
17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
I am in tears right now...... Oh my god... This is hilarious...

You people heard it? This English bloke went over to your country(usa) and started talking to some guy about scientology... Then flips out on him and just screams a bunch of random crap at him lol.... This is gold....

Found this link...

BBC NEWS | UK | Editor defends Scientology report

Hmmm... Also found this... Monday 14 May 2007 at 8:30pm BBC1 IT'S ON TONIGHT!! lol... I only heard it on the radio and it made me chuckle like a little school girl... I have to see this.
You reckon?

It has been played on the radio every single hour since 9am this morning.... I've heard it 5 times..... The nation has heard it five times.... Parts of the world that listen to this station also have heard it... Five times.... If he had been correct, calm, colective and well mannered... How many times would we have heard it?
You reckon?

It has been played on the radio every single hour since 9am this morning.... I've heard it 5 times..... The nation has heard it five times.... Parts of the world that listen to this station also have heard it... Five times.... If he had been correct, calm, colective and well mannered... How many times would we have heard it?
Oh yeah, great advert for the show...no such thing as bad publicity, the viewership will probably triple...and then he'll have a chance to make a point..hopefully...if the show has enough substance to keep them amused and their is nothing more tantalizing to switch to.

But as far as that clip goes, he didn't make many points...other than the sensationalizing factor which as you indicate may make it all worthwhile.
No such thing as -bad- publicity :) It will draw in much attention and viewers... Like I know I'll be watching it tonight lol they lined that hook and caught me.... But yeah, once you go skitz and flip out everyone comes on to have a look... You can then get the Editor to calm him down... Make your point.... May not effect many but will effect more than if he had done it correctly in the first place and subliminally... They get through. :)
i would have been tempted to bash the lil wierdo on the nose myself, and be damned! he stalked and baited Sweeney at every available opportunity, and I'm not suprised he shouted, as that was the only way the fella would listen... sometimes you have to shout the loudest to be heard...
i would have been tempted to bash the lil wierdo on the nose myself, and be damned! he stalked and baited Sweeney at every available opportunity, and I'm not suprised he shouted, as that was the only way the fella would listen... sometimes you have to shout the loudest to be heard...

Indeed.... I still haven't seen it.. but from my understanding the scientologist kept ignore pure 100% facts? And wouldn't let the reporter talk or get his point across.... I would have gone skitz as well.... Really, who wouldn't? Such a frustrating situation it must have been..
Just been looking over Scientology and so on because I was curious to see why many take digs and and make fun of Tom Cruise, I say people need to show tolerance to Cruise as you would show tolerance to a Muslim, to a Jew, to a Christian, to a Buddhist, to a Sikh, to a Taoist, to a Shintoist.... To your fellow man.

"He is crazy! Dillusioned!!!!!"

I hear people cry, I say he believes he can do good for the world just like many others, and he has the RIGHT to that.. I have spent some time going through all the scientology movies and footage and I admire him....

Indeed if we go to the Sweeny account... There are many cut vidoes of this footage and you can see that ALL of them are either attempting to sway you to support Davis or to support Sweeny...

I can honestly say they both made a mistake... Sweeny for his screaming rant, which he appologised for and that is awesome to see him do that, that he is strong enough and good enough to do so... And Davis, sending cars to stalk Sweeny, that is kind of scary yes, but obviously Davis had a preconception that Sweeny had a preconception of scientology and that he was asking all those agaisnt the religion instead of speaking with those of the religion as it was an interview about the details within it... I guess so he could prepare for his interviews and such.....

The main mistake that Davis made was interupting the interview sweeny had with a camera man... (sorry I forgot his name) That lacked manners and was very rude, I think it is an American thing as I see it often "Oh you going to listen to him? He's a rapist, killer, theif, whatever..." kinda thing... Davis then left without allowing the man to defend himself, even though there was no need because so what if he was a male prostitute that wasn't what this was about.......but then again it was also rude for Sweeny to dictate to Davis what his religion was.....

Half a dozen of one and six of the other.....

Sorry just wished to share/express this.
I have changed my mind and all ideas on Scientology...

YouTube - What is Greatness?

Watch this, but most importantly.... Listen to this, tell me it is right, to discriminate, and hate another who stands by these values....

Lol, if you have read Hubbards books you realise that he is quick to use psychological niceties, (in a way that could sway the naive), to sell his product. But go ahead Alex, let the advert selling scientology buy you. Then go and pay the real price.

I knew you'd enjoy this one :)

I am currently reading the books.... Then from there I shall make my own choices and views... It's how we learn and grow. :)

When learning about a controversial topic it's always wise to keep an open mind and listen to all the different sides of the issue. Don't go by just one critical or supportive source either -- there are lots out there to peruse which make valid points that need to be addressed.
When learning about a controversial topic it's always wise to keep an open mind and listen to all the different sides of the issue. Don't go by just one critical or supportive source either -- there are lots out there to peruse which make valid points that need to be addressed.

Thanks you guys, (and gandalf for links!) Loads to go through lol but totally worth it... Going to take me forever but after Scientology I am going to look into as many faiths and religions as I can... I must say Scientology loooooves their symbols lol... They are pretty cool I must admit lol.
Any religion which has non-confrontation rules tends to become the target of some of the most surprising confrontations. Especially when people throw some of the most extreme "truths and facts" at them without listening to the responses. Even worse when people are obviously testing the non-response of the religion. Hindu monks, amish, quakers, buddhists, etc etc.

As for the open-mindedness toward Scientology...
as an ex-scientologist I will say that there are perfetyl good reasons for not choosing scientology. On the other hand, most of what I see posted about it is crap as far as my personal experiences go. If you want to remain open minded, try to treat each bit fairly. As in "even if it were true, thats so terrible compared to what?". Kindof a stones vs glass houses viewpoint. I find that many religions dont stand up too well to such comparisons. But if you want to save yourself some time you will find it hashed and rehashed many times over in a nicely neutral "Discuss Scientology" forum on BeliefNet.

Gandalf Parker