Live Earth: SOS


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A blank canvas for everyone...

So what do you think? To what extent will it be the intended wake up call to individuals to reduce, re-use and recycle? To what extent will it cause organisations, corporations and governments to amend or scrap business and economic policies?


SOS | Live Earth | 7.7.07
Hard to say. In some sense he is preaching to the converted in this. I find it curious that news shows on TV are lining up to belittle Al Gore, accusing him of everything from personal ambition to stealing Geldof's thunder. The difference here is you are expected not only to buy your ticket to see one of the many shows but to sign a pledge committing yourself to eccologicly high standards. Maybe it will have some effect but I think there is already an unstoppable momentum growing in environmental awareness globably. Real question is is it to little to late?

hi snoopy,

So what do you think? To what extent will it be the intended wake up call to individuals to reduce, re-use and recycle? To what extent will it cause organisations, corporations and governments to amend or scrap business and economic policies?

well, i think it is a noble effort, but it won't work. it won't work because we, as man, don't care. mankinds problem is that we are just too damn selfish! there are more selfish people on this earth than there are compassionate ones. these pop stars, despite their efforts, really don't care for the planet, they only care for themselves and their fame. it is a sad sad fact, but true. we can watch our own children die in our arms and this world still wouldn't change. we are just a terrible terrible species. very animal like. no! not even that. even animals aren't destroying this planet. now how ironic is that? we are the problem, we are the ones that need to clean ourselves up. not this planet. my two cents.
I wonder about us all recycling our domestic rubbish to minimise landfill while in China there's (apparently) 2 new power stations built every day. Perhaps global warming is needed to put the planet back into balance again, by washing away all the problems.

well, i think it is a noble effort, but it won't work. it won't work because we, as man, don't care. mankinds problem is that we are just too damn selfish! there are more selfish people on this earth than there are compassionate ones. these pop stars, despite their efforts, really don't care for the planet, they only care for themselves and their fame. it is a sad sad fact, but true. we can watch our own children die in our arms and this world still wouldn't change. we are just a terrible terrible species. very animal like. no! not even that. even animals aren't destroying this planet. now how ironic is that? we are the problem, we are the ones that need to clean ourselves up. not this planet. my two cents.
I wonder about us all recycling our domestic rubbish to minimise landfill while in China there's (apparently) 2 new power stations built every day. Perhaps global warming is needed to put the planet back into balance again, by washing away all the problems.
on one hand, I think what the world needs now is a little more pessimism. :D

On the other Ghandi~ Be the change you wish to see in the world...

and on another Rush Limbaugh~ Man cannot destroy the world, man can only make it uninhabitable for man....and that should please the liberals.