the enemy



IMAGINE that you are running away from a vicious enemy. He is much stronger and faster than you are. You know that he is merciless because you have seen him kill some of your friends. No matter how hard you try to outrun him, he keeps getting closer. There seems to be no hope. Suddenly, though, a rescuer appears at your side. He is far more powerful than your enemy, and he promises to help you. How relieved that makes you feel!​
In a sense, you are being pursued by such an enemy. All of us are. the Bible calls death an enemy. None of us can outrun it or fight it off. Most of us have seen this enemy claim the lives of people dear to us. But Jehovah is far more powerful than death. He is the loving Rescuer who has already shown that he can defeat this enemy. And he promises to destroy this enemy, death, once and for all. The Bible teaches: "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing." (1 Corinthians 15:26) That is good news!
IMAGINE that you are running away from a vicious enemy. He is much stronger and faster than you are. You know that he is merciless because you have seen him kill some of your friends. No matter how hard you try to outrun him, he keeps getting closer. There seems to be no hope. Suddenly, though, a rescuer appears at your side. He is far more powerful than your enemy, and he promises to help you. How relieved that makes you feel!​
In a sense, you are being pursued by such an enemy. All of us are. the Bible calls death an enemy. None of us can outrun it or fight it off. Most of us have seen this enemy claim the lives of people dear to us. But Jehovah is far more powerful than death. He is the loving Rescuer who has already shown that he can defeat this enemy. And he promises to destroy this enemy, death, once and for all. The Bible teaches: "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing." (1 Corinthians 15:26) That is good news!

You have to live in this world according to the instructions of the Lord. Regarding your life in this world, the essence of His instruction is that, you should be ‘deceived’ by others and not deceive others, you should be ‘harmed by others but not harm anyone, you should not insult others, but you can be insulted by others, and you should be abused by others but not abuse others. One cannot attain God by doing penance even for centuries. But there is one easiest way to attain God.

When you are deceived by others or when you are harmed by others or when you are insulted by others or when you are abused by others, the Lord comes to your side. It means you have attained God. Therefore, you should thank the people who have deceived, or harmed or insulted or abused you. They have helped you in attaining God by the easiest way. Therefore you should not deceive or harm or insult or scold even such people in return. They might have passed on the punishment to you, for your sins on the will of God. In that case also, they have cleared your sins at an early stage without further interest on the punishment. Even in that way you should thank them.
IMAGINE that you are running away from a vicious enemy. He is much stronger and faster than you are. You know that he is merciless because you have seen him kill some of your friends. No matter how hard you try to outrun him, he keeps getting closer. There seems to be no hope. Suddenly, though, a rescuer appears at your side. He is far more powerful than your enemy, and he promises to help you. How relieved that makes you feel!​

In a sense, you are being pursued by such an enemy. All of us are. the Bible calls death an enemy. None of us can outrun it or fight it off. Most of us have seen this enemy claim the lives of people dear to us. But Jehovah is far more powerful than death. He is the loving Rescuer who has already shown that he can defeat this enemy. And he promises to destroy this enemy, death, once and for all. The Bible teaches: "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing." (1 Corinthians 15:26) That is good news!


The enemy is only stronger or faster when you don't know who you are. Why should I fear an enemy? I should love my enemies. Perfect love casteth out fear. It seems to me that physical death is not an enemy. It is a natural part of life here on earth. And besides, there is no death in Christ. Death is already brought to nothing.

Love in Christ,
You have to live in this world according to the instructions of the Lord. Regarding your life in this world, the essence of His instruction is that, you should be ‘deceived’ by others and not deceive others, you should be ‘harmed by others but not harm anyone, you should not insult others, but you can be insulted by others, and you should be abused by others but not abuse others. One cannot attain God by doing penance even for centuries. But there is one easiest way to attain God.

When you are deceived by others or when you are harmed by others or when you are insulted by others or when you are abused by others, the Lord comes to your side. It means you have attained God. Therefore, you should thank the people who have deceived, or harmed or insulted or abused you. They have helped you in attaining God by the easiest way. Therefore you should not deceive or harm or insult or scold even such people in return. They might have passed on the punishment to you, for your sins on the will of God. In that case also, they have cleared your sins at an early stage without further interest on the punishment. Even in that way you should thank them.

Yeah a bit like.. For christmas ALL I wanted was this red bike... I'd pray to god and plead for him to give me this bike... I'd write a letter to santa.. All I want is this bike! PLEASE!

I prayed to god every day coming up to christmas... On christmas day did I get the bike? Nope.. So I thought.... "Patience is a virtue" I prayed for days and days later... Please god, please mighty ruler give me this red bike.....

Then I realised.... God didn't work that way..... So I stole the bike and prayed for forgivness.... ;)
Man is his own worst enemy. Why run when you can face the turmoil? We are born to die.

P.S. 17th, very nice avatar. Cute Staffies indeed, I want to cuddle them and take them home. I have one myself and soon another hopefully. Another thing we have in common my boy!
Man is his own worst enemy. Why run when you can face the turmoil? We are born to die.

You need the **** kicked out of you before you realise how strong you are... ;) People need said situation to realise they are not made from glass... That can give confidence to face things lol...

P.S. 17th, very nice avatar. Cute Staffies indeed, I want to cuddle them and take them home. I have one myself and soon another hopefully. Another thing we have in common my boy!

YEW HAS TEH STAFF0RDS? Staffords are the bestest dog in the world... My home wouldn't be complete without some loyal Staffords by my side. Dog or Bitch?
You need the **** kicked out of you before you realise how strong you are... ;) People need said situation to realise they are not made from glass... That can give confidence to face things lol...

Exactly, unfortunately I have personal exeprience of this and it has made me what I am. I don't think it was a good thing for me though personally but for some it is.

The enemy is only stronger or faster when you don't know who you are. Why should I fear an enemy? I should love my enemies. Perfect love casteth out fear. It seems to me that physical death is not an enemy. It is a natural part of life here on earth. And besides, there is no death in Christ. Death is already brought to nothing.

Love in Christ,
this enemy spoken of in the bible , will be swallowed up forever . death was not what God originally intended for humans , it is not really natural for us to die . we have never known anything else but oldage and death . but Gods purpose is to put an end to death in humans . death is not something to love because it is something from satan.
You have to live in this world according to the instructions of the Lord. Regarding your life in this world, the essence of His instruction is that, you should be ‘deceived’ by others and not deceive others, you should be ‘harmed by others but not harm anyone, you should not insult others, but you can be insulted by others, and you should be abused by others but not abuse others. One cannot attain God by doing penance even for centuries. But there is one easiest way to attain God.

When you are deceived by others or when you are harmed by others or when you are insulted by others or when you are abused by others, the Lord comes to your side. It means you have attained God. Therefore, you should thank the people who have deceived, or harmed or insulted or abused you. They have helped you in attaining God by the easiest way. Therefore you should not deceive or harm or insult or scold even such people in return. They might have passed on the punishment to you, for your sins on the will of God. In that case also, they have cleared your sins at an early stage without further interest on the punishment. Even in that way you should thank them.
Eve was Completely deceived by the serpent and with a strong desire for the prospects tied up with eating the forbidden fruit, she became a transgressor of God’s law. (1Ti 2:14) and it led to death .
IMAGINE that you are running away from a vicious enemy. He is much stronger and faster than you are. You know that he is merciless because you have seen him kill some of your friends. No matter how hard you try to outrun him, he keeps getting closer. There seems to be no hope. Suddenly, though, a rescuer appears at your side. He is far more powerful than your enemy, and he promises to help you. How relieved that makes you feel!​
In a sense, you are being pursued by such an enemy. All of us are. the Bible calls death an enemy. None of us can outrun it or fight it off. Most of us have seen this enemy claim the lives of people dear to us. But Jehovah is far more powerful than death. He is the loving Rescuer who has already shown that he can defeat this enemy. And he promises to destroy this enemy, death, once and for all. The Bible teaches: "As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing." (1 Corinthians 15:26) That is good news!
Jesus calls for us to love our enemy.
Death has been cast in several lights in the Bible

Solomon Has it as a natural part of the wheel of life where nothing is new and we will all see the grave not to be feared because the dead know nothing.

Isaiah tells us to consider it might be part of Gods mercy so that people can avoid the evil Days ahead.

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Gr. "Geenna" = Gehenna, the place in the valley of Hinnom where, anciently, human sacrifices were offered.)

Like others I dont see death of the flesh as something to fear.
Death without Christ I would fear.
Very nice thread mee :)
Like others I dont see death of the flesh as something to fear.
Death without Christ I would fear.

You don't fear death, with your concept and wishful thinking... But if what you -hope- is real, turns out not to be and you die.... That you would fear? Of course because you do not know he does or doesn't exist 100%..... Either way..... What have you to lose? If he ain't there you die... and that is it... You have completed your course.... and that's it.... Your in line with all the other dead....
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

Call it wishful thinking if you like :)
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

Call it wishful thinking if you like :)
(Romans 8:24) For we were saved in [this] hope; but hope that is seen is not hope, for when a man sees a thing, does he hope for it?

(2 Corinthians 4:18) while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.​

(2 Corinthians 5:7) for we are walking by faith, not by sight.