Dumbledore - oh my goodness gracious me!

Scarlet Pimpernel

demned elusive
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Limburg, Netherlands
Hmm, I hope this thread doesn't degenerate into vitriol - perhaps I should be posting it in the Politics and Society forum. Mods, please move it if it is more appropriate elsewhere.

J.K. Rowling Outs Hogwarts Character - MSN Movies News

NEW YORK (AP) -- Harry Potter fans, the rumors are true: Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts, is gay. J.K. Rowling, author of the mega-selling fantasy series that ended last summer, outed the beloved character Friday night while appearing before a full house at Carnegie Hall.
After reading briefly from the final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," she took questions from audience members.
She was asked by one young fan whether Dumbledore finds "true love."
"Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause.

What do you all think?

For my own part, I think it's cool, if only to have one more proof of the existence of homosexuals in all levels of society. But it doesn't make a difference to me as far as my enjoyment of the books. It's interesting character background information, but it doesn't affect the story.


And as far as people objecting to bringing sexuality into a children's series, why weren't you complaining when Harry snogged Cho in book five?
Hiya Scarlet,

Fed up of lurking??!!:)

Well the applause suggests a positive reaction, which can only be good.

And as far as people objecting to bringing sexuality into a children's series, why weren't you complaining when Harry snogged Cho in book five?
Cos I ain't read em!

Well how often have people complained when sexuality is portrayed through boys and girls (and men and women) snogging and then sometimes getting married in endless children’s books through the years? Not much I imagine.

The sooner children realise that our sexuality, whatever it is, is just another part of what we are, the better. Then we're less likely to grow up into bigots and homophobes.


PS is the Netherlands a land of enlightenment?
Hi Scarlet...I agree with Snoopy, the applause tells you what's right in all of this.

By the way, when I was a boy scout (yes I was) I read the free magazine "Boy's Life" voraciously each month that it arrived for me in the mail. Never once was there any article about sex in it.

That was also about the time that I began to carry a "jimmy hat" in my wallet at all times so that I could scrupulously adhere to the boy scout motto at all times..."Be Prepared".

And yes Snoopy, The Netherlands is the land of enlightnment, especially in its coffee houses.

As I suspected.:rolleyes:

There was a TV programme on recently comparing the 2 European countries with the highest and lowest teenage pregnancies; guess which 2...

In the UK, sex education is way later than in the Netherlands; where (as I recall) quite young children were shown discussing (in class) use of contraception. What a surprise then as to our respective rates of teenage pregnancies...

Bill O'Reilly thinks Rowling dropped teh 'gay bomb' in an effort to 'provoke' and 'indoctrinate.'

AlterNet: Blogs: Video: O'Reilly's Homophobia Runs Rampant Over Dumbledore's Outing

Bill O'Reilly. Jesus... Bill O'Reilly published a book entitled The O'Reilly Factor For Kids, and now he is bitching about 'indoctrination'?? :confused: Who's indoctrinating?? :rolleyes:
Only one small fox pass there, Pathless. You put "Bill O'Reilly" and "think" together in the same sentence! What were you thinking! ;) :p
Only one small fox pass there, Pathless. You put "Bill O'Reilly" and "think" together in the same sentence! What were you thinking! ;) :p

Stay well my son. Even if Rupert read your post, I'm sure he wouldna' ken it. After all...he is "the alien".

No see, even O'Riley knows that if you think too much in America you're automatically labelled an "extremeist". Maybe even a terrorist or an enemy combatant. No, he certainly wouldn't even think of thinking while on television.

Whatever did I just say ?

I saw something in the news about one of the characters being a closet leftie, just what's the world coming to???:eek:

Oh she was just attention seeking, I was a huge fan of the books and nothing in the books suggested that Dumbledore had any sexuality at all.

Anyway - who died? I haven't read the last one.
And as far as people objecting to bringing sexuality into a children's series, why weren't you complaining when Harry snogged Cho in book five?

Because the books suck and have never read them... The films also suck, but alas I have seen them... You are trying to suggest that the one with the largest beard and pointy hat (to show he is boss a bit like how the native indians show rank.) Takes it up the harris? :\ This mental image I now have is disturbing more than I already am....... Does he also like little boys? I can see a freaking connection there.... Come here Master Potter... Let me show you something.... I can make my thumb vanish.......

Ugh ron weasley fell for that one... Never been the same ever since....
You know, I know that! I was thinking sheesh these poor people, they have been deprived... DEPRIVED I say! Of my valid and eye opening input on many subjects... As you can see in this brief period of time on this morrow... I have been rampaging around to get you people the low down!