Our future


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What should the education of children involve and why?

initially a foundation of general information which will simplify survival in future society...

as the little one grows more of the same until he/she makes choices regarding desired career field...and then a more focused foundation of general information which will simplify growth in that field..

all interspersed generously with play and social contact.
And, IMHO, use of the information gained in schooling to develop critical thinking skills in order to question the realities around him/her in ways to improve future living possibilities for his/her neighbors, family, and friends. If education does not have the goal of improving human conditions for the future, then it isn't worth very much to my way of thinking.

And, IMHO, use of the information gained in schooling to develop critical thinking skills in order to question the realities around him/her in ways to improve future living possibilities for his/her neighbors, family, and friends. If education does not have the goal of improving human conditions for the future, then it isn't worth very much to my way of thinking.



very nice, I must say. First we need to show what we have achieved and what are our flaws and learning lessons from the past that we still have not accept the failure and fix them and also do what ever to help all things that is good.

In order of importance:

1. How to love.
2. How to receive love.
3. Good from Bad.
4. Then as much diverse information as we can cram into their little brains, to try to open their minds to a global world and beyond.

My 10p worth.

I think we should teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside...
What about the 3 R's then?


Oh don't start about the 3 bleedin R's. What sort of moron decided "lets educate our children and teach them it's ok if you can't spell as long it's catchy".

One of my many pet hates. :(
Oh don't start about the 3 bleedin R's. What sort of moron decided "lets educate our children and teach them it's ok if you can't spell as long it's catchy".

One of my many pet hates. :(

I knew that would irritate somebody!:D

I thot 3 R's was only in Catholic schooling? Reedin Ritin and the Rhythm method ?
What should the education of children involve and why?


Survival of the fittest....
And that the French are evil.

If freaking Tom is fatter than Joline but not such a fat face as Lee... Who is the freaking fattest? That ain't gonna put food on my table... Who gives a flying freak who is fattest? If one train is going 60mph from the west and one train is... WHO CARES??
If one train is going 60mph from the west and one train is... WHO CARES??

Erm, the guy that forgot to fix the signals between stations?? Did I get it right, did I, did I? Can I have a gold star Sir? Sir, sir Mandy just copied my answer Sir.
You know what I mean though right? Life gets freaking candy coated... Life is hard... It ain't no freaking fantasy that is easy.... Why don't they teach that? And why do they teach half the toot they do? It doesn't help... Half the crap I learnt has aided me none.. What I learnt on the streets and in the military, that has come in handy :) But school? No.
I think this was on the news this week 17th. About teaching kids in school about finances, bloody good idea in my opinion as long as it is not just a way to get the kids to buy into government pension plans. But I know most kids have no idea what 15.9% really means in financial terms and I think they should. The square root of an apple + 3 - 2 peaches can come later if they decide fruit is their thing but yes they need lessons about real life issues.
A level of maths is necessary. When I was temping in my uni holidays, doing bottom rung jobs, maths was still useful. I could work out exactly how many bottles went onto a palette as I could do basic multiplication and addition in my head.

English and communication skills are important. I have a kid doing work experience with me at the moment. Good kid, not academically bright, and communicating with him is really....hard....work...... Plus if you can't fill in an application form you're screwed.

Science I think we need to teach, at least to the brighter kids, because we need scientists and engineers. But possibly dumb kids should be let off.

History puts society in a context. Kids often seem to feel hard done by for some reason, so perhaps it should be driven home that it's not so long ago they'd have been scrabbling about under cotton machines hoping they'd get to 15 with all their limbs.

Again geography is about context. They'd still be scrabbling under cotton machines if they were born in a different country. Be grateful you little sods.... :p that's my basic message.

Foreign languages... we need to teach these from a much earlier age. The fact most British people can't order a loaf in any another country is frankly, embarrassing.

Most of all we need to teach them to think for themselves. We need to teach them manners. We need to teach them how to cook a healthy meal, how to avoid pregnancy (I'm not getting into how we go about that! ;)) and how to manage their finances.

School does sugar coat life. K's kids (he's a teacher) get a shock when they go out to work experience and find, if they're late, they're told to f*** off and not come back. Or if they give lip to the supervisor they get a similar response. I think parents sugar coat life too. When I was a kid, if I got hungry between meals, well I'd just have to wait, dinner will be ready in an hour or so. If I got bored I picked up my flute, or a book, or made a den at the bottom of the garden. Now kids aren't allowed to get bored or hungry. How does that prepare them for life?
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School does sugar coat life. K's kids (he's a teacher) get a shock when they go out to work experience and find, if they're late, they're told to f*** off and not come back. Or if they give lip to the supervisor they get a similar response. I think parents sugar coat life too. When I was a kid, if I got hungry between meals, well I'd just have to wait, dinner will be ready in an hour or so. If I got bored I picked up my flute, or a book, or made a den at the bottom of the garden. Now kids aren't allowed to get bored or hungry. How does that prepare them for life?

Parents sugar coat life? LMFAO... That isn't the same for everyone... My dad was as hard as fluck..... :) He barley showed any emotion... You messed up and you gonna get the **** kicked outta ya lol.... No way was my childhood sugar coated by my parents... Teachers hell freaking yeah.... My parents? No way.

Also you are comparing old days to today... Where is the corp punishment in schools? I think that should be present... :) As I believe it should be in the home too. (parents that is)
Some parents don't sugar coat life... some go way too far the other way and coat it with sandpaper... and then sprinkle some salt on just to make sure...

But a lot of parents either seem to believe that little Jonny can do no wrong, look at the little sweetums coochie-coo, isn't it cute how he's holding that 5year old by the leg to shake out the dinner money....aaaaah bless.... how dare his nasty teachers give him detentions? Or they couldn't give a damn what little Jonny is doing, just shove a tenner in his hand now and again so he can buy ****, booze and Macdonalds.

Yes, those are gross caricatures and not all parents are like that. :p

I think we can manage without corporal punishment in schools but parents should be able to administer a spanking when they really feel it's necessary.
Some parents don't sugar coat life... some go way too far the other way and coat it with sandpaper... and then sprinkle some salt on just to make sure...

But a lot of parents either seem to believe that little Jonny can do no wrong, look at the little sweetums coochie-coo, isn't it cute how he's holding that 5year old by the leg to shake out the dinner money....aaaaah bless.... how dare his nasty teachers give him detentions? Or they couldn't give a damn what little Jonny is doing, just shove a tenner in his hand now and again so he can buy ****, booze and Macdonalds.

Yes, those are gross caricatures and not all parents are like that. :p

I think we can manage without corporal punishment in schools but parents should be able to administer a spanking when they really feel it's necessary.

I think be it a parent, be it a teacher, be it the local bobby on foot patrol, you run your mouth or act like you something big... You should be whacked back in place :) Great old days when a kid got gobby and a coppa would smack him round the head and drag him back to his parents lol... And then punished even more so.... I think in schools it would be good... If I in school got stomped every time I acted up... I'd of acted up a lot less lol.... I may have even attended most of the time... A way to teach a kid to respect authority and not mock it.... Hmmmm
I think be it a parent, be it a teacher, be it the local bobby on foot patrol, you run your mouth or act like you something big... You should be whacked back in place :) Great old days when a kid got gobby and a coppa would smack him round the head and drag him back to his parents lol... And then punished even more so.... I think in schools it would be good... If I in school got stomped every time I acted up... I'd of acted up a lot less lol.... I may have even attended most of the time... A way to teach a kid to respect authority and not mock it.... Hmmmm

OMG!! 17th, come on now....confess!! You are my Grandad aint you?:p