jesus camp


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Camps genetic hatred

I watched over two lengthy documentaries on Al-Jazeera terrible films from jesus camps in America, and I saw how adults planned in the United States and the West to sow hatred in the hearts of mankind innocent children, and how to do zionism and give them hammers to break in the beautiful pottery mugs hysteria bid on them cracking heads enemies of Jesus .. And saw how aggressive and sow hatred in the hearts of their children studied in a scientific and educational organization frightening, and how to pay child to convulsions, violence and hate compassion to do soft pleasing to the Lord Jesus, to satisfy them , empower and protects them from their enemies.

Then suddenly Both heavy sticks and asked them after encouraging to strike in the air to break strongly capital enemies, and suddenly a child says: "When I see a child not a Christian I feel sick and revulsion in bringing sitting next to him.

In the movie I saw how focused on the most constricting children and remained encourging and encourging and encourging, engorged blood in his face until almost passed by the severity of incitement, and everybody cheering and cheering and cheering him, they abet the world, all over the world, and say to them: Jesus calls you,God Jesus ask you, we can work everything in the Bible that the Lord Jesus wants, and then came to a natural size for Bush Jr. and said to them: This is our President, this is our server, the investigator dreams in the world, the mission of Jesus saves from non-Christian enemies God Jesus.

What a terrible words, and Educational frightening .. Those words and behaviours that reputation of innocent children and girls shouting ,and boys screaming and shaking, teachers screaming and shaking and say to them: (You messengers of Christ to change the world, God Jesus asks us, we change the image of the world and make America united under the banner of Christ and the authority of Jesus, our president Compiler for Jesus) .. Then trained to give children a lesson for preaching repeated the same words enthusiastically wondrous, and wire the same way, everyone has item the way preaching and thin and quiet, which was previously performed in the church.
O…. terrible What Will our children do with this generation American bloody blind and fanatical logic?!!, What our children will do our boarding a plane for one of those as enemies of Jesus?!!.. You know why American soldiers had killed, and the torture of Muslims in
Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, and how happy were and dancing to the screaming women, children and men. Education is the real terrorist threats to the world, and this combination is the way to destroy the world the hands of these children who had planted hatred in their genes.

Where was the love that Christ peace be upon him? Where is mercy which jumped God in the hearts of his creatures? Where are advocates of freedom and democracy and tolerance in the world?!!

What I have seen something scary scary scary .. The world is threatened outputs camps Jesus in America and the West, those camps that integrate violence and question in the hearts of generations to move over genes, the delights in torturing each one of them runs in the belief and destroy the world as long as it satisfied the Lord Jesus who gave his life for sin of Adam and Eve mother snake evil.

Sows terror in the hearts of those to be familiar behaviour .. It Educational Inquisition, and the raising of the Zionist prisons, and destroy breeding cow Sea School in the capital of Egypt for children, the destruction of shelter and breeding in Iraq and southern Lebanon, and the killing of Egyptian POWs in 1967 .. Education bloody they are paving the Zionists and Crusaders in the new Latin It coincides with wear for understanding in the world .. Education, which she tries secularists (eye opening) Arabs and Arabs Allibraliyon pave our defeat in front of the output. They plot to create all great and all upright conduct .. It paves the conspiracy which has Ibn Khaldoun Center for Social Studies, and most civic associations funded by our enemies, the Red incitement to religious and national post and chastity, and the strengths of the generations .. It describes the plot by some writers that every Muslim Talabani and Amer and humiliated and terrorist .. All those tilling and preparing the ground in preparation for the home defeat to the generation combination raising now in camps Jesus in America, and you are God Enough evil those who plan to earth and erased from existence, and God helped us to spread mercy and love and honesty, loyalty and good advice wisdom in the hearts of all people, Secretary O Lord, the merciful worlds any mercy.
Camps genetic hatred

I watched over two lengthy documentaries on Al-Jazeera terrible films from jesus camps in America, and I saw how adults planned in the United States and the West to sow hatred in the hearts of mankind innocent children, and how to do zionism and give them hammers to break in the beautiful pottery mugs hysteria bid on them cracking heads enemies of Jesus .. And saw how aggressive and sow hatred in the hearts of their children studied in a scientific and educational organization frightening, and how to pay child to convulsions, violence and hate compassion to do soft pleasing to the Lord Jesus, to satisfy them , empower and protects them from their enemies.

Then suddenly Both heavy sticks and asked them after encouraging to strike in the air to break strongly capital enemies, and suddenly a child says: "When I see a child not a Christian I feel sick and revulsion in bringing sitting next to him.

In the movie I saw how focused on the most constricting children and remained encourging and encourging and encourging, engorged blood in his face until almost passed by the severity of incitement, and everybody cheering and cheering and cheering him, they abet the world, all over the world, and say to them: Jesus calls you,God Jesus ask you, we can work everything in the Bible that the Lord Jesus wants, and then came to a natural size for Bush Jr. and said to them: This is our President, this is our server, the investigator dreams in the world, the mission of Jesus saves from non-Christian enemies God Jesus.

What a terrible words, and Educational frightening .. Those words and behaviours that reputation of innocent children and girls shouting ,and boys screaming and shaking, teachers screaming and shaking and say to them: (You messengers of Christ to change the world, God Jesus asks us, we change the image of the world and make America united under the banner of Christ and the authority of Jesus, our president Compiler for Jesus) .. Then trained to give children a lesson for preaching repeated the same words enthusiastically wondrous, and wire the same way, everyone has item the way preaching and thin and quiet, which was previously performed in the church.
O…. terrible What Will our children do with this generation American bloody blind and fanatical logic?!!, What our children will do our boarding a plane for one of those as enemies of Jesus?!!.. You know why American soldiers had killed, and the torture of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, and how happy were and dancing to the screaming women, children and men. Education is the real terrorist threats to the world, and this combination is the way to destroy the world the hands of these children who had planted hatred in their genes.

Where was the love that Christ peace be upon him? Where is mercy which jumped God in the hearts of his creatures? Where are advocates of freedom and democracy and tolerance in the world?!!

What I have seen something scary scary scary .. The world is threatened outputs camps Jesus in America and the West, those camps that integrate violence and question in the hearts of generations to move over genes, the delights in torturing each one of them runs in the belief and destroy the world as long as it satisfied the Lord Jesus who gave his life for sin of Adam and Eve mother snake evil.

Sows terror in the hearts of those to be familiar behaviour .. It Educational Inquisition, and the raising of the Zionist prisons, and destroy breeding cow Sea School in the capital of Egypt for children, the destruction of shelter and breeding in Iraq and southern Lebanon, and the killing of Egyptian POWs in 1967 .. Education bloody they are paving the Zionists and Crusaders in the new Latin It coincides with wear for understanding in the world .. Education, which she tries secularists (eye opening) Arabs and Arabs Allibraliyon pave our defeat in front of the output. They plot to create all great and all upright conduct .. It paves the conspiracy which has Ibn Khaldoun Center for Social Studies, and most civic associations funded by our enemies, the Red incitement to religious and national post and chastity, and the strengths of the generations .. It describes the plot by some writers that every Muslim Talabani and Amer and humiliated and terrorist .. All those tilling and preparing the ground in preparation for the home defeat to the generation combination raising now in camps Jesus in America, and you are God Enough evil those who plan to earth and erased from existence, and God helped us to spread mercy and love and honesty, loyalty and good advice wisdom in the hearts of all people, Secretary O Lord, the merciful worlds any mercy.
I think you will find that there are extremists in every religious affiliation throughout the world. And of all the people that suffer, children suffer the most...because they do not know what is going on, and they do not know right from wrong.
That does not sound like GOODNEWS it sounds like FALSE RELIGION . and the world is full of it .
Unfortunately, every religion has its crazy extremist people who warp the true meaning of the religion and use it to justify horrible actions. Fortunately, most Christians recognize these people are crazy and do not condone it.
Unfortunately, every religion has its crazy extremist people who warp the true meaning of the religion and use it to justify horrible actions. Fortunately, most Christians recognize these people are crazy and do not condone it.
yes its amazing some of the evil that comes from religious leaders ,
Yes, including those who think they have the absolute clear message...

Sometimes "proclaimed Orthodoxy" isn't quite so orthodox.:eek:

Fundamentalists can be so loud in proclaiming their beliefs that it isn't orthopraxy. Such people don't have "right beliefs" (orthodoxy) with regards to "right action" (orthopraxy) so whatever "orthodoxy" they proclaim and promote, it ceases to be "orthodoxy" because the way they propagate such "orthodoxy" isn't "orthopraxy" and orthodoxy and orthopraxy go hand in hand.

There are "right things to believe" but there are also "right ways of expressing." What you express (orthodoxy) isn't right if you don't express it for the right reasons or at the right times and places (orthopraxy) or to the right people. What you express can't be orthodoxy unless it's expressed with orthopraxy. That's because orthodoxy and orthopraxy aren't mutually exclusive. You must be orthodox about orthopraxy (believe the right things about right action and behaviour).
Sometimes "proclaimed Orthodoxy" isn't quite so orthodox.:eek:

Fundamentalists can be so loud in proclaiming their beliefs that it isn't orthopraxy. Such people don't have "right beliefs" (orthodoxy) with regards to "right action" (orthopraxy) so whatever "orthodoxy" they proclaim and promote, it ceases to be "orthodoxy" because the way they propagate such "orthodoxy" isn't "orthopraxy" and orthodoxy and orthopraxy go hand in hand.

There are "right things to believe" but there are also "right ways of expressing." What you express (orthodoxy) isn't right if you don't express it for the right reasons or at the right times and places (orthopraxy) or to the right people. What you express can't be orthodoxy unless it's expressed with orthopraxy. That's because orthodoxy and orthopraxy aren't mutually exclusive. You must be orthodox about orthopraxy (believe the right things about right action and behaviour).
apples and oranges. Orthodoxy is established through the eons. Stupidity is recent.

But then, you knew that...
last night I watched a programme called "BNP WIVES", and everything you describe was in there too- teaching small children to hate and mistrust ethnic minorities simply because of the colour of their skin or their choice of religion...

savages beget savagery...

I have also seen christians openly shouting in the street that gays will burn in hell...

all the result of small minds desperate to think of themselves as bigger than they are...
Unfortunately, every religion has its crazy extremist people who warp the true meaning of the religion and use it to justify horrible actions. Fortunately, most Christians recognize these people are crazy and do not condone it.

You are very correct.
Every where there is black sheep.
They mainly patronized by big corporate business house or politician.
They are concern about only vested interest.
last night I watched a programme called "BNP WIVES", and everything you describe was in there too- teaching small children to hate and mistrust ethnic minorities simply because of the colour of their skin or their choice of religion...

savages beget savagery...

I have also seen christians openly shouting in the street that gays will burn in hell...

all the result of small minds desperate to think of themselves as bigger than they are...

More likely that those who chant that gays will burn in hell will themselves burn in hell......:eek:

The purpose of Christianity was to liberate and emancipate, not oppress and persecute. These guys are going against the true spirit of the first-century movement. Anyone who oppresses and persecutes is going against Jesus' advocation of social justice. I'm not saying Jesus didn't ask us to be holy, but when he said people should give up material goods to follow him, it was because materialism, narcissism, self-indulgence and the pursuit of wealth was a part of the oppression and persecution of the lower classes.

The warnings of Paul, Peter, James and John against the "false teachers" were not opposition to those who are regarded as "heretics" today, but to those who oppress and persecute in the name of religion. These were the real "false teachers" and "false believers." It is like as you said, it's where people want to think of themselves as bigger than they are. When they chant their slogans they are trying to show off and impress people. That isn't real faith, hence its falseness. Comparing yourself to others to assure yourself that you're better than someone else or at least not the worst is the wrong way to be holy.

It's like a kind of reverse psychology. Holiness isn't achieved by us chanting that we have the authority to decide what God is going to do with whom, making ourselves feel more important or better than those we condemn or order around. That is like the exact reverse of holiness to something evil and unholy.

In much the same way that the materialistic, narcissistic and self-indulgent were oppressing and persecuting people by the extravagant lives they lived, the ultra-fundamentalist religious characters were oppressing and persecuting people by their arrogance.

It may actually be easier (in principle) for God to accept an atheist or gay man into heaven than an ultra-fundamentalist Christian.

With regards to Western lifestyles, well, compare that to Africa. Reckon it'll be easier for God to accept an African who abuses his neighbours than an affluent American who has never hit anyone in his life but spends most of his time sleeping with girls for fun? Who is abusing his privileges? Who gets the easy life? I think it's relative not black and white.

The dynamics between homosexuals and society, and between Christians and society were different to what we have today. Back in the first-century, Christians were outcasts and had very little power. Being gay back then was a privilege. People wouldn't have stopped you, back then, from being gay, let alone Christians. The Christians back then probably wouldn't have been interested anyway. They just wanted to be different to the rest of society. They wanted to get away from the materialism, narcissism, hedonism and self-indulgence. They may have seen homosexuality as just another kind of hedonism.

As time went by, as this group of people grew larger in proportion to the general population, they began to assert themselves more. Since they saw themselves as God's people, they began to feel that they had authority over others in society. A group of people that originally didn't want power in society, and started off us just a bunch of outcasts now held onto it stubbornly with all their might.

The dynamics involving Christians, society and homosexuals now changes. Christians now believe that they "own" society.

I think in this regard, the early Christian attitude to homosexuality is probably being misunderstood by the Christians of today. The early Christian might be compared to some minor religious groups today that (for some reason) pursue an experience where they get rid of all material goods, in pursuit of some kind of holiness. For example, they might abstain from owning or watching television and using computers, playing computer games, buying fast cars, having one-night-stands...and instead riding bikes and walking. Homosexuality might have been one of those "things" that they decided to leave out of their lives because they thought it was "hedonistic" or "narcissistic."

Now imagine if this group of people gained prominence some time in the future. They would ban television and computers. They would say that it's unnatural, that human beings should not have television and computers. (same argument as for homosexuals)

I think most Christians today who see homosexuality as wrong would see homosexuality as a sin by definition by means of it being "the kind of sex that doesn't produce babies." I believe, though, that the real reason why homosexuality was seen as a "corruption" was because Christians saw it as "hedonistic" or "narcissistic" and to distinguish themselves from the ordinary Roman. Or......perhaps they saw it as a part of the hedonism rather than it being hedonism itself. So the Romans had a "do what you will" attitude and the Christians wanted to abstain from this "do what you will" attitude.

I think in becoming such a large group, Christians today have lost sight of the original purpose of the practices employed by and the spirituality and experiences of the early Christians.
I think in becoming such a large group, Christians today have lost sight of the original purpose of the practices employed by and the spirituality and experiences of the early Christians.

I'd say, yes and no. There are a lot of different kinds of Christians, and some are quite blatantly trying to retain that experience (the Amish come to mind, livng apart from the world and dealing with persecution as recently as the mid to late 1900s).

None of us can really grasp the spirituality and experience of the early Christians, because we don't live in the same type of society or lifestyle at all, and we can't recreate it. But I don't think that matters in terms of the spiritual validity of modern Christianity. If it did, the same negating argument would apply to all religions. It's like the people who claim Wicca or modern Druidry have lost sight of the original religions from which these sprung or from which they were inspired.

I like the Druid response- that we are not trying to recreate what was. We are responding to the same spiritual realm and through the inspiration of what was, we are creating a religion for this time and place, here and now.

There is no way for Christians to really ever get back to early Christianity. Much of the records were through oral tradition and there is a lot of scholarly debate about what was written down when, and which books really were early and which were not (those in the Bible and the Apocrypha), and of those that were early which represented Jesus' message accurately and which did not. There was a fair amount of diversity even among early Christians, because of the oral tradition and scattering of people, not to mention the two main branches that happened almost immediately after Jesus' ascension- one practicing the message as a sect of Judaism and the other practicing it as a new religion, open to all people.

Certainly, becoming a majority religion as opposed to a minority one changed how it is has been used by those in power. But most Christians have never been in power. Most Christians are ordinary people and often the oppressed ones by their society, even if they shared the same religion with the elite. Hence, you have the elite persecuting the lower classes throughout history, and often using Christianity to justify it.

This is what Jesus railed against and why the NT says you can know who is really practicing the faith by their attitudes and actions. The spiritual heart of Christianity lives on in the living Christ, but it is up to each person to decide if, in their interior, they wish to follow Jesus. If they do, they will find a religion as authentic as when his disciples were able to sit at His feet. If they don't, they can still assume the label and they will warp and twist the message to gain their own ends. Authenticity, I think, rests in motivation and intent, not historical accuracy.
last night I watched a programme called "BNP WIVES", and everything you describe was in there too- teaching small children to hate and mistrust ethnic minorities simply because of the colour of their skin or their choice of religion...

savages beget savagery...

I have also seen christians openly shouting in the street that gays will burn in hell...

all the result of small minds desperate to think of themselves as bigger than they are...

and no goodnews in sight :(