US ship fires on Egyptian boat in Suez Canal


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Sketchy details here
BBC NEWS | Middle East | US vessel 'shoots at Suez boat'

and here:
News | Africa -

"The Suez Canal, which opened in 1869, is Egypt's third-largest source of revenue after tourism and remittances from expatriate workers and currently about 7.5 percent of global trade passes through the waterway.

It is also a key route for the US military to carry weapons, supplies and troops to and from the Gulf, in particular Kuwait and Iraq."
AFP: US, Egypt in dispute over Suez Canal shooting

I don't expect the price of oil to go down any time soon.
"Its crew apparently fired after the boat failed to heed warnings to stop when asked, the US navy said."

Ooooh! That's alright then! :D lol.... Yeah we were busy trying to police the world as usual.. and this unarmed tiny boat wouldn't stop! So it made me cwy! And then I shoots them! I shoots thems alls! bang bang bang....

...Terrible.... Seriously.
Btw, this had nothing to do with that nice Mr. Cheney's recent visit to the ME.
"Its crew apparently fired after the boat failed to heed warnings to stop when asked, the US navy said."

Ooooh! That's alright then! :D lol.... Yeah we were busy trying to police the world as usual.. and this unarmed tiny boat wouldn't stop! So it made me cwy! And then I shoots them! I shoots thems alls! bang bang bang....

Is this the same Alex P that used to go by the moniker 17th Angel, who used to serve in the military at one point not too far past? :confused:

I didn't hear of this yet, I will check out the links and watch for it in the news tonight...all while remembering how the USS Cole was bushwhacked by "a small *seemingly unarmed* boat" that just so happened to be carrying a considerable amount of explosives. Enough explosives to take several sailors lives and cripple a warship...all a few years *before* the current hostilities began.

Hindsight is 20/20, foresight is blind, at least for some ;)
all while remembering how the USS Cole was bushwhacked by "a small *seemingly unarmed* boat" that just so happened to be carrying a considerable amount of explosives.
There was a whole protocol for entering the waters that the Cole was in. The protocol was completely ignored for some reason that day. There is evidently a lot they do prior to 'fire upon'.
When did the Suez canal become a US protectorate?
The Big dog on the block protects anything on its block it cares to protect. Especially the alley behind the restaraunt that brings in the food. Of course the big dog on the block urinates and defecates wherever it wants as well. And barks and chases anything it perceives as a challenge to ownership of the block. And screws anything it wishes to.

I've got to stop the analogies are too easy...
When did the Suez canal become a US protectorate?

Well I think this is precisely the point or the problem. The United States government has established this absurd notion that it owns the world, and can impose its will anywhere. It will go at great lengths to justify its actions, however absurd, seemingly illegal, or disrespective of other countries rights to sovereignity. Within its own borders and its own population of citizens, the US government is also guilty of establishing and justifying institutions and measures that trample all over people's constitutional rights and self-determination. It's an inhumane collosus that is caught up in its own deluded doublespeak, constantly powered by spineless human tools that have succumbed to its own contradictions and stupidity, and may truly believe that they are acting in the best interests of the world. The myth of altruism pervades the United States so deeply that the government can literally destory lives and nations, then report with a serious face, "We are a peace-loving, freedom-loving people."

Go figure.