New Banner


Coexistence insha'Allah
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I was really pleased to see the new banner, with ads about different faiths. Then I looked up and it said "feel what you see" and there was a picture of a half naked woman in a very sexy pose. Do you have any control of what ads go on the banner? As I am not sure I feel very comfortable with such pictures in a forum for people of faith - or am I being a prude???
I was really pleased to see the new banner, with ads about different faiths. Then I looked up and it said "feel what you see" and there was a picture of a half naked woman in a very sexy pose. Do you have any control of what ads go on the banner? As I am not sure I feel very comfortable with such pictures in a forum for people of faith - or am I being a prude???
no, i don't think you are being prude at all, muslimwoman. you have a point. lets just hope that this website doesn't sell out to tasteless ads. i haven't seen it so maybe they removed it? hope so.
Do you have any control of what ads go on the banner?

I'm sure the ads relate to words in our posts (not just you and me, MW!). I base this on the fact I saw one for the Snoopy cartoon (is it Peanuts?). I keep meaning to test the theory by bombarding the site with the same, probably very silly, word and then check the ads for correlation. But I'd probably get banned before I could complete my experiment.:p:eek::D

I'm sure the ads relate to words in our posts (not just you and me, MW!). I base this on the fact I saw one for the Snoopy cartoon (is it Peanuts?). I keep meaning to test the theory by bombarding the site with the same, probably very silly, word and then check the ads for correlation. But I'd probably get banned before I could complete my experiment.:p:eek::D


Now I am really worried, I feel sure I didn't type half naked woman, in sexy pose with suggestive script - then again the memory isn't as good as it used to be?!

TE - trust you LOL
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Monaco]Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
"I've been to London to look at the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
"I frightened a little mouse under the chair."
[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Monaco]Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
"I've been to London to look at the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
"I frightened a little mouse under the chair."
[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Monaco]Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
"I've been to London to look at the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
"I frightened a little mouse under the chair."
[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Monaco]Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
"I've been to London to look at the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
"I frightened a little mouse under the chair."

Sorry Tao, are you hoping for a picture of a mouse or London? Just can't quite decide what it is you are hoping to see.
Sorry Tao, are you hoping for a picture of a mouse or London? Just can't quite decide what it is you are hoping to see.

No I was hoping to find a good online deal for bulk shipments of Kit-e-cat :)
No I was hoping to find a good online deal for bulk shipments of Kit-e-cat :)

{MW frowns, looking at Tao with her naught boy glare and wonders whether Tao really believes MW to be an airhead. MW decides to give Tao the benefit of the doubt this time}

Oh 6 crates please but no tuna, for some reason most cats don't like tuna.
Yes I have noticed that too. Since when did a cat ever catch a tuna anyway? Or a lamb for that matter!! When you think about it they really should be a little more imaginative. What about tit flavour? You could have blue tit, long-tailed tit, great tit, crested tit, infact just about any tit would be preferable to your average pussy than tuna or lamb. There are certainly enough tits out there, did you know there are seven families of tit? Mind you the twitchers might get their knickers in a twist if all the tits were being caught for catfood! So maybe tits are out and the pussy's will have to make do with whats there.

Yours sincerely:rolleyes:

This is beyond a joke. The latest advert is called Israel Life Israel Lie. I had a look and this is a sample of the hatred preached there:

Killing for Peace

If Arabs accepted the 1948 refugees, why won’t they accept the 2008 refugees? If they accepted that 2/3 of Palestinian population was expelled in 1948, why won’t they accept that a 100% of the Palestinian population will be expelled in 2008? If Arabs accepted a Jewish state in the Palestinian land in the 1967 borders why won’t they accept it including Judea and Samaria? If, on other hand, Arabs in their hearts did not accept Israel or the 1948 displacement of Palestinians, why appease them? Cleanse more land for the Jewish state. Arabs won’t hate us more after we drive them to Jordan.

Annihilated enemy is the only good peace partner.

I joined CR to discuss faith, to learn about others faith and to try to promote tolerance so why do we now have adverts like this? I feel sure you didn't know what sort of adverts there would be but imo these are SO inappropriate for CR. :mad:
Hi MW...Was this in a bannner ad on CR? I tend to ignore them and scroll down to our playgrounds so I haven't noticed much of the content. I would certainly agree that this is not appropriate on a site that is supposed to promote spiritual unity.

The banners do clearly state that the ads are by Google. Maybe Brian doesn't have much say so about what advert content is placed in the banners. I am not familiar with the standard arrangements for such deals, but it would seem to me that a site owner should have some say regarding the appropriateness of the adverts placed in the banners. I suppose one would need to examine the contract for services covering the banner ads to make such a determination. your ears on ?

Hi Flow

I feel sure Brian would not wish these but I wanted to point them out so that if there is anything he can do to stop them, he can. I know sites have to make money and advertising is the easiest way to do that. Brian provides a brilliant service here but to be honest I would prefer to pay to be a member than be subjected to such offensive advertising.

I never noticed them when they were just at the top of the screen but the new ones can't be avoided as they are between the bar that you press for User CP, etc and the posts. I thought maybe I was being a bit prudish with the half naked woman but this new one has a picture with what is obviously meant to be blood and it upset me.

Well, my banners all want me to convert to Judaism. I'm not sure what that plot is about.

Besides the proselytizing, I don't like the new banner because it takes up a heckuvalot more room than the old banner. Whenever I open up CR, I get stared down by either the conversion trip or some advertisement for a Christian magazine.

It's not a big deal really, but thought I'd chime in with my disgruntlement.

Now I have to go find some kosher food. They are watching. I'm sure of it.
I get same as you mostly pathless. I have never seen a banner with any 'art' just script.
:eek: OMG it is just targeting me with half naked women and anti-Arab sites. Shhh, look behind me, are they watching me?
MW...salaam allaykum...

Cool your jets lady. These strategies and technological targeting routines were mostly originated, developed, and perfected under corporate sponsorship at the Media Lab at MIT beginning in the 80's and continuing to this day. Lots of companies and people are making lots of money with these burgeoning sets of systemic digital intrusions upon our psyches. As you know these sorts of thingys are always on the dark side of capitalism these days. Realities always become illusions...and vice versa...if they sell.

Getting our collective knickers into bunches of knots isn't going to change the BIG picture. All we can hope is that Brian pays attention to our squeakings and takes some steps to bring the advert content more into alignment with the general tenor of the attitudes at CR.

How's everything else my sweet ? Nice day out here in the great American desert...but hot.
