


Gvn tht txtng hs rchd epdmc prprtns & nw is frmly a prt of our livs I wndr if the txtscrpt thts dvlpd wil mdfy lngwg?

Yr thots pls, if pos in txtscrpt :)
Hi...I prefer the King's English...or is it really the Queen's ?

Anyway, I even refuse to own a wireless communications device, let alone a texting device. This is a totally technology-driven intervention in the linear development of evolutionary human language systems.

But who knows ? In 200 years it might turn out to be better at facilitating communications among whoever is left on Earth, eh what ?

I don't really have a strong opinion on this one way or the other.

No-one ever sends me text messages because I haven't got a mobile phone. If anyone ever gave me a mobile it would go straight in the bin. The mobile phone is a tool of the anti-Christ.

thnx (or some such ****)

Back in the olden days, before the abundance of blackberries and such, when cell phones were big like bricks and only the rich and famous routinely carried them, there was something called a pager. Anyone remember those? :D

Anyway, I had myself a beautiful little pearl-looking one that played pretty tunes when someone paged me. That someone was a very interesting man I met and eventually married. We are still together and I am glad about that.

I don't know how our system of texting each other would compare to today's standards, but it was a lot of fun and I was delighted whenever I received a numeric message in the middle of my workday. We just kind of made it up as we went, and there were little scratch pieces of paper everywhere where I would work out the puzzles. It was great! This was all within the last decade.

I don't know how to text message, really, but I wouldn't mind learning. It can't be that difficult, right? Is it confusing sometimes? I mean, are there standards that "ppl" follow?

Between my husband and I, we have 3 children and 5 grandchildren, and I am happy that it is so easy for them to stay in touch. Yeah, it is a little frustrating when I am having a conversation with one of them, and their fingers are busy on the phone, but then I realize they are talking to one another and sending me messages, too. I think it's great! But then again, none of them live at my house and I don't have to pay the bill....:D

Oh, and welcome to CR, greymare. :)

Hi...I prefer the King's English...or is it really the Queen's ?

lol!! that from an american is a colourful notion :p

Jokes aside, I dont care about language snobbery, as long as I can understand its all good. The purpose of language is solely to convey communication. If it acheives that it is perfect. This of course is my best excuse for my abysmal spelling :p
I don't really have a strong opinion on this one way or the other.

No-one ever sends me text messages because I haven't got a mobile phone. If anyone ever gave me a mobile it would go straight in the bin. The mobile phone is a tool of the anti-Christ.

thnx (or some such ****)


Hi InLove,

I don't know how to text message, really, but I wouldn't mind learning. It can't be that difficult, right? Is it confusing sometimes? I mean, are there standards that "ppl" follow?

From what I understand it's often pretty cliquey and therefor dynamic. I dont have a clue what some things I have recieved are meant to mean. Personal my own txts tend to be mostly normal english with a few shortcuts like w8, b4 etc. I think you can pretty well make it up as you go along and get away with it :D

Jokes aside, I dont care about language snobbery, as long as I can understand its all good. The purpose of language is solely to convey communication. If it acheives that it is perfect.

Yes the purpose of language is communication and all living languages evolve. But to me texting malarkey is more to do with the technology and helps to hide poor linguistic ability. No wonder universities are now starting to find students coming onto degree courses who are, for want of a better phrase, semi illiterate.

e.g. random choice from the internet:

"...concerns raised by staff and external examiners on the poverty of students' language skills make it clear that the poverty of literacy skills amongst students is not a problem unique to Cardiff University. Literacy levels have been identified as a national problem with some students in British universities demonstrating poor literacy skills and requiring training in spelling, punctuation as well as in structuring essays."

Guide to Improving Literacy - Cardiff University

Yes the purpose of language is communication and all living languages evolve. But to me texting malarkey is more to do with the technology and helps to hide poor linguistic ability. No wonder universities are now starting to find students coming onto degree courses who are, for want of a better phrase, semi illiterate.

e.g. random choice from the internet:

"...concerns raised by staff and external examiners on the poverty of students' language skills make it clear that the poverty of literacy skills amongst students is not a problem unique to Cardiff University. Literacy levels have been identified as a national problem with some students in British universities demonstrating poor literacy skills and requiring training in spelling, punctuation as well as in structuring essays."

Guide to Improving Literacy - Cardiff University


Soz, cnt rly agree wth u on tht 1. txt msgs hv ltd n0. of chrctrs & so i thnk txng has evlvd to mxmise the use of spc.
Literacy and grammar/spelling ability are directly linked to lazy teachers methinx. I know a few teachers in primary/secondary education. My thoughts are if they 'straightened up' for long enough they might give a damn about the job they do long enough to edjumicate our kids!! Seen the series a few years back 'teachers',???? - well that was spot on.

Hi TE and Snoopy and All :)

I have known lots of teachers, too. In all levels of education. Teachers, like the rest of us, cannot be all painted with the same brush, IMO. Some people care, and some people don't. I find that more often than not, teachers DO care about what they are doing, and most are quite dedicated.

They are also limited in various ways by various programs, many of them set up by politicians who say one thing about education and do another. (And I'm not painting all of them with the same brush, either, but initiatives can get lost in political red tape and campaign desires way too often. I know it is most definitely true where I live.) I think if our teachers were paid more fairly for what they do, we'd see more of them stay in the profession. Over and over, I have seen teachers pay for their own classroom supplies out of their pockets because the budget does not allow for enough. And then, they turn around and get reprimended for doing so! Lose/lose situation for the students.

I also think that parents have to work at knowing what is going on with younger students, and so many of them are pressed for time in this gotta-have-two-incomes-work-away-from-home world in which so many of us must engage just to make ends meet. So, parents have their part to do as well as teachers, but the blame game too often takes over between these stressed parties.

Text messaging terms have no doubt entered our collective vocabulary, but I don't see it as completely replacing or altering other standards of communication, especially scholarly standards. If we couldn't get Esperanza going, I don't think we are under a massive threat from text messaging. Language is constantly evolving for any number of reasons--one reason I think history is important. I wish it were applied to linguistics on a wider scale in general education. :)

Anyway, I even refuse to own a wireless communications device, let alone a texting device. This is a totally technology-driven intervention in the linear development of evolutionary human language systems.

Yes the purpose of language is communication and all living languages evolve. But to me texting malarkey is more to do with the technology and helps to hide poor linguistic ability. No wonder universities are now starting to find students coming onto degree courses who are, for want of a better phrase, semi illiterate.
texting has not been around long enough as an excuse why college students can't write...but as evolution of language goes and writing...techonology has always been at the forefront...

Can you believe these kids these days writing on leather?? Everyone knows the only valued and permanent communication is in stone.

That papyrus stuff is'll never last, it is just folks being lazy.

What was Guttenberg thinking, our scribes union will set that damn thing a blaze.

Then I think of smoke signals, drum beats, didgeridoos, morse code, 10-4 good buddy what's your 10-21?

If there aren't yet we'll soon see books of txt...and if it better keep up, or be left behind with your quill!
Hi TE and Snoopy and All :)

I have known lots of teachers, too. In all levels of education. Teachers, like the rest of us, cannot be all painted with the same brush, IMO. Some people care, and some people don't. I find that more often than not, teachers DO care about what they are doing, and most are quite dedicated.

They are also limited in various ways by various programs, many of them set up by politicians who say one thing about education and do another. (And I'm not painting all of them with the same brush, either, but initiatives can get lost in political red tape and campaign desires way too often. I know it is most definitely true where I live.) I think if our teachers were paid more fairly for what they do, we'd see more of them stay in the profession. Over and over, I have seen teachers pay for their own classroom supplies out of their pockets because the budget does not allow for enough. And then, they turn around and get reprimended for doing so! Lose/lose situation for the students.

I also think that parents have to work at knowing what is going on with younger students, and so many of them are pressed for time in this gotta-have-two-incomes-work-away-from-home world in which so many of us must engage just to make ends meet. So, parents have their part to do as well as teachers, but the blame game too often takes over between these stressed parties.

Text messaging terms have no doubt entered our collective vocabulary, but I don't see it as completely replacing or altering other standards of communication, especially scholarly standards. If we couldn't get Esperanza going, I don't think we are under a massive threat from text messaging. Language is constantly evolving for any number of reasons--one reason I think history is important. I wish it were applied to linguistics on a wider scale in general education. :)


Hi InLove,

You are, of course, absolutely correct to point out that I am once again guilty of gross generalisation based on the few people I have met:D Ahhhh some things never change ehhh :p
Thing was I did mean it more in fun than to paint a genuine picture, that despite the fact the teachers I do know keep the dope dealers and breweries ticking over.:rolleyes:

I agree that could be a problem, TE.

I guess I just have a soft spot for teachers. (The sincere ones.) :)
