
17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Sorry this isn't 100% on topic, as it isn't really about islam but it is connected to your culture and ways... I have made friends with some Iraqi's but, I am not sure about language because there are many forms of Arabic.... If I said to them Marhaban.... Would they understand that? I am just checking before I say it, unkowningly maybe insulting them?
Marhaban= hello


If you need any help .... Just ask

Arabic is beatiful language

Hi 17th

Oh my goodness I just looked up the Kurdish numbers, the words are so different to Arabic, so can't help you with that one.

Don't worry too much about insulting people, Arabs are very friendly people and will just be delighted that you are making an attempt to communicate in their language.

I believe Kurdish is closely linked to Farsi and I have a good friend that I speak to online every day that is Iranian, therefore a native Farsi speaker, so if that can help in any way just shout up.

Oh aren't languages brilliant I just searched for Kurdish language phrasebooks and came across a language comparison - it seems that the word for woman in Kurdish is the arabic word for demon and in Russian the word for wife is the arabic word for adultery. :(

This blog may be useful for you 17th:

Learn Kurdish Online

MW Thank you for your response! I know I freaking love learning other cultures languages... I just find with such languages as Arabic/Russian/Greek/Kurdish and so on... I sure can read them, but no idea how to pronounce them...
Hee, hee, don't worry I sit with my husband and family all shouting a word at me and I repeat what I hear - then everyone looks at me as though to say what the hell is she saying. Our mouths just work in different ways. There is an arabic letter called Ayn and it said that only native arab speakers can ever pronounce the letter correctly - well I certainly can't do it and I am not sure I will ever have enough spit to speak arabic really well. :D
it seems that the word for woman in Kurdish is the arabic word for demon and in Russian the word for wife is the arabic word for adultery. :(
Now if you were to listen to the majority of men after they left a US divorce court all of the above would make perfect sense.