The Digital Devil...

17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
'as-salāmu alaykum,

Yes, I have found the Digital Devil... lol... It shall be indentified as 'you tube'... MW, as I am sure you will see that I am going on about this on the other forums... I thought I would start a thread here on it also.... Why are there so many Muslims that ignore the Qur'an and Allah's will, and seek the answers of Islam on you tube? I have missed something? The majority of the material is very hateful or just total nonsense..... So why?

maca salāma
wa alikum ussalam

What do you mean by seek the answers of Islam on you tube
wa alikum ussalam

What do you mean by seek the answers of Islam on you tube

Don't you get it my friend? He's talking about you. You're the tube!!!:D

People are seeking answers for Islam from you. You are the tube from which the answers flow!!!
wa alikum ussalam

What do you mean by seek the answers of Islam on you tube

You have preachers on there that preach/teach things that are not in the Qur'an....... And I have found that many Muslims take this to heart.... So pretty much as I said... Muslims seeking the answers of Islam on youtube. The video website.
Don't you get it my friend? He's talking about you. You're the tube!!!:D

People are seeking answers for Islam from you. You are the tube from which the answers flow!!!

gracias....merci.....shukran....well in that case I would prefered to be called "you antenna". Tubes are boring...I am not :cool:
You have preachers on there that preach/teach things that are not in the Qur'an....... And I have found that many Muslims take this to heart.... So pretty much as I said... Muslims seeking the answers of Islam on youtube. The video website.


I thought these people were just trying to kill hate with hate, or otherwise use it as a propaganda tool (Like the Islamophobes are doing). Never crossed my mind somebody will use YT to learn about religion.

All those wierdos teaching Islam....scary!

I thought these people were just trying to kill hate with hate, or otherwise as a propaganda tool (Like the Islamophobes are doing). Never crossed my mind somebody will use YT to learn about religion.

All those wierdos teaching Islam....scary!

I am serious.... You have people like Dr Philips on there... Teaching you what is Islam... He means what he says... It isn't a joke... By his hands, he is destroying his own religion... With many others following suit, feeding their brothers and sisters with a posioned silver spoon.....
I am serious.... You have people like Dr Philips on there... Teaching you what is Islam... He means what he says... It isn't a joke... By his hands, he is destroying his own religion... With many others following suit, feeding their brothers and sisters with a posioned silver spoon.....

You mean Dr. Bilal Phillips
Well he is a typical wahhabi scholar...what else can I say....may God show them (& their followers) the right path.

Keep your distance...

I already am keeping my distance, I just find it sad that Islam is meant to be of love... But, with such people like this it comes across as a religion of hate :( And it isn't! And non-Muslims then feed off this... Any small reason for hate and anger quickly grows.... Like a wild fire. :\ Bring the bucket of understanding and douse the flames....

Shokran is Arabic....
The internet is the wild wild west. Lawless, tread with care, lots of great stuff and opportunity out there but also blind canyons, flash floods, train robbers, and snake oil salesman.
Ok, I'm stuck. May I kindly ask what language that is?

Really? Could you really do better than YouTube? Give me a demonstration.:)

Lets say I am on a satellite, covering 210 countries world wide. All tubes flow through me . And then I am in space, unlike the tube which is in a server. :D

I already am keeping my distance, I just find it sad that Islam is meant to be of love... But, with such people like this it comes across as a religion of hate :( And it isn't! And non-Muslims then feed off this... Any small reason for hate and anger quickly grows.... Like a wild fire. :\ Bring the bucket of understanding and douse the flames....

you cant make them realise, thats the whole problem. Islam provides roads for humans to walk upon, they have produced cages with their literal interpretation of Quran .

And then with all the petro dollars, they spread too fast. Anyways, try Hamza Yusuf as an alternative. You will find him too on YT.
The internet is the wild wild west. Lawless, tread with care, lots of great stuff and opportunity out there but also blind canyons, flash floods, train robbers, and snake oil salesman.

A good thing is, you can't get killed on the Internet. Not directly anyway. You might read instructions on making a meal or drink that kills you. But you won't get killed by train robbers, robbed by them, or shot in the bar/pub by a cowboy. There is no direct physical danger to using the Internet, except getting electrocuted by loose wires supplying power to the computer, or tripping over the computer and falling on an axe. Lawless but not harmful or dangerous. Except for minors.

Oh I forgot to mention phishing and people hacking into your credit card accounts and email.
shukran, Mr Antenna!!!

Lets say I am on a satellite, covering 210 countries world wide. All tubes flow through me . And then I am in space, unlike the tube which is in a server. :D

What are you? What are you called?

you cant make them realise, thats the whole problem. Islam provides roads for humans to walk upon, they have produced cages with their literal interpretation of Quran.

Beliefs come from knowledge and experience. We decide to think a certain way because of what we've seen and heard. When we've seen a bit more of the world, we change our minds. We realise we were wrong. Yeah this happens in Christianity too.
A good thing is, you can't get killed on the Internet. Not directly anyway. You might read instructions on making a meal or drink that kills you. But you won't get killed by train robbers, robbed by them, or shot in the bar/pub by a cowboy. There is no direct physical danger to using the Internet, except getting electrocuted by loose wires supplying power to the computer, or tripping over the computer and falling on an axe. Lawless but not harmful or dangerous. Except for minors.

Oh I forgot to mention phishing and people hacking into your credit card accounts and email.
For the most part the wild wild west was safe, it was when you went down the wrong alley or chose to mingle with the wrong crowd. The net is the same, it can get folks to leave the virtual, lead them down the wrong alley. You are so correct though, no gun, no threat of harm and the cons can clean your bank account if you are not careful.

I've been identity thefted, quite the run around to get your money back when some bell hop steals your credit card from a hotel receipt and then uses it to gamble at a Cayman Islands Online Casino using a Gibraltar bank account.
you cant make them realise, thats the whole problem. Islam provides roads for humans to walk upon, they have produced cages with their literal interpretation of Quran .

And then with all the petro dollars, they spread too fast. Anyways, try Hamza Yusuf as an alternative. You will find him too on YT.


They have produced cages, sah...... But for every cage there is one key... (The Qur'an) "the truth shall set you freeeeeeee!" ;)
wa aleykum salaam

The internet has many wonderful teachings of Islam but also many misguided corrupted teachings. It is like going into a library, you just have to be selective about which books you choose to read and cross reference all the time.

With Islam, if you see a 'scholar' teaching hatred then cross reference with the Quran, if you don't find the teaching there then ignore the information from the internet.

Here is a couple of examples of good Islamic information to be found on youtube, they are both worth a watch and are by Abdullah Hakim Quick:

YouTube - Prophet Muhammad: "Do Good to Those That Harm You"

YouTube - Muslims Wake Up! Look Into Your Heart

YouTube - Ignorant Muslim Scholars

YouTube - Some Muslims Need to Lose the Taliban Mentality!

If you want to know why I choose to live in a poor Egyptian town, then watch this one, again by Abdullah Quick:

YouTube - Don't Be A Spoiled Muslim

I better stop there or you will be watching all day :D And brother Farhan is right Hamza Yusuf is also a good scholar to listen to.
