Has anybody seen

Get well soon, flow! :)

I hope you'll be back in time for our 5,000th member party. {It looks like we might be taking over the Old Farts' Corral for the 1960's theme party...}
*Walks in with a pink, yellow, purple and green flower patten 'Austin Powers' tux on hair do and side burns to boot... Some nice lime green leather potinted toe boots too.*

"ALLLLLLLL RIGHT!!! See you there Flow!"

Past couple of days I have considered starting this thread too. Miss you Flow and look forward to you return so get well!!

I think he may have gassed himself but he has been in touch. YAY!

you can be so immature sometimes. anyway it's natural. :)

keep lurking flow and re-surface if you want.

as salaam aleykum wr wb

Flow my friend, I am so sorry to hear you have been sick. I have been away for a while and come back to worrying news. If you get a minute please pop in and let us know you are ok. Miss you so much.

Been waiting, waiting for a message........
You see we all miss you, oh most valid human being, and 17th who became Alex P, who I will always hold responsible for the disintegration of your Avatar {even though you liked it at the time} well that man gone too. Alex you out there? Are you guys both off hitting the Disney of Vegas? We care and really need to know you are okay............. Or if you are not, whatever it is.......

love - c -
I have been sending flow a pm nearly every week (just to keep intouch) I havent heard from him , yet but i am anxious as you all are to hear from him. Everyone, when you read this .... think............ get well Flow........ send him a pm, maybe he will respond.
ps, Alex is around, (lurking) LOL.
Yo Flow, listen!

Can you hear me sending the good vibes your way?

Get well and come back to us soon, you are missed!
She was last in about a month ago but I remember her saying she pops in a lot but doesn't post much. So no doubt, Luna, you'l let us all know you are doing ok pretty soon :)
