

from far far away
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i asked myself a simple question, what do i like most roast dinner or thai green curry, the only conclusion i could come to was that they are both equally great. however i don’t think i would like them mixed, they are both fine as they are. why isn’t religion like this...

for years i have been trying to find a universal truth, i ask myself; would it be so bad if you had say, Islamic imams as bishops or what have you within the Christian church, and Christians in Buddhism or Taoists in Hinduism.

once we go down that path in the end there would be a mix of everything in everything, it would essentially be like putting ideas religions and cultures in a blender. if we done this with food all we would end up with is soup!

worse than this universalism itself becomes a religion to the detriment of all others, in the end it is all that remains! i have done a massive u-turn and i now agree with people when they say that universalism just takes everything else away replacing it with a bland and meaningless ideology. further than this we can say that by being fully universal we end up being specific which is in contradiction with the original intent.

i feel that after a long journey i have come to a rather obvious truth; i like roast because it is roast and thai green curry because it just that. we may learn form each other then add and take ingredients away, yet there comes a point when it becomes something else entirely.

the message is thence; be what you are, but don’t put orange juice in my curry for it will taste like vomit!

isnt this why religion is comparative after all, in truth we are here to question
for sure, but what use is that if it is not to take each and every one of us nearer to our own truths! we need the contrasts without them we are all nothing. :)

In some respects don't many of the current traditions have a soup quality?

Or have they been enhanced by some other spices?


Each and all with their own branches.

Hinduism-Buddhism and Sikhism

There is one line of thought indicating that they all stem from the same source yet due to man's interpretation of what was received and the writers interpretation of what the stories meant and societal influences they all came out of the wash a different color.

I believe spirit continues to try to get us to get it, as we all learn and grow differently, some being visual, others aural, other kinesthetic, etc. it benefits us to have choices to find our way to source, as the one worked for our parents just may not work for us.

And as we sample the buffet we find what resonates, what we keep tending to go back to, and which has some flavor that also appeals hence the jubu or kristna individual may not be a soup, but simply one that doesn't get everything they need from roast every night and finds some enjoyment in that curry as well.
wil, i agree, we all take from each other and that is great. often we form a stew in our search, but in the end as you say, we all find our own truths. this individuality i feel is also expressed in religions as an entity.

i have had persian curry with honey [dansak] its one of my favourites. arew you going to tell me they add orange juice! :p
wil, i agree, we all take from each other and that is great. often we form a stew in our search, but in the end as you say, we all find our own truths. this individuality i feel is also expressed in religions as an entity.
What if due to the interpretations, due human misunderstandings of what was divinely given, no tradition provides the whole story? What if the last steps are left for us to discover the path on our own? ie either we are still awaiting the final chapter (don't everyone get excited, not the end is near, but another revelation) or it is as designed upto us, tis part of the equation.
You should taste some of the stuff that comes out of my kitchen.
I put green chilies and cinnamon in my brownies, and balsamic vinegar on my strawberries. :p
You should taste some of the stuff that comes out of my kitchen.
I put green chilies and cinnamon in my brownies, and balsamic vinegar on my strawberries. :p
ya know I'm gonna take you up on this...quote=_Z_;145096]interesting point ~ so the resultant soup is our own revelation that ultimately will surpass the rest?[/quote]could be, but more than likely it'll allow you a comfort in knowing something that words fail to express. So you may pass the exam, but still not be able to show others your work, as that is their work. And even if you could, could be their work is different?
i could go for the cinnamon brownies, but hmm with chilies! what is it with mad americans all this chillie and chocolate :D

emksplatnalfburger what! ah so its like we learn truths thinking that all the others are learning the same ones, or that they are different truths, then in the end we all learn that those truths were either the same or different, but we wont know until that time has come.

my, i think i’ll poor a glass of :p
Exactly some things can’t be grocked by reading the manual, personal experience is required.

hence truth is individual.

does this mean that there can never come a time of universal revelation, or that it cannot be known until it is experienced/arrives [if].
hence truth is individual.

does this mean that there can never come a time of universal revelation, or that it cannot be known until it is experienced/arrives [if].
I don't know, can you learn how to ride a bike or bake a cake, or program a computer by reading the book?? Oh maybe you can think you know, but will you ever know until you experience it? And will practice in anything improve your abilities in same over time?
Personally I don't think we can conclude that there will never be a universal revelation based on the available data, but at the same time, given the subjective way in which we come to know the world, such an event seems unlikely to me.

At the same time, given the diversity of religion, the variety of experiences and worldviews, I'm not sure some sort of universal revelation would mean a cessation of personal truth. It might simply mean that, in addition to the variety of ways that we understand reality, there would be a few more things that we'd all tend to agree about.

well i agree that the actual learning is internal, external sources like books etc simply bring the mind to a given thing. hence if all minds are brought to the given! tis possible under the right circumstances but you would need iether a universal/worldwide event to bring it to mind or for us all to ‘arrive there’ - so to say. if anything i would suspect the latter.

given the subjective way in which we come to know the world, such an event seems unlikely to me.

i am not so sure, we are considering the idea as coming from without, what it is comes from within? what i mean is that if we were to say; ‘to find the truth of oneself is to find the truth of the world [in the greater context]’ and that to find the self is to find infinity, it follows in my mind that infinity is the one and the whole at the base of all things and hence a single word from it would speak to all - so to say.

It might simply mean that, in addition to the variety of ways that we understand reality, there would be a few more things that we’d all tend to agree about.

...and if we continue that line of thought!?

I don't really agree that to find oneself is to find the truth of the world. I would say maybe that to find oneself is to find a deeper personal truth.

I don't think we can continue with that line of thought. I think subjectivity serves as a sort of stop-gag to prevent some sort of all-inclusive realization. Even a mass revelation might still be subjective.

I don't really agree that to find oneself is to find the truth of the world. I would say maybe that to find oneself is to find a deeper personal truth.

I don't think we can continue with that line of thought. I think subjectivity serves as a sort of stop-gag to prevent some sort of all-inclusive realization. Even a mass revelation might still be subjective.
I was just lookin within (ala daffy duck style, just bend your neck around go reverse it on itself) and when you look out from within you see within from without.

As we all came in on different storks, could it be that each journey doesn't pertain with the other? ie when you use the coin sorter there is a reason they all just don't go in the same slot, tis the purpose of the sorter, Doh!!

Every person I encounter is nudging me toward my perfect journey, for this I must be grateful!:eek:

I don't understand how that relates to what I said.

I don’t really agree that to find oneself is to find the truth of the world. I would say maybe that to find oneself is to find a deeper personal truth.

i agree, but maybe both? ...well on one level; as we look deeper into ourselves we look deeper into things, meaning etc. on another i think the innermost self is the ultimate reality or infinity [its not a ‘self’ of course].

I don’t think we can continue with that line of thought. I think subjectivity serves as a sort of stop-gag to prevent some sort of all-inclusive realization. Even a mass revelation might still be subjective.

it would be subjective once perceived i.e. once it has arrived, the subjective comes after the original aspect. we get info either from the outer or inner then it is considered and hence subjective. i hate all that empirical nonsense :p

I was just lookin within (ala daffy duck style, just bend your neck around go reverse it on itself) and when you look out from within you see within from without.
have you had one more glass than I :D
i do get the point though that inner becomes outer and vice versa.

As we all came in on different storks, could it be that each journey doesn’t pertain with the other?

good point! not if you tie them up with an infinite knot, in other words all the different storks and journeys are like a circle ~ or spaghetti junction kinda.
i kinda prefer your perspective though, the problem with revelation would be its 'end-game'. what happens next, what happens next, what happens next X infinity.