Just a stranger on a bus

{{Pattimax}} (Big Hugs)
To quote Gandalf: "A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to" - same goes for Almighty God.:D

Dearest 17th Angel - when you next watch The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and hear Carlton Banks' words of wisdom spring forth, then your faith will increase twelve-fold.

Seattlegal, please accept my blessings. The most beneficial question to ask is the same in any situation and to concerned parties. Simply, "how can I serve you?".

As for the ultimate breakfast treat, well that's an easy one - Ezekial 4:9 see: http://www.foodforlife.com/
You know I do it all the time, when I make live Ezekial burritos with soaked beans, avacadoes, tomatoes, onions, and hummus, I always say thank you G!d.

It is so nice to be able to do it in...err...person.

So as I don't believe in the anthropomorphic version of you, how is it that you operate the keyboard?

Are your thoughts transmitted automatically to the post?

You know there are so many doubters out there, this would be such a simple thing, simply simultaneously post a prayer for all matter in the universe to each of our almost 8,000 threads.

Simple for you, proof beyond a doubt for those septics, (note our limit on post frequency only applies to humans)
oh, I've been waiting for you to put in an appearance, AG...

Dear Almighty God,

if you would be so kind, would you please manifest in my front room this evening so I can give you the good kicking you so rightfully deserve?

I have been watching your antics over the years and things don't look good. You might have fooled the peasants, but you're not fooling everyone. People are losing faith in you, and really, it's all your own fault. You can't expect us to love you and trust you and praise your holy name if you carry on acting like a savage narcissistic sociopath. You can change, if you want to, and be the God we'd all really like you to be, but well, you've been like this for a while, and we've collectively just about had enough. If you're so great, clever, wise, et cetera then please, do us a favour, change or go to that place where the old gods go to die, and we might just have a chance.

Yours sincerely,

the human race.

p.s. any horse racing tips given in visions are most welcome, and might help us to forget your past transgressions.
Oh it is true about the ice cream then, strawberry I believe? Good to know, I shall be buried with a spoon.

Welcome almighty god, please choose 6 numbers between 1 & 49. ;)

So as I don't believe in the anthropomorphic version of you, how is it that you operate the keyboard?

Are your thoughts transmitted automatically to the post?

Who's image was man created in? I'm typin away here with my holy fingers comrade. As God you can do almost anything - take any form, be anywhere, fly in outer space. The whole deal. It's actually pretty cool. In terms of computers, you should see the Apple store where I live, it's off the hook!

You know there are so many doubters out there, this would be such a simple thing, simply simultaneously post a prayer for all matter in the universe to each of our almost 8,000 threads.

You see, it could be done, but then this is just one universe amongst many, and in this universe yours is just one iddy biddy little planetoid floating around one of the trillion billion or so stars. Y'all here for a good reason, and it's your job to figure out what that is. And now don't be pretendin you don't know the answers.

May Love and kindness shower upon you.
Greetings MW, you were spot on with the strawberry, although banana is close second. You want numbers, I got some "lucky" one's here for ya'

7, 11, 14, 21, 32, 34

P.S - Francis I think you have a few issues goin on right now. But please be sure that time is a healer, and that we've got all eternity to get better.

Shalom :cool: AG
close ... it ends with "snakey"
Speaking of that, do you agree with the Acintita Sutta where is says not to conjecture about "The precise working out of the results of kamma..." in that conjecturing about it "would bring madness and vexation to anyone who conjectured about it?" :D
You see, it could be done, but then this is just one universe amongst many, and in this universe yours is just one iddy biddy little planetoid floating around one of the trillion billion or so stars.
That's two strikes AG, step up to the plate brother, you are failing miserably, one more and we toss you back to the minors to improve your skills, it appears you may not yet be ready for the show.
Speaking of that, do you agree with the Acintita Sutta where is says not to conjecture about "The precise working out of the results of kamma..." in that conjecturing about it "would bring madness and vexation to anyone who conjectured about it?" :D

I'm the Daddy! :)
That's two strikes AG, step up to the plate brother, you are failing miserably, one more and we toss you back to the minors to improve your skills, it appears you may not yet be ready for the show.

Batter ready for bunt :D

Hey, even Michael Jordan found it tough in the big leagues :cool:
Batter ready for bunt :D

Hey, even Michael Jordan found it tough in the big leagues :cool:

Hi AG...unless my memory is failing me again, Michael only made it as far as the Birmingham Alabama minor league club. If my memory has failed me again, please have mercy and correct my transgression. Thanks!
