Are We Really Living in “the Last Days”?



DEVELOPMENTS in two areas have a bearing on identifying what the Bible calls the last days. The Scriptures foretell events that would take place during the time of "the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 24:3) The Bible also speaks of changes in the attitudes and actions of people living in "the last days."—2 Timothy 3:1.​
World events combined with the behavior and traits of people prove that we are living in the last days and that God’s Kingdom will soon bring everlasting blessings to those who love God.
DEVELOPMENTS in two areas have a bearing on identifying what the Bible calls the last days. The Scriptures foretell events that would take place during the time of "the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 24:3) The Bible also speaks of changes in the attitudes and actions of people living in "the last days."—2 Timothy 3:1.​
World events combined with the behavior and traits of people prove that we are living in the last days and that God’s Kingdom will soon bring everlasting blessings to those who love God.

Could you give examples of what you're talking about?
Yes, we are living in the last days.

Just as Peter and Timothy were, just as all the disciples were positive they were living in the last days...

It is an awesome time to be alive!
Yes, it most certainly is, but you know we need to get on the ball and do what Jesus asked and stop getting side-tracked with "cut and paste" religion.
DEVELOPMENTS in two areas have a bearing on identifying what the Bible calls the last days. The Scriptures foretell events that would take place during the time of "the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 24:3) The Bible also speaks of changes in the attitudes and actions of people living in "the last days."—2 Timothy 3:1.​

World events combined with the behavior and traits of people prove that we are living in the last days and that God’s Kingdom will soon bring everlasting blessings to those who love God.

Who cares? Get up in the morning, greet one's neighbor, go to work, help those one can help, say a quick prayer for those one can't help, go home, hug the spouse and kids, spend time with them, thank God for the 24 hours given, and go to bed. The day will take care of itself.

This fixation on the End of Days is dangerous, and foolish...Jesus said so. Why waste life looking to tomorrow, when one has today to live?


Who cares? Get up in the morning, greet one's neighbor, go to work, help those one can help, say a quick prayer for those one can't help, go home, hug the spouse and kids, spend time with them, thank God for the 24 hours given, and go to bed. The day will take care of itself.

This fixation on the End of Days is dangerous, and foolish...Jesus said so. Why waste life looking to tomorrow, when one has today to live?



Yes and no, caring is absolutely necessary. A gloom and doom focus is painful and foolish, but "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near." Revelation 1:3

Yes and no, caring is absolutely necessary. A gloom and doom focus is painful and foolish, but "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near." Revelation 1:3

If a prophet spoke today, here is what I would guess him to say...
The last days was Near 2000 years ago! Why do you look past Now. Behold Now, you are a new creature in Christ Jesus. Now, Old things have past away. All things have become new (including heaven and earth). Now, Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. God hath made you kings and priests unto God. You are a royal priesthood. The Last days have passed and the kingdom is before you Now. Stop looking in the flesh for that which is in Spirit. For the kingdom of God comes not with observation or outward show for the kindom of God is within you. That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. God is a spirit and the time now is when true worshipers will worship him in truth and Spirit. It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Thought you might find it edifying or if not at least amusing.

Love in Christ,
Yes, it most certainly is, but you know we need to get on the ball and do what Jesus asked and stop getting side-tracked with "cut and paste" religion.
its good to know that some are doing just that, they are not side tracked by this world and its ways ,but they are focusing on what Jesus told them to do . matthew 28;19-20 and because of that there is a great crowd that are making known about kingdom interests revelation 7;9-10 matthew 24;14 and the focusing on the kingdom goes on . and the signs of the times are happening all around, Just as Jeaus said it would be Jesus Christ, gave a composite “sign” of things that would occur to mark not only the conclusion of the Jewish system of things in the first century but the end of the worldwide system of things today. In addition to warning of “wars and reports of wars,” he foretold global conflagrations that would blaze up in which ‘nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.’ Also, there would be “food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.”—Matthew 24:3-8. yes its all happening and we are now well along into the time of the end , so the question is Are we doing the will of God or have we lost our focus by listening to religious leaders that have lost their focus years ago ,and now because of that they are in spiritual darkness and give no enlightenment at all.Just as Jesus focused on the kingdom so do his followers, and now in this time of the end the kingdom is well and truely estabished with Jesus as a reigning king . Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 and that is GOODNEWS indeed, even though all of the other signs of the times are happening around us it is good to know that there is some goodnews going on as well .(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,................................... and the goodnews goes on as matthew 24;14 says And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
Who cares? Get up in the morning, greet one's neighbor, go to work, help those one can help, say a quick prayer for those one can't help, go home, hug the spouse and kids, spend time with them, thank God for the 24 hours given, and go to bed. The day will take care of itself.

This fixation on the End of Days is dangerous, and foolish...Jesus said so. Why waste life looking to tomorrow, when one has today to live?


yes all of those things that you mentioned are good , but losing our focus about where we are in the stream of time is not a good thing it is a very dangerous thing to do . because if we are in spiritual darkness to bible prophecy and chronology we will be without knowledge and we could even be a blind guide. and we all know where a blind guide will lead us . many people are listening to religious leaders that have lost their focus to bible prophecy . So talking about foolishness , Like the virgins in the parable, spiritually speaking they “nodded and went to sleep,” even as unfaithful professed Christians did after Jesus’ apostles died.—Matthew 25:5; Revelation 11:7, 8; 12:17.(Matthew 25:1-4)
For the kingdom of God comes not with observation or outward show for the kindom of God is within you.

According to one rendition of Jesus’ words to wicked Pharisees, he said: “The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21, King James Version) Did Jesus mean that the Kingdom was in the wicked hearts of those corrupt men? No. A more accurate translation of the original Greek reads: “The kingdom of God is in your midst.” (New World Translation) Jesus, who was in their midst, thus referred to himself as the future King. Far from being something that a person has in his heart, God’s Kingdom is a real, operating government having a ruler and subjects. It is a heavenly government, for it is called both “the kingdom of the heavens” and “the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 13:11; Luke 8:10) In vision, the prophet Daniel beheld its Ruler as “someone like a son of man” brought before Almighty God and given lasting “rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.” (Daniel 7:13, 14) Who is this King? Well, the Bible calls Jesus Christ “the Son of man.” (Matthew 12:40; Luke 17:26) Yes, Jehovah designated his Son, Jesus Christ, to be King. Jesus was in their midst( Or, “is among you.”) neither will people be saying, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For, look! the kingdom of God is in YOUR midst.”.................... and he certainly was in their midst, he was the representative of the most high but those opposers did not recognise him did they .
I think it's true that in "the last days," all of us are more or less sensitive to and aware of the many energies affecting us day to day!!

We respond to the people around us, and to the greater life of the planet as a whole (with its individual `kingdoms'), all day long. But each of us responds somewhat differently. When we work together, or visit a sporting event together, there is a spirit of comraderie, a certain kind of bond, or an esprit de corps, even in the workplace (usually ;)).

Other times, we definitely feel or experience conflict - and this can occur on every level.

If we are honest, we will admit that our differences may run deep, but our kinship runs deeper. We all share the same bonds of family, friendship, spiritual faith and the collective consciousness of Humanity itself (as a unit) which is gradually developing on every level, just as we are.

Sometimes, it's easier to focus on the immediacy of our environment, because this is where we've become so comfortable, or accustomed, to looking out upon the world around us. Yet the question, some day, will come: Can we, with a glad heart and a peaceful smile, look forward to the cycle that is before us as one of peace, prosperity, and positive growth?

Our honest pondering of this statement will reveal that either we are as yet somewhat enmeshed, and entangled, with the worldliness of the world around us ... or that we are optimistic, and have great hopes for the world that might be - but as yet lack the know-how, and the assurance, as to how to prepare the Way.

But this is why we are here, and as we serve that Purpose which dictates "Prepare the Way," we in turn serve God (through Whom all things are possible - in God's choice, and time, and willing, that is - not ours). Where this Service starts, we may perhaps safely assume, is with service to our fellow man (woman, child), those of every nation, background, religion or political affiliation.

If this was how the Christ came to us before, spending his time with the "lowly" of every nation, then how much more beautiful the words of the Zen Master who assures us that after enlightenment, we too will continue to "chop wood, carry water."

The delight of doing this, with one's Lord and Master, must surely exceed anything we can easily imagine ... yet as we have been told, it will not last forever. "This too, shall pass." And all that has come into being, will cease.

The Lord has breathed another DAY ... As above, so below.

Jesus Christ spoke about the Kingdom of God, which will bring an end to wickedness and make the earth a paradise. (Luke 4:43) People wanted to know when the Kingdom would come. In fact, Jesus’ disciples asked him: “What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matthew 24:3) In reply Jesus told them that only Jehovah God knew exactly when the end of this system of things would come. (Matthew 24:36) But Jesus did foretell things that would take place on earth just before the Kingdom would bring true peace and security to mankind. What he foretold is now taking place!
If a prophet spoke today, here is what I would guess him to say...

The last days was Near 2000 years ago! Why do you look past Now. Behold Now, you are a new creature in Christ Jesus. Now, Old things have past away. All things have become new (including heaven and earth). Now, Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. God hath made you kings and priests unto God. You are a royal priesthood. The Last days have passed and the kingdom is before you Now. Stop looking in the flesh for that which is in Spirit. For the kingdom of God comes not with observation or outward show for the kindom of God is within you. That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. God is a spirit and the time now is when true worshipers will worship him in truth and Spirit. It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Thought you might find it edifying or if not at least amusing.

Love in Christ,

Thank you Joe—Yes, I found it extremely amusing, Doesn’t your imaginary prophet know that 2000 years is a drop in the bucket to God?
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3:8
Does not he know that the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
Doesn’t he know that the enemy is an absolutely diabolical master at duping excellent people from accomplishing perfect kingdom work by convincing some that they already possess it when nothing could be further from the truth. You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18-19

(guess who was reading 2 Peter this morning?:D)

I wish you much grace,
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its good to know that some are doing just that, they are not side tracked by this world and its ways ,but they are focusing on what Jesus told them to do . .............. and the goodnews goes on as matthew 24;14 " this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

mee, I was not referring to Jehovah Witnesses. You DO get all you communicate from one source. If nothing else, your group definitely does spread the news. I just disagree with some elements of your message.

I was referring to those that are cobbling together religions of their own design and attempting to create mix-and-match deities.
Sorry for the confusion, if there was any.:)