A bit twee, perhaps ...


So it goes ...
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London UK
I was scanning through an archive for some stuff for Dondi, and I came upon this, which I had consigned to the 'filebin' a long time ago ... it is, I admit, unashamedly sentimental ... but maybe it deserves an airing...

The Church of the Heart

It is the light that shows the way
when I remember I don't always know best,

It is a warmth that dispels that sometimes
dread chill that aflicts my heart,

It is food, it is warmth, it is shelter,
It is companionship, it is comfort, it is love,

It is in the glint of my lover's eye,
and in the smile of a stranger.

It is in the shooting star, that in all the universe
I and I alone am the only one to see.

It is a communion of kind that knows no boundary,
not time nor space, nor life nor death.

Do we not know that when we bend a knee to pray,
the cosmos holds its breath?

Do we not know that when we whisper out our prayers
all the saints and sages are there beside us?

It is in that place, somewhere, anywhere, in which
someone prays (in any tradition, in any tongue)

And it is because of them and for our sakes too,
that God and the the world endures another day.

The One True Church is the Church of the Heart
(wherein the Immaculata held His words)
Where I dwell upon what it is to be a man
and know how far short I fall of that calling

And even so where God reveals to me,
that I can love, and be loved in return.

I liked it a lot...

this line...

Do we not know that when we bend a knee to pray,
the cosmos holds its breath?

and the true church line...

but you knew that...
Bravo Thomas, it is beautiful. Have you got any more you can share?

this line...Do we not know that when we bend a knee to pray,
the cosmos holds its breath?

That line brought a lump to my throat too Wil. I get goosebumps at the end of prayer when I say Ameen, as I know all the angels say Ameen with me. If you try to visualise that just for a second it is awesome.