
It was a time indeed, where many of man showed bravery....

Could I also add... IT was the -whole- world that stood up to the terror... Sorry that just seems so arogant, if they were one of the only few that stood up, if, that were true, they would still be here today torturing and opressing your people.....
Eventually the whole world stood up. But for many reasons other than speaking out against nazi terror. Its a shame that the US took as long as they did to act. But on the other hand its a shame when they act abit quick.
Don't even get me started on the american "ally" taking their sweet time.... Funny how when money came into the picture, and "trouble" on their own doorstep, then they helped.... May they be blessed....
The general feel of the US at the time was quite isolationist. After the first world war they were not about to get embroiled in another European conflict. The President wanted to move but they couldn't do anything unless the American public supported it.

If you believe the latest documentaries there were papers afloat that the Japanese wanted to expand into American territories in the Pacific. The calculations were made as to how many folks must die to get the public off their apathetic ass and support another war while the first was still in their memories. The pacific fleet was ordered to move to Hawaii. The admiral refused saying we'd be sitting ducks. He was given a choice, and chose to obey. The rest is history.

The conspiracy theorists of today use this story as an example of our willingness to sacrifice lives to rally the troops around the flag, and tie parallels from 12/7 to 9/11.

Of course since we had so many ties to Hitler, be it Kennedy's, Ford, or any other mogul at the time, it took a while for those guys to see they were backing the wrong horse.

Similar to the picture of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam, or our ambassodor telling him that the US had no say in his border disputes with Kuwait. We dangle the carrot.
The Baha'i Faith was also outlawed in Nazi Germany and it's literature confiscated largely because of the internationalist character of the Faith.

Some Baha'is sent to jail and Lidia Zamenhoff the youngest daughter of the founder of Esperanto and a Baha'i of Jewish descent was killed at the Nazi extermination camp at Treblinka some time after the summer of 1942.

- Art
The Baha'i Faith was also outlawed in Nazi Germany and it's literature confiscated largely because of the internationalist character of the Faith.

Some Baha'is sent to jail and Lidia Zamenhoff the youngest daughter of the founder of Esperanto and a Baha'i of Jewish descent was killed at the Nazi extermination camp at Treblinka some time after the summer of 1942.

- Art
yes many suffered at that time .
In Germany under the Nazi regime, Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to heil Hitler, and they maintained neutrality on political and military issues. So the Nazis cruelly persecuted them, incarcerating some 12,000 Witnesses for varying lengths of time in prisons and concentration camps. About 2,000 of them died, hundreds being executed.
yes many suffered at that time. ........... and they maintained neutrality on political and military issues. .

Sometimes maintaining 'neutrality' is not enough. How many joined any resistance or made any effort to help those that did not share their beliefs?

fair dinkum, it seems that the usa is damned if it intervenes and damned itf it doesnt. make up your minds. Im not niave enough to think war isnt about money and power. its easy for us to sit here and critisize the powers that be when a country goes to war. there is obviously more at stake than what us little people will ever know.
And dont even start on the who was worse off during the ww2 campaign. If you werent a Nazi , you were persecuted. that wasthen, this is now.
The Baha'i Faith was also outlawed in Nazi Germany and it's literature confiscated largely because of the internationalist character of the Faith.

That's what I'm saying brow.... What wasn't outlawed in Nazi Germany.... It wasn't discriminate... Everyone was equally treated like crap. I know the world is insane, but it doesn't take long for the people to get a little tired of that kind of attitude, and do something about it.... And any man of what ever colour. faith, creed... If he is a man with a true heart he shall stand for what is right, and what is good. Just, everyone did it in their own way... If we don't stand to help the other faiths, races and nations... it wouldn't be long till they were all picked off one by one and the barrell of that gun is pointed at you, but, there isn't any there to come to your aid...


Sorry, would like to mention, if I am being a bit of an ass on this thread, it's just it got to me the whole idea sounded a bit... Gloryfing one group yet forgetting there were many that suffered.
Sorry, would like to mention, if I am being a bit of an ass on this thread, it's just it got to me the whole idea sounded a bit... Gloryfing one group yet forgetting there were many that suffered.
yes many suffered ,
i think i am correct in saying that hitler made a speech and in that speech he said he would exterminateJehovahs witnesses from off the face of the earth .

how wrong was he . there are many in Germany now .:) and the crowd gets bigger revelation 7;9-10

The immovable neutral position of the Witnesses, along with their loyalty to God’s Kingdom, was unacceptable to the Hitler government. The Nazis did not intend to tolerate any refusal to support their ideology.
oh and mee, dont forget the jews, Im pretty sure old hitler had it in for them as well. They seem to be going along nicely though. good for them as well.
oh and mee, dont forget the jews, Im pretty sure old hitler had it in for them as well. They seem to be going along nicely though. good for them as well.
yes indeed not forgetting them .

i thought it was interesting and food for thought that the witnesses could have got out of the concentration camps just by signing a bit of paper to say that they had denouced Jesus christ .

but they were very faithful and for the most part they refused to do that , so they had a choice to stay or not . but the Jews had no choice. so the witnesses were courageous to do that .