Do you reject original Sin?


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United States
Anybody here who considers themself Christian but rejects the Original Sin doctrine? If yes, please share why you reject the Original Sin Doctrine. Thank You.
Yes, I don't see G!d's creations as evil or created sinful. Of course I have issues with sin itself...and hell...but that I suppose is another thread....

But before we get into more...which original sin doctrine/theory are you referring to?

I see you as a child of G!d therefor inherently good, the light of Christ shining within what you do with that is your choice....and how I respond to your actions...that is my choice.
I consider myself a christian, and also reject the concept of original sin...

my take on it is, although I might be wrong is that...

humans, being born of lust, come into the world already tainted by the original sin... until they are baptised, and welcomed into the church, they are without God... if one is without God, then one goes to hell... this has caused a lot of ppl unneccesary hardship over the years, especially mothers who lose their babies before they have them baptised, and the current consensus of the vatican is that all babies now go to heaven, regardless of baptism or not, and they recently published some kind of formal document to assert this, which sugests that maybe they reject original sin too, although u'd have to ask a theologian for the specifics...
Anybody here who considers themself Christian but rejects the Original Sin doctrine? If yes, please share why you reject the Original Sin Doctrine. Thank You.

I personally find no reason to accept original sin doctrine. Why should I burden myself with original sin which I can't even remember originally commiting? :) Besides, if God put away my sins as far as east is from west, then why even bring up the subject? ;) Doctrines like that just create burdens where none exists. Besides, lets just let by-gones be by-gones ........ and move on to the present and Love. Love hides a multitude of sins....... whether original or otherwise. :rolleyes: :D
(Feeling a bit feisty here)
Love and Peace,
You know I think I mentioned this once in another thread, but after trying almost every sin there was, imagine my chagrin to discover none of them was original!

Do you consider yourself a Christian? If yes, what is your view on Matthew 26: 28? What is your thought on how to attain Salvation?

Francis King:

What is your view on Matthew 26: 28? What is your thought on how to attain Salvation?


Do you consider yourself a Christian? If yes, what is your view on Matthew 26: 28? What is your thought on how to attain Salvation?


Do you consider yourself a Christian? If yes, what is your view on Matthew 26: 28? What is your thought on how to attain Salvation?
Anybody here who considers themself Christian but rejects the Original Sin doctrine? If yes, please share why you reject the Original Sin Doctrine. Thank You.

If by original sin, you mean Adam and Eve's eating of the fruit God told them not to eat, then yes I believe in original Sin. I am an Christian and I know that without original sin there was no reason for Christ to die.
If by original sin, you mean Adam and Eve's eating of the fruit God told them not to eat, then yes I believe in original Sin. I am an Christian and I know that without original sin there was no reason for Christ to die.
very true, the first Adam lost everlasting life, but the second Adam (Jesus) gives us back everlasting life . The first Adam lost his earthly life , that was the place that he could have lived forever . and the second Adam is giving it back to us . man was made for the earth and that was Gods original purpose, that purpose has not changed and it will come to be . satans spanner in the works does not change that original purpose for the earth . and the Almighty JEHOVAH will prove to be what he will prove to be.
(Isaiah 45:18) For this is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the [true] God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: "I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.
"Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.
matthew 5;5
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.psalm 37;11
(Revelation 21:3) With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them.


Do you consider yourself a Christian? If yes, what is your view on Matthew 26: 28? What is your thought on how to attain Salvation?

A Christian yes, and also a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Muslim etc...... yes one and the same with all men/woman.

To me, Mathew 26:28 speaks figuratively of Jesus's Life being made a fresh disposition or temperment that was poured forth or 'presented' to many for an example to receive freedom from offences (sin).

Salvation is attained by 'thinking differently' (repenting) and entering a different realm (kingdom) or elevated state that is always at hand in which divinity's presence (which is Love) can be perceived.

Hope this answers your questions..

Love and Peace,
Salvation is attained by 'thinking differently' (repenting) and entering a different realm (kingdom) or elevated state that is always at hand in which divinity's presence (which is Love) can be perceived.

What does that mean? Could you elaborate on "thinking differently?"
we all have our number of days shortened, because of that adam guy and some apple or something he ate. although you could be washed of your sins by the blood of christ, that doesn't undue you dying some day.
What does that mean? Could you elaborate on "thinking differently?"

Hi Pico,

Look up the Greek word for Repent...
metanoeo, met-an-o-eh'-o; from Greek 3326 (meta) and Greek 3539 (noieo); to think differently
as in Mathew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

It seems to me he was referring to changing our thinking from things of the flesh and cares of this world to spiritual things such as Peace and Love and the things that promote the fruits of the Spirit as outlined in Galatians. In other words.... Raising or elevating our thinking to the eternal things not seen with the eyes of flesh but are of the Spirit and part of the realm of divinity or 'the kingdom of heaven' .

Love and Peace,
Hi Pico,

Look up the Greek word for Repent...
metanoeo,met-an-o-eh'-o; from Greek 3326 (meta) and Greek 3539 (noieo); to think differently
as in Mathew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

It seems to me he was referring to changing our thinking from things of the flesh and cares of this world to spiritual things such as Peace and Love and the things that promote the fruits of the Spirit as outlined in Galatians. In other words.... Raising or elevating our thinking to the eternal things not seen with the eyes of flesh but are of the Spirit and part of the realm of divinity or 'the kingdom of heaven' .

Love and Peace,
Jesus Christ gave the Kingdom of God wide publicity. He went through the land of Palestine proclaiming: "The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near." (Matthew 4:17) How could he say that? Because he himself was to be the King of that Kingdom. His presence there showed its nearness.
For Jesus to say he would be King of God’s Kingdom was quite a claim! Was it a mistaken one? No, for at least two reasons: First, what Jesus taught was based on the Bible as it existed then. And, secondly, he performed miracles that were possible only by power from God, showing that God backed up what he was saying.
How could Jesus be King of God’s Kingdom when history tells us that he died on a torture stake? As you may know, the Bible reports that he was raised from the dead and ascended to heaven, to await the establishment of God’s Kingdom. (Acts 2:32-35) and the kingdom is a real goverment that will bring peace to the earth , the kingdom is now well established in the heavens Daniel 2;44 and Jesus has recieved great aurthority Daniel 7;13-14 , yes, when Jesus was on the earth everything was going according to how it should go , but now things are really moving ahead and Jesus has recieved his kingship in the heanly kingdom goverment .And that happened in 1914 inline with bible prophecy and chronology. yes the kingdom is a REAL GOVERMENT .
Anybody here who considers themself Christian but rejects the Original Sin doctrine? If yes, please share why you reject the Original Sin Doctrine. Thank You.

There will be two Choirs in Heaven. That of Angels, and that of Man.

First the Angels will sing to the Lord, and the beauty and power of the voices proclaiming the Glory of God will shake man to the bone.

Then Man will sing to the Lord, while the angels listen. And the soulful song of gratefullness to the Lord will bring the angels to their knees in awe, and for the first time, they will shed tears, because they will begin to understand a part of what it means to be saved by the Lord.

Any man who ignores his own a fool.


There will be two Choirs in Heaven. That of Angels, and that of Man.

First the Angels will sing to the Lord, and the beauty and power of the voices proclaiming the Glory of God will shake man to the bone.

Then Man will sing to the Lord, while the angels listen. And the soulful song of gratefullness to the Lord will bring the angels to their knees in awe, and for the first time, they will shed tears, because they will begin to understand a part of what it means to be saved by the Lord.

Any man who ignores his own a fool.



beautiful Q :)

and absolutely right about one who ingores one's own weakness