
17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
I searched these forums, honest I did... I couldn't find any reference to this, even though I am -sure- I once saw a thread on this.... However, bored, nothing on TV I decided to start watching the first series of a show called "Lost" Being military/survival minded.... I knew I'd have issues with this, and indeed I did lol.... Everything in this show sucks... (Oh so he just wants to start a thread and trash talk this show?) No.... I got to about the forth episode or so.... And there is waaaay more to this than just surviving a plane crash...... And I like the "play" on words for the title..... Lost...... So interesting to see these people were lost before they even boarded the plane...

I have only seen to episode six... So if you have seen all the series PLEASE don't ruin it for me lol.... I believe I have already cracked the entire show... But, I like to watch as it unfolds and see how beautiful and calculated my devious mind can be..... So thoughts? Anyone watch this? Mr Lock, is my favourite character.... My least favourite is that women that wants Jack so bad....

Can I just complain abit more about it? Make me feel a whole lot better..... Jack is useless as a leader... And why the hell does everyone rely on him? He was sleeping.... 45 people sat there and watched a woman drowning... After awhile one rushed to Jack to go save the victim? Why didn't anyone else freaking save the freaking women? Water..... Why did they believe they would be saved? You -never- believe anyone is coming for you... Parts of the plane could have been used to create a filter system to clean the ocean water to make it drinkable...... Why just hope it will continually rain in this tropical island? (They wanted it brought to them, they do not wish to WORK for it.) Food, why the pluck are they not hunting/forging/fishing? Oh wait... AFTER A FREAKING WEEK yeah they start too... Some fat boy and a druggy go fishing.... And hunter and some man and a freaking woman go hunting boar...... lol...... They are more concerned with doing some stupid memory service for the dead people they do not even know.... Six days... Bodies in the open air attracting dangerous wild animals and increasing the risk of diesase..... Clever boys and girls... If it were real... They would all die.....

*deep breath*

Thank you.
So now if I pointed you to the thread that discussed it, the spoilers might be there...so I won't.

But for me, I'd rather watch reruns of Monty Python, or Ed Sullivan, or the Smothers Brothers, or Absolutely Fabulous or the History Channel, Discovery, Nature, Cage Fighting, or Texas Holdem, or C-span showing empty congress seats....
I dislike TV. When I do watch it, I use DVDs so that I have control over what my eyes see and ears hear. It's not that I believe in subliminal messages through advertising or TV in general; I think the brainwashing is much more overt than all that. ;)

I must warn you it goes downhill. It is not just the survivors of Oceanic Flight 813 who are lost. It is you yourself. Repent!

In all seriousness, the plot just gets more and more convoluted as time goes on. There isn't much payoff for the viewer as much of what you learn in an earlier episode isn't particularly important, it turns out, and the mysteries just keep piling on. The first season is alright. It wasn't until the second and third seasons that fans started to realize how bad things were getting.
Dauer, say it isn't so..... There are three series??? That changes everything then... My calculations are wrong? What I expect to be the outcome cannot take three series? Unless they drag it on and on and on and you find the passengers from the tail of the plane alive.... And/if the extras from the 47 have all got stories... I would of thought two at most ;\ I will continue to watch though.... But, what I know isn't important? Then that baffles me from six episodes I thought I had this show pegged.......

Can you answer me one thing dear dauer, There is only three series? And at the end of that there is a full stop, ending?

You know how American series are. Look at the original Office and compare it to the American version. If the producers have a good concept they milk it until it's dead. Even That 70s show led to a spin-off called That 80s show. I had to google when it ends. 4 seasons so far and said to end in the 2009-2010 season. Will be six seasons total.

And yuh, everything you think you know about that island is wrong. What you think you know about the other people on the plane may or may not be true, but it has little to no bearing on everything else.
So it has nothing to do with facing demons and realising self? No idea aboot the office.... I hate Gervais.... He isn't funny, yet he tries.... Bless him. I have a slight understanding of how American Tv series work.... I am addicted to Prison break..... Three freaking seasons... I thought also with that two was going to do it.... You milk ideas too much they lose that sting. But, you also have that want for something not to end.... What a vicious circle.
It's a lot more than facing demons and realizing self although that does form one of the early story archs and is replayed through a number of characters. It's much bigger than the passengers of that flight. It's to do with the island itself, but it's much bigger than the island. It's to do with dharma, but it's much bigger than dharma. Have you found out about dharma yet? If not, then you've really got a ways to go. The second season pretty much annihilates the value of the first as far as what you've learned.

The Office has run for four seasons in the US so far. The British series only had 12 episodes. Or look at The Simpsons which started in '89 and is still going. Stargate:SG-1 ran 10 seasons and led to the atlantis spinoff that's continuing after 4 seasons already. If a show builds up a large enough fanbase it's not going to terminate for years.
It's a lot more than facing demons and realizing self although that does form one of the early story archs and is replayed through a number of characters. It's much bigger than the passengers of that flight. It's to do with the island itself, but it's much bigger than the island. It's to do with dharma, but it's much bigger than dharma. Have you found out about dharma yet? If not, then you've really got a ways to go. The second season pretty much annihilates the value of the first as far as what you've learned.

The Office has run for four seasons in the US so far. The British series only had 12 episodes. Or look at The Simpsons which started in '89 and is still going. Stargate:SG-1 ran 10 seasons and led to the atlantis spinoff that's continuing after 4 seasons already. If a show builds up a large enough fanbase it's not going to terminate for years.

Hmm I see I see, said the blind man.....

Don't get me started on the freaking Simpsons.... Ugh...
give'm bread and circus


give'm beer and baseball


give'm soaps day and night


give'm reality tv

in any case the goal is the same,

keep'em lost and plodding to work to pay taxes
Mr Lock... (Lack? Lark? Sure it's lock...)

He is such an inspiration.... I wish I knew a person like that.... :( Someone who can teach you and stuff.... I really do like that character... The bit where he took the drugs from that guy and said ask for them three times and I will give them back to you..... And everytime he asks he teaches him about self and life and confidence and stuff... And the whistle he made to get the boys dog.... And how he raised the "leader" jack up so he could lead the people, and how he hunts to provide for the others and just... Wow... What a guy.... I'd even snog him!!!