Buddhism and Christianity

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It is to be regretted because it is the taking of a life.

"The Five Precepts are the basis of Buddhist morality. The first precept is to avoid killing or harming living beings.
Ahimsa often relates to not causing others pain or offense. Suicide could be a way to avoid pain for oneself. Btw, I think our obligations to self and others are quite different.

Certainly mercy killing, euthanasia, or medically assisted suicide would not necessarily violate the precept concerning harmlessness.
Ahimsa often relates to not causing others pain or offense. Suicide could be a way to avoid pain for oneself. Btw, I think our obligations to self and others are quite different.

As a person who has come face to face with suicide, I think suicide may be a way to avoid pain for oneself but it is a selfish action. Why? Because it causes great pain to the people who find the body and the person's family. Suicide, whatever its spiritual effects on the person who commits it, most definitely causes lasting psychological damage to the people close to that person.
As a person who has come face to face with suicide, I think suicide may be a way to avoid pain for oneself but it is a selfish action. Why? Because it causes great pain to the people who find the body and the person's family. Suicide, whatever its spiritual effects on the person who commits it, most definitely causes lasting psychological damage to the people close to that person.
I agree with much of this. In some instances suicide is actually a deliberate attempt to punish or do psychological harm do others.

In the case of medicaly assisted suicide, I would think it's possible for all concerned to process it and plan for it in a way that will minimize harm.
