44% of Americans!!



Quote from CNN December 1999:
CNN Interactive - @2000 - Apostles of the Apocalypse: Are we ready for the end?

"According to a poll in April, 44 percent of Americans think Jesus will likely return to Earth within the next 50 years. The poll was conducted by Princeton Research Associates for Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
Another Princeton Research Associates poll conducted for Newsweek magazine in November found that 40 percent of Americans believe the world will end with the battle of Armageddon as described in the New Testament book of Revelation. Of those, some 47 percent believe the Antichrist is already on Earth."

Is it just me or is this proof beyond doubt that the USA is deeply infected with a mass hysteria? And if they dislike the anti-christ why have they twice elected him their president!!??

I asked an American friend the other day why she chooses to live here with our high cost of living, higher taxes and eroding civil liberties. She said "at least most people are reasonably sane here". It was her that led me to the above statistics and even cynical old gitt that I am was shocked by it. Am I alone in find this deeply, deeply disturbing?

You are probably right Flow, that now that the year 2000 has come and passed without any Earth threatening changes folks have settled back into short-termist consumerist mediocrity. Shows how superstition still holds us as tightly as it did in history tho, that just an essentially meaningless big round number can strike fear into so many. No wonder religions thrive.

Well I just read an article about 76% of El Pasoeans believing in Santa Claus. Lots of people believe in made up stuff...like the words : I do forever, I will never, I paid my taxes etc :p
Well I just read an article about 76% of El Pasoeans believing in Santa Claus. Lots of people believe in made up stuff...like the words : I do forever, I will never, I paid my taxes etc :p

Hi Noctuary and welcome to CR!! If that is you in the pic your hot Hot, HOT!! ;)
My fav is I will never have another drink....ever!!

Hi Noctuary and welcome to CR!! If that is you in the pic your hot Hot, HOT!! ;)
My fav is I will never have another drink....ever!!

Thank you. Why yes, of course it's me :)

My faves also include:
It doesn't count on the weekend.
And...if it's in another state:p
Namaste Noctuary and welcome!

Well, yeah, I can go, but I'll just have one!

And I believe in Santa, the spirit if Santa lives on!

44% of Americans, I don't know where they are. I'd bet less than 10% of those I know would think that. I couldn't even tell you who that I know would think that...other than mee.

Yeah, I think this had to do with some of the Y2K hysteria.

Spam is Y2K compatible.

oh, and he's not here.

and I won't....