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Saying hey to everyone! From WI orginally a Catholic till i lost interest in it and just doing alittle searching! Kinda getting back to my spiritual journey. :) Looking forward to meeting ya all!

Have a great day!
Hey Comet,

Glad to make your acquaintance! :)

Hope your search is a fruitful one ...

... Neemai
Wisconsin...eh ? North of Illinois and south of lake Superior. The home of the cheeseheads and the Green Bay Packers. A very cold and beautiful place, and they grow the world's largest and hungriest mosquitoes there. And their state University at Madison, one of the best anywhere, provided my daughter with two bachelor's degrees.

Wisconsin...eh ? North of Illinois and south of lake Superior. The home of the cheeseheads and the Green Bay Packers. A very cold and beautiful place, and they grow the world's largest and hungriest mosquitoes there. And their state University at Madison, one of the best anywhere, provided my daughter with two bachelor's degrees.


Oh I love cold places, do they get lots of snow in winter?

Typical bleeding American, you even boast about the size of your mosquitoes :D I bet the Egyptian mosquitoes are bigger!!!! :p
Wisconsin...eh ? North of Illinois and south of lake Superior. The home of the cheeseheads and the Green Bay Packers. A very cold and beautiful place, and they grow the world's largest and hungriest mosquitoes there. And their state University at Madison, one of the best anywhere, provided my daughter with two bachelor's degrees.


Yep Wisconsin lol. Home of the packers gotta love them :D it can be very cold in the winter like you said it is beautiful up here. We also have our share of those nasty mosquitoes lol nice to meet ya!

that is cool on your daughters accompolishments! :)
snow. wow I often wonder what it would be like. I used to work in the freezer part of a supermarket, I guess thats probably the closest Ill get to snow. lol
Having lived in a snow zone for many of my years, trust me, the novelty of it all wears off after you've shoveled it for a couple of years.

Having lived in a snow zone for many of my years, trust me, the novelty of it all wears off after you've shoveled it for a couple of years.


I couldn't agree with ya more there flowperson ;)
snow. wow I often wonder what it would be like. I used to work in the freezer part of a supermarket, I guess thats probably the closest Ill get to snow. lol

Hey greymare snow at times can be very pretty after living here all my life just get tired of the winter cold months! I could om ya snow pics the first snowfall if ya like
Thanks for the welcome everyone! Look forward to getting to know ya all! :)
that'd be great thanks comet. I'm strugglling with my computer at the moment so forgive me if my comments are a bit all over the place. I had this new guy to fix it and me thinks hes only made it worse. lol love the grey