

Sword of Attila
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lol, no I'm not Estonian. I just like Uralic language.
I was told about this site from a person at jref, so I signed up.

I'm a Pagan, which is a pretty broad term.
I'm an Animist...actually...more aptly described as Pantheist.
Actually...more aptly described as Pandeist than Pantheist.

I believe that souls inhabit everything, the entirety of the universe. But I believe that spiritual matter is even beyond the universe, so therefor not just animist/pantheist, but pandeist.

I believe that different Gods and Goddesses are avatars for different spiritual matter that lurks. Avatars are representations for spiritual matter. People who worship say...Odin...are pulled to that collection of spirit...that avatar.

I guess you could describe my view on morals as nihilistic, moral relativistic or existentialist. I believe that the universe is God and everything is cause and effect. I believe that God is made up of everything in the universe and beyond, that includes everything considered "good" and "evil". God is neither good nor evil, God simply is. God is made of all morals, all genders, all substance. Matter and antimatter alike.

Just as I have favorite places like Japan, Finland, Norway, Korea, Sweden, Mongolia, Russia, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, Upper Vinland(Canada & sometimes Northern US), Estonia, Hungary and other Northern places I also feel more attracted to the spiritual matter from those place.

I believe in the Spirit World. Just as I believe spirit is everything, I also view it as like a mirror image of everything that exists and beyond this universe.

I have a love of spirituality especially that which is Germanic/Nordic, Uralic, Altaic(especially Japonic, Korean and Mongolic) and Celtic.
I am a transhumanist and a bit of a neophile(I am on the internet am I not?)

I came to this forum because I'm constantly adding things to my believe...developing a better understanding of what I believe. I hope for this forum to help me with that.
lol, no I'm not Estonian. I just like Uralic language.
I was told about this site from a person at jref, so I signed up.

I'm a Pagan, which is a pretty broad term.
I'm an Animist...actually...more aptly described as Pantheist.
Actually...more aptly described as Pandeist than Pantheist.

I believe that souls inhabit everything, the entirety of the universe. But I believe that spiritual matter is even beyond the universe, so therefor not just animist/pantheist, but pandeist.

I believe that different Gods and Goddesses are avatars for different spiritual matter that lurks. Avatars are representations for spiritual matter. People who worship say...Odin...are pulled to that collection of spirit...that avatar.

I guess you could describe my view on morals as nihilistic, moral relativistic or existentialist. I believe that the universe is God and everything is cause and effect. I believe that God is made up of everything in the universe and beyond, that includes everything considered "good" and "evil". God is neither good nor evil, God simply is. God is made of all morals, all genders, all substance. Matter and antimatter alike.

Just as I have favorite places like Japan, Finland, Norway, Korea, Sweden, Mongolia, Russia, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, Upper Vinland(Canada & sometimes Northern US), Estonia, Hungary and other Northern places I also feel more attracted to the spiritual matter from those place.

I believe in the Spirit World. Just as I believe spirit is everything, I also view it as like a mirror image of everything that exists and beyond this universe.

I have a love of spirituality especially that which is Germanic/Nordic, Uralic, Altaic(especially Japonic, Korean and Mongolic) and Celtic.
I am a transhumanist and a bit of a neophile(I am on the internet am I not?)

I came to this forum because I'm constantly adding things to my believe...developing a better understanding of what I believe. I hope for this forum to help me with that.
Welcome! Looking forward to you expounding a bit more on "spirit of place-" some of the lands/peoples that attract you do me as well-Celtic thought (and with my interest in Buddhism), Mongolia and Japan among others. As to the Nordic thing-well my great grandparents emigrated to Minnesota from Norway in the late 1800's but can't say that spirit of place has attracted me despite whatever Norwegian blood courses through my veins-and what's with that ludefisk?:D earl
Welcome and salaam.

Look forward to hearing more from you.