Why Christians believe in Jesus although he doesn't fulfill the prophecies??

Of course you don't agree....you are a Christian... folks that believe Jesus was the Jewish messiah are called Christians...folks that don't believe that are Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc...

I am simply saying that I do not believe all jews believe the messiah is some warlord like we have in this world. He would be a warrior against evil which would be saving life instead of taking it. They mention Daniel as a prophecy and Michael specifically fits this bill. Look at Daniel 12. The question is was jesus really Michael and they didn't recognize him?
Surely not all Jews.. believe the same...just like not all christians..
well I think christains disagree on the details but they all have the same basic belief that jesus resurrection is how everyone wants to end up. The texts I read on the jews is a total disagreement on the meaning of the messiah. Who he is , what he does ect.
Most Christians think they die and go directly to heaven to visit those who have gone before....

that isn't quite scriptural.
Most Christians think they die and go directly to heaven to visit those who have gone before....

that isn't quite scriptural.
I believe that some do go to a heavenly realm that exists within our own universe, but I also believe some stay back and roam the earth.
While I am not tied to the scripture...I thought by previous comments you were...

I am the scriptures talk about sleeping in the dust of the earth when you die. That refers to the body not the spirit.
i believe it references everyone asleep....waiting for jesus to return...

that's what one of my daughters think, but it really does refer to the body not the spirit. there have been too many accounts of ghosts and ndes and ades that would support this. When jesus died on the cross he said: Father into your hands I commend my spirit. Advanced texts state that his spirit went to hell to minister to the people there prior to his resurrection. Then his body which was asleep was united with his spirit and soul which was not asleep. This is also scriptural proof that it is the body that sleeps and not the spirit.
So it is your expectation not to be resurrected bodily 'like Jesus' out of the tomb, walking around, with the holes in his hands... but that your body will remain sleeping until Jesus returns and your spirit....which is what will go where and look like what? and communicate how? and see who? how?
I'm not asking about Jesus...I am asking what you believe has happened to the hundred billion people that have died...especially since you believe G!d has the capacity to forgive all of them...
I'm not asking about Jesus...I am asking what you believe has happened to the hundred billion people that have died...especially since you believe G!d has the capacity to forgive all of them...
Well, I believe some have gone to a heavenly realm within our own universe and some roam the earth. Kinda like in the movie ghost. I know that's just a movie but I am trying to give you a photographic example of what I mean. Also there is hell which I believe is more like gods mental institution which is why jesus preached there. I also believe in reincarnation but do think its very rare.
Yes but they are spirits...no bodies, no eyes, no vocal chords... what do you believe this is?

No eating food, no touching, just etherical entities for eternity? No going to see your relatives...100 billion spirits...
Yes but they are spirits...no bodies, no eyes, no vocal chords... what do you believe this is?

No eating food, no touching, just etherical entities for eternity? No going to see your relatives...100 billion spirits...
The spirit body is just like the human body. It does have eyes and vocal cords. It is whole body but is consciousness. Accounts of spirits have been seen as whole bodies. The soul even has eyes but appears as multicolored lights that is a pattern. Spirits are not etherical entities for eternity, they get their bodies back when the resurrection occurs but they will have perfect immortal bodies cause their spirit and soul will be one with it.
Our Blessed Lord Jesus has fulfilled all the prophesies promised Abraham, He has not done so in the way some Jewish people would have wanted but that does not mean that they were not fulfilled to the satisfaction of God. In fact Our Blessed Lord fulfilled all the prophecies before He as God gave us a new covenant because the old covenant had to be ended fulfilled and completed before God would give us the eternal covenant.

All the Jews who finally converted about 60% at the time of Christ were satisfied that He is both the awaited Messiah and the Son of God and they became Christian.