
17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Hey... My name is Alex... And I am kind of new to the site, Young handsome witty English gent..... Anyway, some people may of heard of me under another name... Handle of 17.... Anyway wished to introduce -myself- to you and that's about it, isn't it awesome, that chance to wipe the slate clean? Again... Thanks for having me here! Love and peace to all....


Also thought, I would leave an idea to ponder on and smile about, Man thinks he is so much better than others around him... -You- are no better than ANYONE... But, you are just as freaking special..... I love ya.

Ma salama.
Question: what happened to you? I'm just curious. :) I once had a drug-induced epiphany that led to some major life changes--and further epiphanies that weren't drug-induced. I guess what I'm asking is, did you have a good trip, an a-ha moment while stoned, or is this something else? ;)
Hey, Like I said to Steven, I am not going to stand here and say I said "no" to drugs, cause that would be lying, but not this isn't about that, this is about this.... :D This feeling has been getting bigger and bigger over the past weeks... And it got to a point where I couldn't hold it in any longer... I just want to Love! :D My understandings of some of the Islamic faith set me off.... Then I just started to get tired of what I would call life.... And I saw the film, Into the wild... True story of Christopher John Mcandless... And this guy he was the push that made me move. I have got to the point where, hate, greed, selfishness, envy, pride all of it... It is uselss it is worthless... The world lacks the good stuff brother.... The world, lacks Love.... I just wanna do my bit.
Hey, Like I said to Steven, I am not going to stand here and say I said "no" to drugs, cause that would be lying, but not this isn't about that, this is about this.... :D This feeling has been getting bigger and bigger over the past weeks... And it got to a point where I couldn't hold it in any longer... I just want to Love! :D My understandings of some of the Islamic faith set me off.... Then I just started to get tired of what I would call life.... And I saw the film, Into the wild... True story of Christopher John Mcandless... And this guy he was the push that made me move. I have got to the point where, hate, greed, selfishness, envy, pride all of it... It is uselss it is worthless... The world lacks the good stuff brother.... The world, lacks Love.... I just wanna do my bit.

That's cool. The world is better for your desire to Love, too.

I think you've stated elsewhere that you don't like to read, but I can't help myself from mentioning, on the off chance that you might be interested, Into the Wild is also a book by Jon Krakauer.
I will check that out for certain... I find it amazing how one's experiences can waken up my feelings... So you are right, the world is better off when we choose to Love and wish for other things than we have had... Because it is just a chain reaction from that someone will change the way they look at life... Chris.. And he will effect another (this case me, I am sure many others) But then they go on to change... And someone will see them change and take a leaf from their book and it just goes freaking on and on! We all sync together... lol Loving it!
I will check that out for certain... I find it amazing how one's experiences can waken up my feelings... So you are right, the world is better off when we choose to Love and wish for other things than we have had... Because it is just a chain reaction from that someone will change the way they look at life... Chris.. And he will effect another (this case me, I am sure many others) But then they go on to change... And someone will see them change and take a leaf from their book and it just goes freaking on and on! We all sync together... lol Loving it!

Yeah, it's pretty cool how that works.
Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An angel writing in a book of gold:—
Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the Presence in the room he said
"What writest thou?"—The vision raised its head,
And with a look made of all sweet accord,
Answered "The names of those who love the Lord."
"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"
Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerly still, and said "I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow men."

The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And showed the names whom love of God had blessed,
And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.

James Henry Leigh Hunt
(1784 - 1859)

Pax tecum,

Hi and welcome to CR :)


(and is it goodbye to 17 ?)
Well Hi Alex P,

And to be sure......are you sure you might just not be really 'Joe Black".........
...... one of my all time favourite movies. At any rate honey whatever you do stay as sweet as the location you're in right now. :)

love - c -
Well Hi Alex P,

And to be sure......are you sure you might just not be really 'Joe Black".........
...... one of my all time favourite movies. At any rate honey whatever you do stay as sweet as the location you're in right now. :)

love - c -

Graced as ever to hear the ensightful words of the mighty ciel ;) Good to see you around planning on hanging around for awhile? Always groovy to see you sister.
May I say Ciel, sorry just too excitied today, need a leash and a cold bucket of water... Just so in Love with this idea of Love.I know I will probally bug the goodness out of some people... Most people... to begin with but hey, I'll grow on ya... And hopefully rub off on ya. In the good way of course....
Some where over the rainbow by and by.....
.....You build the love till it rains from heavens above Alex P.:rolleyes:

- c -