Does Islam believe in the Virgin Birth?


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Southern Maryland
Does Islam believe in the Virgin Birth Of Jesus?

If so, did Mary contributed half of the genetic makeup in Jesus' DNA? And if that's the case, who's genetic code was the other half? Or even if Allah created Jesus wholly in Mary's womb, without the contribution of Mary's genetic code, who was Jesus' genetic code modeled from?
salam Dondi,

yes, brother, we do believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.

concerning your question about the genetic makeup of Jesus' DNA, i would like to say that the creation of Jesus is like the creation of Adam.....God created Adam without neither a father nor a, what is the genetic makeup of Adam? i think this question is more difficult than yours...but, we believe in the absolute power of God. If He wants Anything, He has only to say"be", and IT "be.......God wanted to create Jesus with just a mother...He said "be", and it"was"........

God bless you
sis, DB
Ofcourse, when God plans to create some thing, he creates it. He doesnt need to model his new creation according to some of his old creations. He usually models creations from previous creations, but he can obviously create with no model at all. Universe, Adam etc are all first creations.
Does Islam believe in the Virgin Birth Of Jesus?

If so, did Mary contributed half of the genetic makeup in Jesus' DNA? And if that's the case, who's genetic code was the other half? Or even if Allah created Jesus wholly in Mary's womb, without the contribution of Mary's genetic code, who was Jesus' genetic code modeled from?

O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allah aught but the truth. The Messiah 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), was (no more than) a Messenger of Allah and His Word, ("Be!" - and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam (Mary) and a spirit (Rûh)[] created by Him; so believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not: "Three (trinity)!" Cease! (it is) better for you. For Allah is (the only) One Ilâh (God), Glory be to Him (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is All­Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs
Surah: Al-Nisa (4) Aayat: 171

I show you this, as I am sure you will ask after Muslims tell you they do believe in the virgin birth why do they not believe he is god or messiah son of god... This is why. :)
hi, bob x,

we, Muslims, dont believe in Darwin and his theory. God tells us in the Quran that he created man in best moulds.

If you believe in Darwin theory, so, why then champanzees havent yet developped into men!?

best wishes
sis, DB
hi, bob x,

we, Muslims, dont believe in Darwin and his theory. God tells us in the Quran that he created man in best moulds.

If you believe in Darwin theory, so, why then champanzees havent yet developped into men!?

best wishes
sis, DB

I side with this, obviously if it is survival of the fittest the weak and inferior die off... There would be no monkeys... And if you look at it that way, do you realise we are only ONE digit off from being a blue bottle fly? In our DNA makeup. Are we descendants of them? Doubtful.
salam Dondi,

yes, brother, we do believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.

concerning your question about the genetic makeup of Jesus' DNA, i would like to say that the creation of Jesus is like the creation of Adam.....God created Adam without neither a father nor a, what is the genetic makeup of Adam? i think this question is more difficult than yours...but, we believe in the absolute power of God. If He wants Anything, He has only to say"be", and IT "be.......God wanted to create Jesus with just a mother...He said "be", and it"was"........

God bless you
sis, DB

So Jesus was a perfect creation of God? Much as Adam was? Does Islam teach that Jesus was without sin?
So Jesus was a perfect creation of God? Much as Adam was? Does Islam teach that Jesus was without sin?

Hey, Dondi

yes, Jesus was a perfect creation from God. Yet, God tells us no one is free from sin. We all make mistakes, but those who strive for God's pleasure rarely make any mistakes. In their strive for God's satsfaction, God guides them to the right path, and they are almost infallible. Look at the following verses:" That was the reasoning about Us, which We gave to Abraham(to use) against his people, We raise whom We will, degree after degree: for thy lord is full of wisdom and knowledge 84 We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all (three) We guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: thus do we reward those who do good: 85 And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the Righteous 86 and Ismail and Elisha. and Jonas, and Lot: and to all We gave favour above the nations"(6: 83-86)

Sorry, Dondi, for citing too long quotation, but I just want to draw your attention that in Islam we respect all prophets, and consider them of high degree to God. they have different miracles, different postions to God....but that do not make any of them better than others in our sight.....we love them all, and they are our models in life....

Concerning the creation of Jesus, God says: "The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam: He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be" and he was.(3:59)"

A. Yusuf Ali, a Muslim scholar, comments on this, saying:"In God's sight Jesus was as dust just as Adam was or humanity is. The greatness of Jesus arose from the divine command "Be": for after that he was-more than dust- a great spiritual leader and teacher.

God bless you,
sis, DB
If you believe in Darwin theory, so, why then champanzees havent yet developped into men!?
Some of them have.
The emergence of a new species does not automatically cause the disappearance of the old. Mutations are rare, after all, so most of the descendants still are similar to the old form. A new species replaces the old if they compete for the same resources and one is better at it than the other. Up until recently humans didn't want the chimps' territory. Now that humans are overrunning chimp territory, it is probable that the chimps will die out, and then we can say that ALL the chimps (all the ones that survive, that is!) have developed into men.
Some of them have.
The emergence of a new species does not automatically cause the disappearance of the old. Mutations are rare, after all, so most of the descendants still are similar to the old form. A new species replaces the old if they compete for the same resources and one is better at it than the other. Up until recently humans didn't want the chimps' territory. Now that humans are overrunning chimp territory, it is probable that the chimps will die out, and then we can say that ALL the chimps (all the ones that survive, that is!) have developed into men.

Hello, bob X

you said some of the champanzees have developed into men. Actually, I m astonished at your belief.

I think you are Jewish, right? So, dont you believe that man is created in best moulds. dont you believe in the following:

"God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying: "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth." God also said: "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant all over the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food; and to all the animals of the land, all the birds of the air, and all the living creatures that crawl on the ground, I give all the green plants for food." And so it happened. God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.... Such is the story of the heavens and the earth at their creation. (Genesis 1:27-31; 2:4) "

this is an extract from the following site:Hebrew Scriptures I

yes, db, but what does that quote actually *mean*? i can certainly tell you that the "genesis" account neither precludes nor contradicts evolutionary theory when properly understood.

i'm quite a lot more traditionally-minded in the theology department than bob is and *i* don't have a problem with the chimpanzee thing (except we probably aren't *descended* from chimpanzees, although we'd both have the same ancestors in part) - but what people fail to understand from these texts is the sheer amount of time that it takes for evolution to occur: billions and billions of years, to us, but no more than the blink of an eye (or six days) to G!D, to Whom all time is One. what it is *not* is six days to *us*.

similarly, from the Qur'anic quote, the phrase "best moulds", whatever the original arabic says, (anyone?) could mean almost anything. the "mould" could be the standard Divine template, as it were, for all bipedal primates with higher brain functions and the "best" could merely mean "most successful and advanced", in that we have developed intellect, reason, morality and spirituality. here you are effectively telling me that the Qur'an does not preclude evolution either!


No, no, no. I have no Jew in me at all as far as I can trace (and I know my family tree rather far back), and in religion I am Buddhist.
I utterly reject the notion of quoting old books as a method of finding "truth".

salam brother bob x,

welcome to Buddhism....Actually, I like the spirituality that Buddhism is characterized by.....

you said you rejected quoting from old books as a way to find,if you mind, can you present me a scientific proof that champanzees have developed into men....I will be too happy to recieve it, brother..

sis, DB
yes, db, but what does that quote actually *mean*? i can certainly tell you that the "genesis" account neither precludes nor contradicts evolutionary theory when properly understood.

i'm quite a lot more traditionally-minded in the theology department than bob is and *i* don't have a problem with the chimpanzee thing (except we probably aren't *descended* from chimpanzees, although we'd both have the same ancestors in part) - but what people fail to understand from these texts is the sheer amount of time that it takes for evolution to occur: billions and billions of years, to us, but no more than the blink of an eye (or six days) to G!D, to Whom all time is One. what it is *not* is six days to *us*.

similarly, from the Qur'anic quote, the phrase "best moulds", whatever the original arabic says, (anyone?) could mean almost anything. the "mould" could be the standard Divine template, as it were, for all bipedal primates with higher brain functions and the "best" could merely mean "most successful and advanced", in that we have developed intellect, reason, morality and spirituality. here you are effectively telling me that the Qur'an does not preclude evolution either!



salam bb,

well, brother...I understand what you mean...but, we all believe that Adam was the first man on earth....Adam's shape was as ours....wasnt he? I believe he was....what do you mean by evolution? why only man that has passed by evolution? why haven't other creatures like animals witnessed evolution? this is really unlogic?!

salam, bb

sis, DB
firstly, db, there is a lot of debate about precisely what shape adam was and, moreover, precisely what he represented. a cursory familiarity with some of the midrashic sources and mystical descriptions of "adam kadmon", the "primordial man", should confirm this. what i mean by evolution is *everything*, from houmous to spandau ballet. no species is exempt. i wasn't saying it was only man that had evolved.


well, bananbrain, I see what you mean. can you explain to me how man and everything have evloved because my knowledge in this matter is too limited.

Thank you, bb

salamo alaykom