Thread ratings...

According to the FAQ page:
How do I rate a thread?

You may find a small menu on thread pages which allows you to 'rate this thread' with a number between 1-5.

Casting a vote for threads you view is entirely optional, but if you think that the thread is superb, you might rate it as a 5-star thread, or if you think that it's unspeakably dismal, you might choose to rate the thread with a single star.

Once enough votes have been cast for the thread rating, you may see a set of stars appear with the title of the thread in the thread listings. These stars reflect the average vote cast, and can allow you to quickly see which threads are worth reading if you are on a very busy forum with a lot of threads.
I think it takes at least two rating votes before the thread rating will show. {Just a guess!}
Yeah, well it was 5 star till YOU contributed. You do the math. :p

Yeah, well it was 5 star till YOU contributed. You do the math. :p


I bet this will be the most-rated (if not highest-rated) thread on the forums.

On a related note, what if I want to go halvsies? Say, two-and-a-half? Not bad but a little under average? Sub-par, as it were? Or five-and-a-half, for that really excellent thread? What about a decimal system, to really express the nuances?

I rate this thread 3.14. Pi.

Who wants pie?

This GUY!!!

I bet this will be the most-rated (if not highest-rated) thread on the forums.

On a related note, what if I want to go halvsies? Say, two-and-a-half? Not bad but a little under average? Sub-par, as it were? Or five-and-a-half, for that really excellent thread? What about a decimal system, to really express the nuances?
Here's your half star:

I rate this thread 3.14. Pi.

Who wants pie?

This GUY!!!

I like it!!

Pie Day!

I wish I knew about it prior, I'd have sent something with the kids for Math Class....a pie for their teacher!

Should it be apple?

Maybe I can send it a day late...

BL8d Pi?

We could have a blast if we had a holiday for every constant.

Constant days...
I think I need to start reading this comic more frequently.