Bosch: Christ Crowned with Thorns


I think we can approach this as a wonderful soul picture of the lower
nature of the four temperaments (Air, Fire, Water & Earth):

CGFA- Hieronymus Bosch: Christ Mocked

-Br. Bruce

Christ isn't a red head with the "deer in the headlights" look. The Renaissance portrait is striking, but full of errors. That is understandable however, since the artist was merely human.


Christ isn't a red head with the "deer in the headlights" look. The Renaissance portrait is striking, but full of errors. That is understandable however, since the artist was merely human.



G'day Q,
Our Lord appears in many ways to many people in order to save them.
Hair-dyes of vegetable origin were available to the Israelites- usually black.

Now whether Christ had flaming orange hair effected by hair-dyes, or simply within the vision of the men who saw him is another matter.

The Old Master portraits do depict Jesus Christ with various hair colors.

Best Regards,
lol I highly doubt Jesus Christ was into hair dye
Finally an answer to the question of the women pouring oil over his head..she was his hairdresser! No wonder the disciples were pissed, just like when our presidents block up airports to get their haircut...we think it lavish and expensive and the money better spent elsewhere....

Yes when it comes to hair color, hair style, eye color, skin color, facial features, thorns/halos, dress, the various combinations representations of Jesus are infinite... and that itself is interesting...

Could that in itself be the reason for the variety of paintings?? That he infact not just represents but represented all? Physically as well as spiritually? Blond, red, black, short, long, straight, wavy, curly, kinky....

(I had every intention to make some other inappropriate comment about colored contact lenses, his publicist, hair stylist, seamstress and enterauge but when my fingers wrote infinite it stopped me and started a whole new contemplation)
maybe he went and saw his hair stylist right before he went to the garden of gesthame... heck he was going to see the roman governor the next day!!
Finally an answer to the question of the women pouring oil over his head..she was his hairdresser! No wonder the disciples were pissed, just like when our presidents block up airports to get their haircut...we think it lavish and expensive and the money better spent elsewhere....

Yes when it comes to hair color, hair style, eye color, skin color, facial features, thorns/halos, dress, the various combinations representations of Jesus are infinite... and that itself is interesting...

Could that in itself be the reason for the variety of paintings?? That he infact not just represents but represented all? Physically as well as spiritually? Blond, red, black, short, long, straight, wavy, curly, kinky....

(I had every intention to make some other inappropriate comment about colored contact lenses, his publicist, hair stylist, seamstress and enterauge but when my fingers wrote infinite it stopped me and started a whole new contemplation)

Jesus was Jewish. He looked like a jewish man.. with no physical beauty.. Nothing remarkable about His looks.
Isaiah 53:1-3 1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him. 3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.
and to liken annointing with oil to vanity shows just how contentious you are because I KNOW you know better.
maybe he went and saw his hair stylist right before he went to the garden of gesthame... heck he was going to see the roman governor the next day!!
now that's the spirit...
and to liken annointing with oil to vanity shows just how contentious you are because I KNOW you know better.
oh phooey ya lost it.

Yes, I know better, doesn't mean that a little humor and satire deters the process.

And you made me go to the dictionary...contentious, argumentative, belligerent yikes. to put forward an argument in debate, striving in controversy...appropriate I suppose.

But don't you think it amazing that we today know exactly what was going on with the woman and the oil, yet his disciples were clearly unaware? His chosen, those that were at his feet learning directly from the master were clueless...

Back to is said his garment was seamless, finest thread...they fought over and sold his appears he wasn't dressed as a simple peasant but as a king. So a little henna for highlights when you are standing on the mount so the crowd can identify you...not totally out of the question...
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now that's the spirit...oh phooey ya lost it.

Yes, I know better, doesn't mean that a little humor and satire deters the process.

And you made me go to the dictionary...contentious, argumentative, belligerent yikes. to put forward an argument in debate, striving in controversy...appropriate I suppose.

But don't you think it amazing that we today no exactly what was going on with the woman and the oil, yet his disciples were clearly unaware? His chosen, those that were at his feet learning directly from the master were clueless...

Back to is said his garment was seamless, finest thread...they fought over and sold his appears he wasn't dressed as a simple peasant but as a king. So a little henna for highlights when you are standing on the mount so the crowd can identify you...not totally out of the question...

You should research this.. in the Jewish culture the rank of a person was stitched into their robes.. The woman that touched the hem of Jesus robe was submitting and acknowledging His authority.. So when Jesus said who touched my robes.. He knew who it was and why she did it.

It wasnt about vanity it was about a Jewish man observing Jewish culture.

You may question my responses to this thread and Im not going to stand back and let people mock my Lord. Its not humorous its flat out disrespectful.
You may question my responses to this thread and Im not going to stand back and let people mock my Lord. Its not humorous its flat out disrespectful.
maybe he went and saw his hair stylist right before he went to the garden of gesthame... heck he was going to see the roman governor the next day!!
Ok, I'll question...what pray tell is the difference? I'm surely not mocking your lord and/or my elder brother and wayshower... in a land of fleas, at a time when who knows what could get into your hair, we've got absolutely no idea what was done or not done...
land of fleas? I wouldnt guess they had any fleas than we do wil.. do you dye your hair because of fleas? Or do you wash it in water? Think common sense is needed here.
land of fleas? I wouldnt guess they had any fleas than we do wil.. do you dye your hair because of fleas? Or do you wash it in water? Think common sense is needed here.
conjecture yes...modern society v. then...I'm assuming things were different..who knows what oils or concoctions covered up whatever went on then...

I'm still confused as to why my humor offends and yours in reference to the garden is this the proverbial goose/gander as I say not as I do...or was that a moment of weakness that you wish you didn't allow to slip?

I'm not deriding you here...just wanting to know why I should be taken to task, and what was the difference in your eyes...
It wasnt about vanity it was about a Jewish man observing Jewish culture.

Hi Faithfulservant,

I may be sticking my nose where it is not welcome, but I can't resist. At the same time, I don't mean to be disrespectful; I just would like to raise a question.

First off, I do not think Jesus was vain. Secondly, whether or not he dyed his hair, wore lip gloss, earrings, and a skirt vs. did his work in a plain dusty robe and sandals matters little to me (if he were depicted as wearing a business suit and toting a briefcase, I admit I would be upset :rolleyes: ). The question that I would like to ask, though, is does beauty have to be about vanity?

I personally believe that Jesus must have radiated beauty. To be filled with unconditional love must make one strikingly radiant, don't you think? Without any "beautification" at all, I imagine Christ received second looks, double-takes, and secret longing glances from people wherever he walked. "Wow!!! Look at that guy!" people may have thought--"How does he get that look? That confident, peaceful, loving look? And those eyes!! Amazing."

My thoughts.

Peace and Love,
Hi Faithfulservant,

I may be sticking my nose where it is not welcome, but I can't resist. At the same time, I don't mean to be disrespectful; I just would like to raise a question.

First off, I do not think Jesus was vain. Secondly, whether or not he dyed his hair, wore lip gloss, earrings, and a skirt vs. did his work in a plain dusty robe and sandals matters little to me (if he were depicted as wearing a business suit and toting a briefcase, I admit I would be upset :rolleyes: ). The question that I would like to ask, though, is does beauty have to be about vanity?

I personally believe that Jesus must have radiated beauty. To be filled with unconditional love must make one strikingly radiant, don't you think? Without any "beautification" at all, I imagine Christ received second looks, double-takes, and secret longing glances from people wherever he walked. "Wow!!! Look at that guy!" people may have thought--"How does he get that look? That confident, peaceful, loving look? And those eyes!! Amazing."

My thoughts.

Peace and Love,

If this was true why was He tortured and crucifed? He was despised...not admired. His own disciples would not stand up for Him.