Why is Islam beneficial?


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Southern Maryland
Other than the promise of eternal life for those who adhere to Islam, or the threat of hell for those who don't, how is Islam beneficial? Why should I invest my life in it? What value does it have to my everyday life? The relatioships with my family? My relationships with others?
Peace Dondi,

Those are verry good questions and inshAllah I'll try to answer them as far as I know:

Islam is a verry moral and ethical way of life; it teaches humility, moderation, a sense of shame and embarrasment for lewd and rude behaviuor, respect for the elders, effection for the youngers, respect and love for all human beings, it inculcates a strong sense of right and wrong thus a muslim naturally develops an abhorrence towards crimes and evil such as theft, lying, racism, murder, rape, child abuse, disrespect for parents, not abiding by the law, prejudice, injustice, denying peoples rights etc, etc.

It enjoins purity of soul, mind, and the physical body; i.e, by praying five times a day and virtually living our lives for the pleasure of God and refraining form sins, our soul and heart remains pure, and we keep our physical body pure too, 24/7; in addiction to having the regular baths/showers, etc, we also wash five times a day before prayers...and after answernig the call of nature, we wash our private parts with water in addition to using toilet paper or mud [which is a cleansing agent].

We are so carefull in keeping our physical body cleans, that we even hold a peace of tissue or clump of dry earth to our 'dingy', after urinating, and walk around a bit so that all the other drops of uring will come out, and then we wash with water, and all this is done so as not to get drops of urine on our legs after we 'zip up'.

We have enormous respect for our parents and wouldn't even dream of sending them off to an old peoples home once they've reached old age; we look after them in a family atmosphere untill their verry end; we even support them from our money if we have to.

We value family life and keep good family ties with all members of family and extended family thruoghout our lives.

Our principles of business pactices are based on the common good and benevolence; we abhor the exploitative and selfish practice of charging/taking interest/usury in our business practices so we help our fellow mankind by giving them interest free loans and we ourselves refrain from taking or giving any interest.

We abstain from harmfull and polluting food and drinks and only consume what is pure; we dont drink alcohol [which is behnid so many crimes and destrcution and greif in peoples lives] or take any kind of intoxicants, and we only eat halaal food, i.e, those that do not harm [cutting of the animals throat releases the maximum amount of blood from the animal, thus the blood whcih can carry deseases and other harmfull bacteria, germs, etc, is drained out to the max in 'halaal' slaughters', thus making it pure and healthy; we also slaughter in the name of the One and Only God, thus making the intention for the slaughter, pure as well]

We refrain from harmfull practices that tear away at the verry fibre of a healthy and moral society; we do not have sex before marraige or extra marital sex after marriage; our culture is built around refrainnig from what can potentially lead to fornication/adultery and an immoral life; i.e. we dont even 'date' for it can lead to fornication, and we prohibit free mixing with the opposite sex; we do not indulge in dirty and immoral stuff such as viewing pornograhpy, etc, etc,

We do not gamble for gambling is a great evil that is based on benifitng some at the harm of others, and it is destroying many lives, for it is addictive as well.

We care for the poor and destitue of the world, and help them from our wealth by regulary/anually givng in charity.

In a nutshell, I'd say that the Islamic cutlure enjoins everything that is good; i.e, being kind, loving, generous, moral, ethical, honest, just, clean, sincere, benevolent, charitable, spiritual, etc, and prohibits everything that is bad, i.e, alcohol, gambling, lying, theiving, harbouring abd feelings against other humans, being crafty, manipulative, deceptive, commitng cirmes however big or small, etc, etc.

And abvoe all, we dont do any of the abvoe in vain, for we have concrete and unmistakable evidence that this is the guidance from God Allimghty, so we take pleasure and satisfaction from the fact that we know that this is how manknind should lvie their lvies, according to the way God ahs enjoined on us, and that we will be rewarded immensely in the hereafter for every good deed we do; we get a 'preliminary' reward in this wrold too, whcih is; we have peace of mind haert and our souls are illuminated with the light of faith; not to mention that our rizk [the neccessitites that we need in this wrold] is made easy for us to obtain.

We aslo have a verry rich intellecutal tradition, thus our religion aspires us to be educated and enlightened people, that takes part in every sphere of life, concerning the well being of this earth and it's people.

If a person can imagine a verry enjoyable and fullfilling life, without the sinfull pleasures of the world, i.e, without fronication, gambling, pornograhpy, etc, then Islam is surely the religion for him :)

Peace and blessings


ps: forgot to mention that special month which we have the pleasure and joy of experiencing every year!; Fasting in the month of Ramadan is a verry special occasion for us, for we can really put our faiths to the test by refraining from eating for Allah during day time; it teaches us self control, sympathy and empathy for the poor, and it's great for our health too, for overeating and the poor control over peoples diet contributes to many deseases and helath problems in people. Every day during the month of Ramadan, the time for breaking fast is turly an equsite experience for we prepare special food that tastes so much better as we tuck in while we are verry hungry indeed!; it is a month of mercy and blessings where Allah gives us blessings in our sustenance and forigves us of all our past sins, once we have completed the fasts.
Abdullah said:
Islam is a verry moral and ethical way of life; it teaches humility, moderation, a sense of shame and embarrasment for lewd and rude behaviuor, respect for the elders, effection for the youngers, respect and love for all human beings, it inculcates a strong sense of right and wrong thus a muslim naturally develops an abhorrence towards crimes and evil such as theft, lying, racism, murder, rape, child abuse, disrespect for parents, not abiding by the law, prejudice, injustice, denying peoples rights etc, etc.

It enjoins purity of soul, mind, and the physical body....

In a nutshell, I'd say that the Islamic cutlure enjoins everything that is good; i.e, being kind, loving, generous, moral, ethical, honest, just, clean, sincere, benevolent, charitable, spiritual, etc, and prohibits everything that is bad, i.e, alcohol, gambling, lying, theiving, harbouring abd feelings against other humans, being crafty, manipulative, deceptive, commitng cirmes however big or small, etc, etc.

And abvoe all, we dont do any of the abvoe in vain, for we have concrete and unmistakable evidence that this is the guidance from God Allimghty, so we take pleasure and satisfaction from the fact that we know that this is how manknind should lvie their lvies, according to the way God ahs enjoined on us, and that we will be rewarded immensely in the hereafter for every good deed we do; we get a 'preliminary' reward in this wrold too, whcih is; we have peace of mind haert and our souls are illuminated with the light of faith; not to mention that our rizk [the neccessitites that we need in this wrold] is made easy for us to obtain.

We aslo have a verry rich intellecutal tradition, thus our religion aspires us to be educated and enlightened people, that takes part in every sphere of life, concerning the well being of this earth and it's people.

That's great, Abdullah! I believe and hold to all those things too. And I am experiencing much of the same spiritual as well as physical benefits as you describe from the Lord. Isn't God good?
Well good for you Dondi :)

But do you have the satisfaction that your religion is contradiction free? :D
Well good for you Dondi :)

But do you have the satisfaction that your religion is contradiction free? :D

I'm satisfied that it's working. I'm satisfied with my relationship with God. I have a peace that passes understanding. I know that God loves me. What more do I need?
If one reads the five pillars one can't help but recognize that Islam has many benefits to its adherents. And one also can't help but see that those that advocate violence and death like Osama Bin Laden are not Muslim despite their claims.

As Snoopy claims your question could be asked of any religion and for most the answers would be equally compelling. Just as a Christian believes they are saved by Jesus, a Muslim believes he/she is doing right by following the pillars and the Koran.

I've always contemplated if not for Islam when would we have left the dark ages, and how long would it have taken to rediscover algebra?
Islam is enterprise of Life

Islam Give us answers,,, Why we here in this earth?....

Islam give us the power to deal with everything around us...because this

power come from the relation with our god ((Allah)

Islam Give us ,,interior peace inside our self

Islam teach us how to fight our evils,,how to struggle appetencies

Allah Bless pure people
As Snoopy claims your question could be asked of any religion and for most the answers would be equally compelling. Just as a Christian believes they are saved by Jesus, a Muslim believes he/she is doing right by following the pillars and the Koran.

I was accomodatingly asking this question, because of this very thing. And I see from Friend's response above that much parallels my own.
As others have said, the morals & etiquettes found in Islam would be available in any religion. The difference with Islam is that it guides you throuh each & every aspect of life. And secondly, it makes every single act of morality count in after life. So the more you follow the values, the higher you go in the afterlife, & the nearer you get to your creater. Its a journey from being an ordinary slave of God to being a friend of God. From a choatic existance to being a satisfied soul who is adored by his creater .

As for man, when his Lord tries him by giving him honour and gifts, then he says (puffed up): "My Lord has honoured me."
But when He tries him, by straitening his means of life, he says: "My Lord has humiliated me!"
Nay! But you treat not the orphans with kindness and generosity
And urge not on the feeding of AlMiskîn (the poor)!
And you devour inheritance all with greed,
And you love wealth with much love!

Nay! When the earth is ground to powder,
And your Lord comes with the angels in rows,
And Hell will be brought near that Day. On that Day will man remember, but how will that remembrance (then) avail him?
He will say: "Alas! Would that I had sent forth (good deeds) for (this) my life!"
So on that Day, none will punish as He will punish.
And none will bind as He will bind.

(It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction!
"Return to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him!
"Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves,
"And enter you My Paradise!"

Two huge books below
SunniPath Library - Hadith - Riyad as-Salihin (The Meadows of the Righteous)
SunniPath Library - Hadith - Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari
Another thing that I love about islam is that you dont have to be an ascetic to achieve perfection . Quran and Hadith show us a path where the needs of our flesh and spirit are both harmoniously balanced. And when you harmonise both, this is perfection. Islam sees "living in the forest" as an escape from human responsiblities. This is why unlike most yogis & monks, sufis married, had kids, & worked for their living. Most of the spread of Islam can be credited to these people.

Some more benifits of Islam might get visible in the future if more minds work upon Islamic finance & politics.
Salaam Dondi

What a wonderful question, thank you. For me the answer is PEACE. If we Muslims followed the teachings of the Quran there would be peace in our societies, peace in our families and peace in our hearts. All people would be cared and provided for, educated and equal. Women would be respected rather than oppressed, the elderly would never have to worry about the later years of their life, crime rates would be next to nothing and no man would be treated as a lesser person than any other man. These are the teachings of our faith, it expands beyond ourselves and deals with society as a whole and how we should each behave within that society.

The problems we all see with Islamic life today come from the followers of the faith, not the faith itself, which is without equal in my opinion.

Another important aspect of Islam is the personal connection with G-d, we do not need an intermediary to connect to Him, we can each connect directly with G-d.

Hey it works for me :D


If people would to practice Islaam, as it is The Way of life, as it should be practiced, it would answer many social/individual problems:

1) Economy--islamic banking is without interest on loans and would help many people get out of debt much sooner, easier. This is just one example.
2) Politics--Islaam truly propagates: "your religion for you, mine religion for me," "as long as you do not attack/abuse me and let me be free and practice my rights/beliefs, I have no reason to fight you," respect of treaties, etc.
3) Education and science--The Holy Qur'an supports learning, calls for reason and studying; it is full of scientific concepts that are just recently 'discovered' by the world scientists and probably many more reasearch areas yet to be explored;
4) Health--islam prohibits alcohol and drugs; promotes sexual diet--abstinance and legal sexual intercourse (marriage);

Unfortunately, today's Muslim communities may not be practicing Islaam to the fullest. And of course other areas of the world have not been practicing it at all (not that they must).
Unfortunately, today's Muslim communities may not be practicing Islaam to the fullest. And of course other areas of the world have not been practicing it at all (not that they must).
Namaste Amica,

Don't feel lonely, I'm going to change a couple words in your statement.

Unfortunately, today's Christian communities may not be practicing Christianity to the fullest. And of course other areas of the world have not been practicing it at all (not that they must).

My guess is that others would probably have some inserts they could place.