Just a stranger on a bus

I am freaking loving it! The guy that proclaims christ as lord on the bus.....

Or are you meaning from the song... "If god were one of us....." ?

If the first answer is you, lets have a good ol' sing song! Come on knees up mother!

Or if you are claiming to be god..... How can you prove you are god?
Hello 17th Angel.

You know, I love a good ol' sing along:

"... tryin to find his home, nobody calling on the phone. Except for the Pope maybe, in Rome"

If I proved who I was then it would spoil all the fun eh? :D

Your a kind hearted chap. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Kind hearted? You can see that in me eh?

Well I just thought, if you were god, you'd know me more than I knew myself, so was curious to see if you would enlighten me....

"And yeah yeah god is great, yeah yeah god is good, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...." (that's me joining in the sing song btw lol.)
Enlightment comes mostly through hard work and good jokes. Either that or from meeting saints, but that's a much less common occurance from my experience.

Do you know any more good songs? Bob Marley is one of my personal favourites. :cool:
Enlightment comes mostly through hard work and good jokes. Either that or from meeting saints, but that's a much less common occurance from my experience.

Why bother with hard work if you have "almighty god" right in front of you... :D It's like buy one get one free day at Tescos....

Do you know any more good songs? Bob Marley is one of my personal favourites. :cool:

I know many good songs... Not all would be your taste I believe... But, I am sure we can find something to amuse.... How about, Snow Patrol - Open your eyes..... ;)

"All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you
My bones ache, my skin feels cold
And I'm getting so tired and so old

The anger swells in my guts
And I won't feel these slices and cuts
I want so much to open your eyes
'Cause I need you to look into mine

Tell me that you'll open your eyes [x4]

Get up, get out, get away from these liars
'Cause they don't get your soul or your fire
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time

Every minute from this minute now
We can do what we like anywhere
I want so much to open your eyes
'Cause I need you to look into mine

Tell me that you'll open your eyes [x8]

All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you"
Why bother with hard work if you have "almighty god" right in front of you... :D It's like buy one get one free day at Tescos....

Which one of us is the free one and which one has to be bought? :D

I havn't spent much time listening to Snow Patrol, but they are interesting lyrics:

Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time

All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you

It's deep brother!

Hello Seattlegal, yes I think we may have met before, maybe in a previous incarnation? ;)

In trouble... me? :cool:
Does anyone have any questions they would like to address to the God Almighty?
I've got a ton of them. Can you start with these two?

1. If buttered bread always lands butter side down and a cat always lands on its feet. If I taped a buttered bread to the back of a cat, which way would it land?

2. Can you make a rock so big you can't lift it?
Ah, Wil, it would be my pleasure...

1. If buttered bread always lands butter side down and a cat always lands on its feet. If I taped a buttered bread to the back of a cat, which way would it land?

Firstly, what height would you be dropping the cat from? Secondly is it white or wholemeal bread?

2. Can you make a rock so big you can't lift it?

In a word - no. Rocks are formed of gross energies. No amount of gross energy can ever be beyond the control of the Almighty Lord.

Hoping to be of service - Your loving friend :cool:
Does anyone have any questions they would like to address to the God Almighty?

Ok then god.... Why are you so "me me me me me" why has everything got to be about you? You're god... Ok nice one, well done.. How about you sit back a bit and let others shine ;\ with all that nonsense in that book you wrote about "give me the glory" "I am the one who should have glory no one else" Come on.... You're bigger than that surley god? Also why so jealous.... For a "supreme amazing ultra being...." You sure do have your weak/childish points...... :\ Why?
Welcome to CR , AG.

In the case of your chosen identifying name I have always found the attachment of any adjectives to the noun "G-d" to be superfluous and unneeded excess.

So I hope you don't mind if I address you by the acronym "AG". Acronym usage suits us over here in the colonies you know.

Saves time, which is, of course, your primary medium of existence, no ?

And by the way, time is something that those of us who try to live in the "post modern world" seem to have precious little of these days. I'm tempted to call you "ancient of days" but that would be getting ahead of myself, HUH ?

My dearest 17th Angel, thank you kindly for your questions.

Ok then god.... Why are you so "me me me me me" why has everything got to be about you? You're god... Ok nice one, well done.. How about you sit back a bit and let others shine ;\

I didn't write the history books. You can't blame me on that score.

From my perspective all the glories go to the sincere souls who have dedicated their lives for the sake of others, and the love of their Lord. In my opinion I am unable to re-pay their debt. When you praise the son, is the father not pleased?

Also why so jealous.... For a "supreme amazing ultra being...." You sure do have your weak/childish points...... :\ Why?

How could an omnipotent God ever feel such a negative emotion? Your logic is correct oh Angel of wisdom.