Immortality Of The Human Soul



belief in an immortal soul can be traced from ancient Assyro-Babylonian myths through Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythology to Christendom, where it has become an underlying tenet in her theology.

If this belief of the immortality of the human soul is not based on truth , then that means that the religions of the world are based on an untruth.

In his search for God, man has clutched at straws, deluded by the illusion of immortality.

The Greek mythology of the soul went on to influence the Roman concept, and the Greek philosophers, such as Plato (about 427-347 B.C.E.), strongly influenced early apostate Christian thinkers who accepted the immortal soul teaching into their doctrine, even though it had no Biblical basis.

i think that this teaching actually comes from satan , it was him after all that said to Eve ,YOU WILL NOT DIE. what a big lie he has promoted , and it is all in opposition to the true God .
Good Mee,

Yes, Anything that has a beginning has an end therefore if the human soul had a beginning, it will surely have an end. Therefor it is not immortal.

Love and Peace,
and yet... most faiths believe in some continuance after death, whether this be reincarnation, ascendance into heaven after death/on judgement day, or union/merging with God..

am I then to believe mee that u JW's don't believe in a soul? or heaven? Or immortality? and think this is satanic?

you see... whether Hindu or Christian, the soul is considered the breath of God, which God himself breathes into u; and, as it is of God, then surely it is like God, immortal..?
am I then to believe mee that u JW's don't believe in a soul?
the bible does not teach the immortality of the human soul . and Jehovahs witnesses base their beliefs on the bible . i am a soul ,i was not given a soul as some seem to think, Adam came to be a living soul he wasnt given something separate inside of himself that floats off to God when he died. he is a soul and when he died he went to dust . but the Resurrection is something different to the teaching of ( immortality of the human soul)

i think that this teaching actually comes from satan , it was him after all that said to Eve ,YOU WILL NOT DIE. what a big lie he has promoted , and it is all in opposition to the true God .

Dear Mee,
Materialistic conceptualising comes from Satan- as it is he who denies the spirit. Man consists of a body, soul and spirit.
John Chapter 10: 34. Jesus said to them, "Isn't it written in your law: "I said, `You are gods?"

Is it true that immortality is a reality?

All the signs would point to ‘yes’, but who can say, until eternity is depleted and the immortal have run their course.
"and he (Christ) said to them, indeed I say to you, that there are SOME of those standing here, who will not taste death till THEY see God's Royal majesty having come with power." (Mark 9:1 Matt 16:28 and Luke 9:27)
"verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keep my sayings, he shall never see death." John 8:51
"the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." Rom 6:23 James 1:13
In Christ,
yes ,as you mentioned in romans 6;23

For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.

we are all in a dieing state , but the ransom sacrifice is the answer to all of our problems including death.
The ransom is God’s greatest gift to mankind.

To grasp the meaning of the ransom is to understand a key feature of God’s unfathomable “riches and wisdom and knowledge.”—Romans 5:8; 11:33.

Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; JOHN 11;25
belief in an immortal soul can be traced from ancient Assyro-Babylonian myths through Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythology to Christendom....
It's possible that the Hindu idea of soul as Atman dates back before Assyro-Babylonian mythology.

The existence of the soul is implied by the notion of afterlife. There is controversy about whether the soul is a discrete entity with the capacity for volition or an amorphous, passive manifestation of some larger cosmological force.

In the Biblical tradition, immortality is seen as a divine trait, that is, a characteristic of G-d. According Rabbinical scholars, the soul is part of G-d. As such, the soul is eternal.

There are many references to G-d redemptive action in the Old Testament. This one is very clear:

But God will redeem my life from the grave;
he will surely take me to Himself.
~ Psalm 49:15

I wish you prosperity, joy, and eternal life! :)
In some of the Lurianic Kabbalah stuff I've been reading the progression of the soul begins to sound a lot like an analogical explanation of how non locality works.
Do Church Leaders All Agree?

Many Bible scholars and clergymen question the "immortal soul" doctrine.

Wesleyan Methodist clergyman Agar Beet wrote: "The Christian doctrine of the immortality of the soul is a curious example of an opinion destitute of any foundation in the Bible and in some measure contradicting it, derived only from Greek philosophy, yet held firmly by large numbers of educated and intelligent Christian teachers and writers on the mistaken supposition that it is taught in the Bible." Similarly, Dr. Martensen, former bishop of Zealand, Denmark, wrote: "It may be considered to be universally acknowledged in our day that no independent proof can be given of the immortality of man."

However, the doctrine continues to be included in most church creeds.

For example, the Book of Catechism of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa states: "The soul thus lives on and is immortal." Interestingly, the Hoofstad newspaper of Pretoria, South Africa, published an article entitled "Soul Does Not Survive," which reported a leader of the same church, Professor Adrio König, as saying: "Christians must get away from the idea which originated with the Greek philosopher Plato that man consists of two parts: body and soul . . . according to the Bible man’s existence ends with death. There is not ‘something’ like a soul that lives on."

Why the lack of agreement among the clergy? Because the majority of them have not held firmly to the Bible as God’s Word, though they may give the impression that the Bible is what they teach.

Instead, they have exchanged it for human philosophy—their own and that of the ancient Greeks.

if there is no immortality of the soul then what is there?
for me it is the main reason to be moral [apart from simply not wanting to be horrible to people]. god himself is an immortal soul [of sorts]. what is god if not?
life would be utterly pointless and gods word would be worthless, what does the bible mean to you if there is no heaven nor hell?

the bible is human philosophy!
what does the bible mean to you if there is no heaven nor hell?

the bible is human philosophy!

even though the bible does not teach the IMMORTALITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL . it does not mean that there is no hope for the future.

the bible teaches about the RESURRECTION which is something completey different .

taking in an accurate knowledge of the bible and what it teaches ,brings great hope , even EVERLASTING LIFE ....john 17;3 :)


The word "hell" is found in many Bible translations. In the same verses other translations read "the grave," "the world of the dead," and so forth. Other Bibles simply transliterate the original-language words that are sometimes rendered "hell"; that is, they express them with the letters of our alphabet but leave the words untranslated. What are those words? The Hebrew she’ohl´ and its Greek equivalent hai´des, which refer, not to an individual burial place, but to the common grave of dead mankind; also the Greek ge´en·na, which is used as a symbol of eternal destruction.​

However, both in Christendom and in many non-Christian religions it is taught that hell is a place inhabited by demons and where the wicked, after death, are punished (and some believe that this is with torment).

but that is not what the bible teaches at all .

manmade doctrines yet again :rolleyes:

mee, hi

the bible teaches about the RESURRECTION which is something completely different

resurrection would occur in the spiritual dimension, if it occurs on earth there would be massive over population ~ eventually we would be standing on each others heads! secondly the sun will one day go supanova then an earthly paradise would cease to exist, eventually the universe itself would be uninhabitable and then end.

hell; to the common grave of dead mankind.

what of us is not purely physical would remain ...and that would be the truth of what we are. god is dead too ~ as is jesus and mary etc!
what of bodies that simply don’t exist anymore through decomposition or by being destroyed in some other way such as being eaten by lions etc?
earthly resurrection is simply one of the most illogical ideas ‘man’ has ever conceived.
mee, hi

earthly resurrection is simply one of the most illogical ideas ‘man’ has ever conceived.
its only illogical because man leaves the Almighty out of the picture .

Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice .....john 5;28

remember , the Almighty has those in his memory and it is no great deal for the Almighty.

i used to think that the earth could not hold all of those resurreced ones ,but when we think about it , we dont have to go back that far and the amount of people on the earth was much less .

its only now ,when there is a lot of people .:) and the Almighty Jehovah does not want to overfill the earth , his purpose was originally to fill the earth and his purpose was to spread out not to congregate and pack to geather like we do now in big cities
mee, hi

resurrection would occur in the spiritual dimension, if it occurs on earth there would be massive over population ~ eventually we would be standing on each others heads! secondly the sun will one day go supanova then an earthly paradise would cease to exist, eventually the universe itself would be uninhabitable and then end.

what of us is not purely physical would remain ...and that would be the truth of what we are. god is dead too ~ as is jesus and mary etc!
what of bodies that simply don’t exist anymore through decomposition or by being destroyed in some other way such as being eaten by lions etc?
earthly resurrection is simply one of the most illogical ideas ‘man’ has ever conceived.

"Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor."—JOB 33:25.

even those who are aging now , if they are part of the GREAT CROWD that get through the great tribulation they will get young again revelation 7;9-10
Iinteresting is view of the Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist philosophy. Eventually, gnosis. They regard the soul as a spark of cosmic energy, eternal and indestructible, but without the will and consciousness. Will and consciousness obtained through the body (packaging, Kosha).
Alternatively, there is no soul. Nothing. Nada. Neti, neti. Only "stuff in the mind" or "experiences" or "actual occasions". Just becomings (not beings because that implies unchangeingness).
That's why I find the exoteric Wisdom of the East much clearer than its bastardized, watered-down and frankly, polluted version in the West. The vehicles are necessary, but it is folly [worse, it is heresy] to identify with the body, desires and even the (personal) mindstream. In combination, these are the kleshas, and we must understand the relationship between these and the skandhas.

When people speak of anatta, they evidence a misunderstanding of the Buddha's doctrine. There is someone, of a Catholic bent, here at Interfaith who intuits the doctrine of anatta so clearly that he does not even accept Rebirth. The resistance, as some of us understand, is the notion that "I WILL BE REBORN." It is exceedingly difficult to say this with either a straight face, or with the authority that is actually required in order to accurately and literally mean it. Even if we could, I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone truly QUALIFIED actually utter it.

That said, look up the epitaph of Benjamin Franklin. His sentiment expresses the truth of Rebirth so clearly, that I wonder why supposedly educated minds fail to grasp it. It's as if they cannot understand allegory ...

And when it comes to an Eternal Spark of Cosmic Electricity, or Cosmic Fire, this is the subject of one 1300-page treatise that I am aware of, explaining how spiritual, psychological and material evolution works in Cosmos, the Solar and Planetary Systems, as well as Man, but not excluding the atom ... since each of these is also an atom, simply en macro. :)

Still, let's at least get the ORDER right. The atom does not orginate a man, who then originates a Planet or a Star, the latter deciding one day to originate all of Cosmos. For certain, the order is the reverse, and some of us believe that *EVERY* atom of Cosmos evolves, being literally ensouled - and thus itself a VEHICLE for something Greater.

Replace the word "atom" (in blue) with Man, Planet, Star and so on ... and you will understand as did the Ancients, or at least you'll have the basic idea. This is called Hylozoism, taught by the Greeks, the Vedists and occultists since the dawn of time.

No religion is left out (in this worldview), and thus - at least for me - it is the ONLY explanation which makes good sense, as it fits ALL the facts!
Iinteresting is view of the Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist philosophy. Eventually, gnosis. They regard the soul as a spark of cosmic energy, eternal and indestructible, but without the will and consciousness. Will and consciousness obtained through the body (packaging, Kosha).
The soul is multicolored light and is a pattern different for each person in a kind of patchwork of those lights. Its literal emotion that you can only feel on the senses level of the body because your not one with it. A union with it is a rapture because you can feel that actual essence at the soul level.