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If God is all knowing that means he knows the future. Does this mean we have no control over our destiny? Or does God choose not to know the future and let us decided?
Good question, Postmaster. I don't know. But maybe God knows it will be worked out, and I can't imagine a loving God turning a blind eye to our troubles. Just a thought.

It could be that all problems humanity encounter are purely human fault. How it is that some people can avoid harmful situations when other can't? And some can consciously avoid a harmful situation through foresight (if one believes in this ability).

I think God has provided us with adequate tools for prosperity and sometimes we use them for other purposes, this is out of his hands because he granted us freewill, he can't mess with our sovereignty because that is what makes us unique and independent from him. Could possibly be like that anyway......

Postmaster said:
I think God has provided us with adequate tools for prosperity and sometimes we use them for other purposes,

That's for sure.
It could be that all problems humanity encounter are purely human fault. How it is that some people can avoid harmful situations when other can't? And some can consciously avoid a harmful situation through foresight (if one believes in this ability).

I think God has provided us with adequate tools for prosperity and sometimes we use them for other purposes, this is out of his hands because he granted us freewill, he can't mess with our sovereignty because that is what makes us unique and independent from him. Could possibly be like that anyway......

Nobody can have the foresight to take precautions against every eventuality. Someone running a red light, a train derailment, a loose roof slate, a tidal wave, a terminal disease.... any number of things are beyond preventitive precautions. Are such things destined for the victims of such tradgedies? We cannot know. But we have to work on the basis that we do have some control over our destiny because it is better to err in that direction than the other.

I truely believe if you really want to you can avoid harmful situations, it's just that you would be compromising on other aspects of your life, I think it all depends where you put your priorities. I also think that someone can build up there karamtic energy to avoid certain harmful situations through being helpfull, charitable, preventive and understanding of others in harmful situations.
If God is all knowing that means he knows the future. Does this mean we have no control over our destiny? Or does God choose not to know the future and let us decided?

acording to your bible, there are prophets are there not? Your god tells them things..... So he tells them the future with some of them... It was told to them like 300 years some cases more so... When the events would happen.....

So yes in your book, your god knows the future... Knowing the future there has to be fate.... You have no control over what you do. He knows what you will do... Will you be a good boy and please him, or will you be the one sitting in the corner... Only he knows... "god knows" That makes you think, well what the hell is the point in free will, when I am going to do what I am going to do, like a programme.... Was this post meant to happen??? Or did I in boredom just decide to post here... Or maybe It wasn't boredom..... I HAD to post this because it was said I would post this...

£"!%4325982385u28435TGGBERGERG Ct 391 t35u1g t0gh053h ..... That was forseen that I would flip out..... Every bit of that babble was allready known... I was not random... It was known I was going to do that...... SCARY.... ;) Not even thinking of which keys I pressed... But did someone know exactly which keys I would press? Did I really know what keys I was going to press?
Let's not assume because I have a cross as my pic I take the bible extremely literally or even accept word for word.

We seem to want to accept 2 things, 1 is if you believe in God (and there is only one God otherwise call him something else) that he is All knowing, this is part of the monotheistic conception. 2 is humans have free will.

We want to accept both these concepts yet they contradict each other. Surely there has to be a point where you can accept both, somewhere inbetween. The way I get round it is, by saying God chooses not to view the future by giving humans adequate tools and abilties to creating it ourself.
I wasn't looking at your cross.... When I look at the cross Pagan thoughts come to mind.... ANYWAY. You are just speaking of god, and as the bible seems to be accepted by the majority as the best way to get to know the being.... Within this book it shows he can tell the future. My answer had no connection whatsoever to how I percieve you... It was simply MY answer. :)
I think that human abilities to tell the future are said to be a gift from God. I accept this true but I think that half as much credit needs to be given to the person that took that particular path.
Really? Why so? Take Jonah for example..... He tried the best he could to avoid god... And became annoyed by god...... He was a prophet.... Who had his arm twisted lol to tell the information he was given... He deserve's praise.... (Just trying to get an understanding of your concept.) Isn't all praise and glory to go to god? This isn't something you personally believe in?
If we give all prise and glory to god then life is nothing but a theatrical stage for his pleasure, freewill being an illusion and atttibuting all bad things in life to him. Sooooo.. The way I get round it is, by saying God chooses not to view the future by giving humans adequate tools and abilties to creating it ourself.
I definitely think he can see everything, with his one big eye. That eye is the very consious of mankind.
I believe he chose a particular path for our benifit and got hurt in the process. Anything else I can't be too sure of.
I'm just thinking here...

Regarding the idea that "God chooses not to see"--

I am a human. But there are many things I choose not to look upon, if possible. Some things are just too ugly and terrible, and the effect they have on me is too much for me to bear. However, for the sake of a loved one, say a young child, for example--a baby--I would enter into the most hellish situation in order to save that child out of it. So there is an aspect of me that cannot look, and also an aspect which must. And like I said, I am not God, but if I could do this, I am thinking that surely a limitless God could.

Like I said, just thinking.

I'm just thinking here...

Regarding the idea that "God chooses not to see"--

I am a human. But there are many things I choose not to look upon, if possible. Some things are just too ugly and terrible, and the effect they have on me is too much for me to bear. However, for the sake of a loved one, say a young child, for example--a baby--I would enter into the most hellish situation in order to save that child out of it. So there is an aspect of me that cannot look, and also an aspect which must. And like I said, I am not God, but if I could do this, I am thinking that surely a limitless God could.

Like I said, just thinking.


Good argument for the contention that God does not exist :p