
Has there been a generation that didn't wish for the simplicity of the last and the speed of the future?

Guilty as charged. I used to be a total control freak, then 2 years ago I put my watch in its box and only wear it now when travelling (flights tend not to wait for me I have noticed). It is so liberating Wil, try it one weekend, take off your watch and hide your clocks, it makes life so much more pleasant. The only difficulty is when you do need to know the time you have to remember where you hid the clock. :p

However, when I log on and I don't get instant access the frustration is amazing. I want it now, give me access this second, no I can't wait another 30 seconds. What the hell is that about? Does my life or the life of anyone I love depend on whether a site uploads quickly enough? Will the world end if I don't type out my daily babble until tomorrow? I don't think so.

So still work to do on myself. :eek:

Oh interesting article a British paper this weekend. They did a survey about which era people wanted to live in and the majority said the 50's because life was so much simpler then. They want the community policeman to rap our kids round the ear when they chuck stones at cars, they want old fashioned shops and customer service, etc but they also want their mobile phone and internet access.
Guilty as charged. I used to be a total control freak, then 2 years ago I put my watch in its box and only wear it now when travelling (flights tend not to wait for me I have noticed). It is so liberating Wil, try it one weekend, take off your watch and hide your clocks, it makes life so much more pleasant. The only difficulty is when you do need to know the time you have to remember where you hid the clock. :p
Oh, I quit wearing a watch years put them in my cell phone. I quit using the alarm clock almost a decade ago...although I still have to be at work at a 8 am. And up before 6 to insure my kids get on their bus by 6:35.

So I in trying to break from the babylometer feel like I've got a Shabbat goy, I set down my use and rely on isn't the same.

Now when I get to spend a week or weekend away in the woods where the needs of nature and the sun rules...where there are no meetings, bus schedules, plane flights...where you hug as you cross paths and indicate we'll see you later....where folks wander in and out of camp without timetables....that is a joy.

So like I only way of making it work as I see it is creating income streams that passively fill my bank account.... conquer babylon so I may leave it.
And up before 6 to insure my kids get on their bus by 6:35.

6:35 :eek: Isn't that cruelty to children lol? Where do they go to school, in Australia?

So like I only way of making it work as I see it is creating income streams that passively fill my bank account.... conquer babylon so I may leave it.

I wish you the very best of luck with that one, truely I hope you achieve it and wouldn't that be amazing for your kids (they could sleep in for a start).

Isn't it insane, we all seem to want the simple life while battling so hard to achieve the fast paced complicated life. Hee, hee there is human logic for you. ;)
6:35 :eek: Isn't that cruelty to children lol? Where do they go to school, in Australia?

I wish you the very best of luck with that one, truely I hope you achieve it and wouldn't that be amazing for your kids (they could sleep in for a start).

Isn't it insane, we all seem to want the simple life while battling so hard to achieve the fast paced complicated life. Hee, hee there is human logic for you. ;)
ah the dictates of Babylon...60% of our budget goes to the offensive department...a pittance to limited bus service for public schools means pick up and deliver 9-12, then go get k-5, then go get to make it all happen the 14-18 year olds go to school between the hours of 7 am and 2 pm.... wonder what they'll do at home alone between 2 and 6 pm when their parents return from work:eek:

Oh are you kidding me, if I make a fortune I won't give it to my children! I will teach them how it is done though!
ah the dictates of Babylon...60% of our budget goes to the offensive department...a pittance to limited bus service for public schools

Now come on Wil, someone has to pay for the bombs so why shouldn't the kids learn at such a tender age the reality of paying for useless wars :p It makes you want to scream with frustration, doesn't it. Why educate children when you can go to another country and kill some? Aaaaaggggghhhhhh

Last week I heard on the local news about a young boy that had been accepted to a Catholic school but the local government refused to allow him free travel on the bus to school because he and one parent are not baptised. Explain that one to me if you can, the church is happy to accept this child but the government are so desperate to save a whole £3.70 per week (I think about $9), that they will actually use religion to do it.

I think the planet needs lithium, it is in a bad way bless it's little heart.

Oh are you kidding me, if I make a fortune I won't give it to my children! I will teach them how it is done though!

I wasn't suggesting you give them the money. Wealth is wasted on the young they have nose jobs and buy ipods lol. I meant that you would have more time to spend with your kids, up in the woods or teaching them how to live well in their society.
Now come on Wil, someone has to pay for the bombs

I wasn't suggesting you give them the money. Wealth is wasted on the young they have nose jobs and buy ipods lol. I meant that you would have more time to spend with your kids, up in the woods or teaching them how to live well in their society.
Oh yeah, my goal before it is too late is to be home after two so I'll be able to insure my kids don't get in too much trouble (ie just enough trouble, but not too much!)

And all our bombs are already bought and paid for. Why do you think we war today? It isn't to acquire land...PC wars don't allow Americans to rape, pillage, plunder and enlsave we mostly have war to use up old munitions, armament, and machinery so we can have a reason to build bigger and better...

time is on my side...yes it is
Oh yeah, my goal before it is too late is to be home after two so I'll be able to insure my kids don't get in too much trouble (ie just enough trouble, but not too much!)

Have you bought the blindfolds, handcuffs and ear muffs in preparation? I believe that is the only to keep our kids out of trouble these days. Oh I am such a cynic now :p

PC wars don't allow Americans to rape, pillage, plunder and enlsave anymore...

Sorry but not completely convinced the people of Iraq would agree with you at the moment.

I watched that film/documentary by Michael Moore, Farenheit 9/11 last week. I was dumbstruck and that takes some doing. If even 50% of it is true then there seems little hope for the future of the world and my dreams of world peace. Is it true Bush didn't even win the election?
Sorry but not completely convinced the people of Iraq would agree with you at the moment.

I watched that film/documentary by Michael Moore, Farenheit 9/11 last week. I was dumbstruck and that takes some doing. If even 50% of it is true then there seems little hope for the future of the world and my dreams of world peace. Is it true Bush didn't even win the election?
Yes, I agree on the Iraq situation...I marched in DC with my brothers and sisters who wish to see Peace in this world. While this march had a lower turnout then many, it had a higher percentage of youth/college age kids. The marches in the 60's and 70's were mostly under 30, the marches the past few years I'd say average age was over 50. Seeing the number of Veterans, Active Duty Military, Grandparents, Kids in strollers at the marches today is really refreshing, however the lack of college age was is good to see them starting to take part.

Michael Moore doesn't do documentaries, he does quite biased, highly edited political pieces, someday he may become a film maker and do some good, currently he creates more apathetic people.

There is hope, but it needs to start by educating our young...and consistently preaching the peace that is found in our religions and not the hate that is distilled out of the texts.
There is hope, but it needs to start by educating our young...and consistently preaching the peace that is found in our religions and not the hate that is distilled out of the texts.

Amen to that.

I shall put my soap box next to yours (how many languages can we cover between us, I can manage 3 at a push ;)).

The young are gripped by modern day 'instant desire fulfilment' and silly political ideals but they will grow and insh'allah in 20 years time they will be typing the same things we are today, as they begin to see the folly of thier youthful ideas. :)