over these words differs from the abbreviations that you also showed. while we abbreviate or use lingo, the attempt to take christ out of christmas and christian by replacing it with an X is the difference. while it does not affect one's salvation, it is more a matter of respect, and the lack of it. just because this is a techy generation that changes words for chats and im's, doesnt mean they can start making the rules of what is and is not respectable. that standard was here way before and i dont think people are willing to give that up. kinda of like wearing hats in classrooms.
the controversy over these words differs from the abbreviations that you also showed. while we abbreviate or use lingo, the attempt to take christ out of christmas and christian by replacing it with an X is the difference. while it does not affect one's salvation, it is more a matter of respect, and the lack of it. just because this is a techy generation that changes words for chats and im's, doesnt mean they can start making the rules of what is and is not respectable. that standard was here way before and i dont think people are willing to give that up. kinda of like wearing hats in classrooms.
a...some folks religions requires them to wear hats.
b...xmas and xtian have been going around long before texting...computers didn't exist much less IMing and cell phones txt. In the 50's and 60's when department stores were having XMAS SALEs...and folks bought trees at XMAS TREE lots...
c...I just put the text into the computer...the txt came out the other side..do you consider the computer or the programmer to be disrespectful?

In reality it is all for the same reason...the store and tree lots shortened it to save money on the cost of the signs and still display the message...the txtrs use it to save money and time on texting. I don't think the stores, tree lots or txtrs or anyone that abbreviates it (that is what they call it isn't it, simply an abbreviation?) Some of them maybe, but it is a minority, a huge minority, most are not thinking...this'll piss of the Christians...I'll shorten it. Quite the contrary, it is about being expeditious and effective. Why would a Xmas tree sales lot want to piss off or disrespect Christians??

She/he wants to do the exact opposite....get Christians in to buy trees!! And the bigger the sign, the more people come in...and they can afford a bigger sign if it is less letters...
So what exactly is our real gripe....why does the x bother us...it was said my saviour is not X. But can we make it for good as Christians should? Can we determine that Christ Xed out our sins. That Jesus Xed out our negative attitude. Xed out hate and showed us love?

How can we learn to love or forgive if we let X, y, or z get in the way?

I really had no idea that people got X when we used X to talk about and address X. I don't understand Y they get X when we use X to talk about X and how X died for us on the X. The abbreviation X could mean a lot of things, not necessarily a way of demeaning X. Is it just bad manners to say X?

What if I'm talking about something else, say, what chewing gum you use. Xtra?

Is X a cultural taboo? Is there something of bad taste about X? Such as when I talk about the X-files, label an artifact as exhibit X or when someone talks about their X-girlfriend, X-boyfriend or X-spouse?

It must be Xtraordinary the many ways in which X can be misused and abused. I may be starting to get Xcessive here. Maybe it's time for me to Xit.

:) :D :eek:

How about Santa Claus?? He is a promotional figure for Coca Cola that stuck. Sure he was based on some other figures...but our jolly, fat, rosy cheeked, Santa of today is not St. Nick...but a Coke add...and there are very few of us that object to Santa or the commercialization of Christmas (and when I mean object I mean don't have the tree, wreath and presents)

Is that it? Were the festivities of Xmas considered unXtian and an insult to Xtianity? Was Santa Claus a desecration of the identity of X?

Ok, maybe X is an insult to Christianity (to some people), but I don't see it that way. Even if a person deliberately used it as an insult, I don't see it as a problem with their attitude, but my own attitude. Christianity may be important to me, but not necessarily someone else. Christianity is only one of many religions in the world, and I don't see people getting mad when people use things like X to label and address their religion(s).

Well, actually, there's a chance of me being offended if it's not deliberate!!!:) :D :eek: I kind of prefer people to be hot or cold. If people like or don't like Christianity, I prefer that it be either one way or the other. It adds an element of certainty to my relationship with those people. That is not to say I'd hate those who hate Christianity.

I think I'd be on better terms with those people than say, someone who's unpredictable in his attitude toward Christianity. I just can't define that kind of person. How do I start a conversation with such a person? I could make friends with and talk to someone who bashes the life out of Christianity. No problem. If you bash Christianity all the time, I know who you are. I can figure out what you like and what you don't like. I know you don't like Christianity. Ok, at least that's settled. Now let's talk shop. Let's talk about the side-issues and start connecting.

If your attitude toward Christianity is unpredictable, I have no idea how to relate and connect!!! What do you want to do with me today?:eek: Ok . . . if you don't want to talk predictably, I might as well walk past you. I might as well not talk to people I don't understand well with regards to whether they like or dislike me, particularly in terms of my religious identity.
How about Santa Claus?? He is a promotional figure for Coca Cola that stuck. Sure he was based on some other figures...but our jolly, fat, rosy cheeked, Santa of today is not St. Nick...but a Coke add...and there are very few of us that object to Santa or the commercialization of Christmas (and when I mean object I mean don't have the tree, wreath and presents)

Are you confusing commercialism with reality.

"x" is representative of an unknown or undefined variable.
Even if a person deliberately used it as an insult, I don't see it as a problem with their attitude, but my own attitude.
touche....as it now follows that if I have an issue with folks who have an issue with X...it is not their problem, but mine! I'm the one with the issue of them having an issue!

Thank you so, so much, I love when it goes a step further. Tis funny it never matters where I throw the ball it always comes flyin back!
Are you confusing commercialism with reality.

"x" is representative of an unknown or undefined variable.
I don't think so, reality is to most Christmas is a commercial venture without which many stores and manufacturers would not stay in business.

Oh my, definitions have been quite interesting of late...wow another step on the enlightenment path...check out X3 defintition ....live and learn!

X 1 play_w("E0257900") (
ks)n. A movie rating indicating that admission will not be granted to anyone under the age of 17.

X 21. The symbol for reactance.
2. also x The symbol for the Roman numeral 10.

X 3abbr.1. Christ (Greek
, Christos)
2. Christian
3. or x experimental
4. extra

x 1 or X play_w("E0257900") (
ks)n. pl. x's or X's also xs or Xs 1. The 24th letter of the modern English alphabet.
2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter x.
3. The 24th in a series.
4. Something shaped like the letter X.
5. A mark inscribed to represent the signature of one who is unable to sign one's name.
6. An unknown or unnamed factor, thing, or person.

tr.v. x'd or X'd, x'ing or X'ing, x's or X's 1. To mark or sign with an X.
2. To delete, cancel, or obliterate with a series of X's. Often used with out.

x 2The symbol for abscissa.
a...some folks religions requires them to wear hats.
b...xmas and xtian have been going around long before texting...computers didn't exist much less IMing and cell phones txt. In the 50's and 60's when department stores were having XMAS SALEs...and folks bought trees at XMAS TREE lots...
c...I just put the text into the computer...the txt came out the other side..do you consider the computer or the programmer to be disrespectful?

In reality it is all for the same reason...the store and tree lots shortened it to save money on the cost of the signs and still display the message...the txtrs use it to save money and time on texting. I don't think the stores, tree lots or txtrs or anyone that abbreviates it (that is what they call it isn't it, simply an abbreviation?) Some of them maybe, but it is a minority, a huge minority, most are not thinking...this'll piss of the Christians...I'll shorten it. Quite the contrary, it is about being expeditious and effective. Why would a Xmas tree sales lot want to piss off or disrespect Christians??

She/he wants to do the exact opposite....get Christians in to buy trees!! And the bigger the sign, the more people come in...and they can afford a bigger sign if it is less letters...

a. yes i think we all know that some religions wear hats. i was hoping you would understand the example was referring an american public school standard of no hats in class, or no hats at the dinner table. i didnt know i had to spell it out for you, my mistake.
b. in addition to texting, which is one example, yes.. there is also the shortened marketing version for xmas that has been around longer.
c. i would consider the programmer disrespectful.

Why would a Xmas tree sales lot want to piss off or disrespect Christians?
out of ignorance on what is disrespectful to many.
c. i would consider the programmer disrespectful.

Why would a Xmas tree sales lot want to piss off or disrespect Christians?
out of ignorance on what is disrespectful to many.
Evidently it is not disrespectful to enough to affect his Christmas business.

Could it be that the X for Christ predates both you, me, and the programmer?

Could it be we who are ignorant??

Irony ontop of irony, X is an abbreviation for Christos in Greek and the new testament and gospels were orginally in what....Greek?? So is it possible that the X was used back then??

X abbr.Christ (Greek
, Christos)
I don't think so, reality is to most Christmas is a commercial venture without which many stores and manufacturers would not stay in business.

Oh my, definitions have been quite interesting of late...wow another step on the enlightenment path...check out X3 defintition ....live and learn!

X 1 play_w("E0257900") (
ks)n. A movie rating indicating that admission will not be granted to anyone under the age of 17.

X 21. The symbol for reactance.
2. also x The symbol for the Roman numeral 10.

X 3abbr.1. Christ (Greek
, Christos)
2. Christian
3. or x experimental
4. extra

x 1 or X play_w("E0257900") (
ks)n. pl. x's or X's also xs or Xs 1. The 24th letter of the modern English alphabet.
2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter x.
3. The 24th in a series.
4. Something shaped like the letter X.
5. A mark inscribed to represent the signature of one who is unable to sign one's name.
6. An unknown or unnamed factor, thing, or person.

tr.v. x'd or X'd, x'ing or X'ing, x's or X's 1. To mark or sign with an X.
2. To delete, cancel, or obliterate with a series of X's. Often used with out.

x 2The symbol for abscissa.

Commercialism will not always exist.

This is a stupid argument. You win.

(I still think x-tian is tasteless, but your last post made a good point.)
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the controversy over these words differs from the abbreviations that you also showed. while we abbreviate or use lingo, the attempt to take christ out of christmas and christian by replacing it with an X is the difference. while it does not affect one's salvation, it is more a matter of respect, and the lack of it. just because this is a techy generation that changes words for chats and im's, doesnt mean they can start making the rules of what is and is not respectable. that standard was here way before and i dont think people are willing to give that up. kinda of like wearing hats in classrooms.
Oh, do you mean Generation X? :p {Who came up with that name, anyway?} ;)
I just wonder if using "X" in place of "Christ" is maybe more offensive to Americans than it is in Europe, especially Scotland and Ireland, because of ancient and even later historical associations? There's St. Andrew...

Are you confusing commercialism with reality.

"x" is representative of an unknown or undefined variable.

Actually "X" has been used in describing Christianity for over a thousand years. The term "Xian" and "Xianity" were long in use prior to the discovery of America.

(represents Christ)
using a greek symbol to represent christ is inherent in a languages written form, i imagine asian characters are the same. but the english language spells things out and to shorten it with just an X is, to me, just a way to speed up on typing or lingo, which seems disrespectful at the same time because it takes the word christ out of the word, and saying the greeks used X's way before, to me, is a weak argument because i dont think that is why people do it, nor do i personally acknowledge it as correct.
using a greek symbol to represent christ is inherent in a languages written form, i imagine asian characters are the same. but the english language spells things out and to shorten it with just an X is, to me, just a way to speed up on typing or lingo, which seems disrespectful at the same time because it takes the word christ out of the word, and saying the greeks used X's way before, to me, is a weak argument because i dont think that is why people do it, nor do i personally acknowledge it as correct.

English speaking people used it well after the Greeks, so the fact that it has been in use so long (centuries) is nothing "weak". The term simply fades in and out of use through the ages.
The abbreviation Xmas for Christmas dates from the mid 16th century. The X is the Greek letter chi, the initial in the word Χριστός (Christos) “Christ.” In spite of a long and respectable history, today Xmas is offensive to many, perhaps because of its associations with advertising. It is not used in formal writing.

The abbreviation Xmas for Christmas dates from the mid 16th century. The X is the Greek letter chi, the initial in the word Χριστός (Christos) “Christ.” In spite of a long and respectable history, today Xmas is offensive to many, perhaps because of its associations with advertising. It is not used in formal writing.


Well that I would agree with.