Zombie Threat


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In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
Thank Gawd for the PATRIOT Act and the resolve of our Beloved Patriarch, Kingfather Bush. Turns out there is a deadly new threat out there!! Just doing my patriotic duty to let y'all know:

Zombies will eat your kids.

I understand if this must be moved to the Politics section.

I didn't intend for this thread to be posted twice, although it is probably for the best.

Get the word out! How does one kill a zombie??

Pathless exits stage left, on his way to Video Quest to rent Shaun of the Dead
hilarious... I actually believed it might not be a spoof at the beginning, with what we know about Senor Bush's level of intelligence... lol...

(hoping now that Pathless does not return and say, erm, actually, Fran, it's the real deal... no spoof...)
hilarious... I actually believed it might not be a spoof at the beginning, with what we know about Senor Bush's level of intelligence... lol...

(hoping now that Pathless does not return and say, erm, actually, Fran, it's the real deal... no spoof...)

Heh. It is the real deal!! There are rumors of zombies in seven major cities (most notably San Fransisco and L.A.) in the Homeland, and Dubya and Cheney have been reported to be in the middle of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon, researching strategies for demolishing the undead threat. Condeleeza Rice is on a whirlwind tour, collecting ancient artifacts and buying up silver bullets--the bullets as the new werewolf threat continues to escalate.

Actual werewolf footage from CNN (warning: gruesome)
Werewolf footage from Al-Jazeera (emphasis on Jazz, as in Al-Jazz-Era)

Thank gawd for that, I am finally not the scurge of the earth for my religious beliefs, I am now just number two. :p;)
They not just zombies. They're astro zombies, illegal aliens. According to an early report of their activity from the frontline by the Misfits, this was heard from president Bush in a candid moment long before he got into office:

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I send my astro zombies to rape the land
Prime directive, exterminate
The whole human race

And your face drops in a pile of flesh
And then your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
Whatever stands left"

So I have a feeling the video you presented us is a bit of doublespeak, and this so-called enemy was really created to increase fear (for ease of manipulation) and demand for weapons.
So I have a feeling the video you presented us is a bit of doublespeak, and this so-called enemy was really created to increase fear (for ease of manipulation) and demand for weapons.

So Bush's next dumb idea will be a war on alien terrorism. :confused: Ah ha, that finally explains the star wars programme.

that's half of it. But the other half is that he actually arranged for the astro zombie invasion himself.
Do you know Dauer, I think he is such a plonker I wouldn't put that past him. Oh no that means the story is real then, the zombies are coming, the zombies are coming. Amazing what that man will do for votes. ;)